— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №158917
I remembered: we bought a ceramic tile for the country in the spring at 2.5k / m2. In 2 weeks we go to the store, I see this tile already at 1.5k / m2. It is unfortunate, softly speaking.

Carrying back from the farm to the store a couple hundred kilos I did not smile at all. So I am:

1. bought this tile again;

2. took everything on the cart from the warehouse of issue - immediately to the department of return of goods;

Three I paid back on the first check.

The result: almost 23k savings

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №158916
Even when you vote for others, vote for yourself.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №158915
Once in a restaurant, when the waitress was making meals from the bench to the table, I noticed that the bench threateningly leaned and, assessing the risk of pouring tomato juice on my white pants at 99% on the Richter scale, suddenly turned back. My forecast came true – half a glass of juice splashed out where I was just sitting. I liked the waitress’s reaction.
You must be the first person who managed to turn away when I spilled something.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №158914
– Rabinovich, do you have a thousand before your salary?
And so yes! Thank you for worrying so much about me!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №158913
The forces are no longer. I’m still enthusiastic, but I’m already working with a screw.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №158912
In Tajikistan, students were voluntarily forced to collect cotton (well, as in Russia - for potatoes). Per this practice still exists today. Cleaning work took place from September to November. Nights in the cold barracks in the bedrooms, messy dirt, fights, drunkenness, secret smoking of anash and songs under the guitar at the fires in the cold starry nights. A romance from which everyone cracked as he could, because everyone came sick, broken, unwashed and frustrated.
Student units came to the disposal of the collective brigadier, conditions and attitude, gently speaking, left much to be desired. In addition, in spite of the "intelligence of the public", how the universities (pfff, this little changed) flourished the most real grandfatherhood and landscape: the primates worked for everyone, a mighty bunch of students from the bear corners of the republic scratched the city and pressed things, in short, such a Soviet-post-Soviet noir with an Asian colour.
As a graduate with the highest score in the local "Tajikistan MGIMO" - Munosabathoy байнаkhalki (which in translation from farsi means "international relations") from the first-class cotton campaign, I safely cut off, engaged in painting the local library and sorting books, where, by the way, I first met Kant and Ilhin.
But in the second course, my friends and I decided to go through these thorns, attracted by the questionable romance described above, the overwhelming stories of the elderly, the opportunity to deceive the wild-growing gangbang and the puberty desire to strike for classmates away from their harsh fathers and brothers. For a small bribe we were placed in the first stream, from mid-September to mid-October, in the warm, almost summer time. And we went.
Casus, and the fun, was with excess, there was a fight, as without it, but there was also a straight story. Second-graduates were something like army "cheppers", the bullying in their direction was less, and internationalists were not touched in any way and even privilegedly led to the collegiate bath twice a week, rather than one (here is a place to joke about the broken soap).
Heavily bullied first-time students and especially two friends, in one of whom I met a neighbor from the micro-district - the son of a local mule. For what? There was a rumor that the two were gay. In their free time they go somewhere alone.
Someone even followed them once and said, indeed, they were sitting somewhere in the oak and something there "lovingly whirled."
The grass reached the beating. The second boy came and was taken by the parents, and the son of the mulla was assigned to us in the building, away from the savages. But nothing ended: he will go out into the field - he and whisper, and scream, and in the dining dish given, said, "always go with her, my own," or the others do not want to get your dishes after you accidentally. And he is, what is remarkable, zero emotions. Absolutely such stoicism.
And the most interesting thing: this rumor about his alleged homosexuality, we somehow accepted. Yes, yes, this guy is like that. Only the savages will poison him, and we will not. Well, how will we not... No-no, someone will make some non-obligatory reprisal (there is a place to joke about the broken soap) But we have repeatedly publicly advocated it. So there was not only a masculine toxic on our part (such words we did not know then), but also support.
And already at the end of the works someone at dinner guessed to ask: is this really all in general and the second in particular? He only shrugged his shoulders. A mysterious man. But she is a great smart woman, and she reads in Arabic, and speaks English, and Russian, as in her native. Every morning: charging and brushing the teeth to the column, even when it is cold, and the column is in the yard. Sometimes we were lazy, and he never.
He also played chess. And I just brought a board with me, but I didn’t dignify anyone. And we started championships with him in the evenings. So we joined. We talk about different topics, we joke, we talk. But the topic of gender is not touched, I carefully bypass it, because the guy is good, and what is there and how - his business, endured all kinds of wilds.
We went home in the same bus, we were neighbors and now friends. And there, word for word, I don't remember already, in terms of what, I still licked something like:... you, these, well, who you are there, everything is apparently different, I don't care about this, but here my relationship with ladies is built about this way...
And then he starts laughing: “No, I’m not gay.” I am an ordinary boy, I even have a bride. Did you believe these rumors all the time? Well, I tell you that not. And if suddenly you are one of those and I disappointed you, then forgive me.
What did you do with that guy then? The Qur’an teaches. He expressed the desire to take faith seriously, I helped. (Here is an important note, for a Muslim very important, if thanks to him someone in the faith has been fulfilled, it is a great good and believers do not miss the chance to be missionaries, I have met this many times.)
You, of course, apologize, I say, but you have never publicly denied it, even when you were asked a direct question. And these humiliations that happened, as you ate out of the dish of this individual, all these clashes... you just ignored it all, it was enough for you to explain everything to everyone once and there would not be that all. And your reason for your standards was very respectful and noble, everyone would understand it.
And the seventh-year-old son of a Tajik Mullah said to me (I emphasize every word) (this is almost a direct quote):
I don’t think they are in principle right. That is, if I were to justify myself before them, I would think that a Muslim, or a Tajik, or a man cannot be humiliated, but a Hezbollah, or there, a woman, or someone else - can be. I think no one can be humiliated. And if I left my position and explained something to them, it would be that I betrayed myself.
As if, if I were what you think, it’s okay, but I’m not, so don’t beat.
They did not deserve, besides, that I should justify myself before them in anything. They first judged, then did, and then asked. Their answer did not interest me. They just like to humiliate. Their own. The Russians. The strangers. The weak ones. The Others. any of them. I speak and explain equally. I will be the first to say what I need, if I see dignity. He was not there.
Then I saw Man, friends, great in the very human sense of the word. It was the most progressive and wise at the same time I’ve heard in two years in the universe. Everything he said, I seemed to have "known the soul" always and when he said it, I seemed to have seen... I don't know how to express... some relative being in the highest sense, not a compatriot, not a blood relative, not a monotheist (although this is already closer), but... a brother of the spirit, no matter how pathetic it sounds.
I saw the Unbreakable Man, a man with the idea that he had carried it through trials and as if he had not noticed how cool he was.
Such stories that I have been fortunate to see are my walls and banners, I am protected and inspired by them, I am built out of them and I climb up the memory I have of them, like a ladder. It was the best that my new friend could give me and he did it. It cost him nothing. But he has given me what I will give to others all my life: an example of wisdom, dignity and courage.
We live in evil times, but in dark times the people of light shine brighter. I see a lot of such people today. My walls are strengthened. My flags roar in the wind of freedom.
Like many of my friends at the time, the hero of this story is not alive. However, he lived in the best of the worlds in which he kept his treasures: worthy words and deeds. His name is Rashid. Please think about him well. He will hear.

Vallar Morgulis

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №158911
Don’t use marijuana, legalize free medicine!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №158910
I asked my 3-year-old son what he wanted to be when he grew up. I thought the answer would be banal: firefighter, cop or military. But no, he wants to become electric and beat everybody.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №158909
The son plays on the synthesizer, and instead of a notebook he has a tablet with a loaded partition page on the pipette. A man enters the room and cries pathetically:

Hi the future! One electronic device reproduces the algorithm recorded in it on another electronic device, using a biological object.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158908
In the 8th or 9th grade, my friend and I had a dumb tradition (where I came from, I don’t remember): when we see a boy from a parallel class, we shout: Menchakov (his surname), we try to jump and overthrow him. And we must say, at this age we were already fully formed girls, and he was small and sensitive, but these fun Menjashakov liked even more than us. One winter evening, we go with a friend from school, see Meshakov, catch up, with the usual screams we fall into the snow and see the completely blurred look of the unknown guy. The man just walked and didn’t touch anyone, and two mature girls stumbled on him and praised him. It was extremely uncomfortable, he quietly stood up and walked a quick step away from us.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №158907
There was a student case. I gave some arch-complex colloquium on Matan (for me, in general, everything related to it was arch-complex), while preparing for the answer, biting out the whole pen. He got "good" and flew home just on the wings of happiness. Well, here I am all so positive in the route. And, apparently, a good mood was so key to me that even those around me noticed. The girls looked at me, smiling. But with one sweetheart they sat down and looked at it especially long. I just turn around and see with my side eye that he is looking at me. I turn to her, and she looks away and smiles so mysteriously.

I thought there was a spark between us. I was already going to shoot, shoot numbers, tell me that I have a fourth in the matan. Well, to make an impression, but I never decided. She went out earlier.

“That’s how people feel the subtle energy,” I thought. "We need to behave as confidently more often than we do today." And then I came home and saw that I had, it turns out, only half a fucking blue ink. Prepod, infection, also said nothing

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158906
At the end of the 1990s, he worked in a taxi service. And we had a "stable" there - for me, it was just a pipe that was allergenic. As he didn't sit in the car with me, I started to squeeze from coughing. And from all the service only I had such a reaction to her.

They hated each other. I repeatedly heard her asking the controller not to send this tuberculosis to her and he constantly refused to go to this syphosis.

I took a taxi yesterday through the in-driver. I approached the address, the passenger sat down, and I didn't even look at who was there and what - greeted and went. He almost immediately began to cough. Just like an attack. And the voice:

Oh hello to you! I did not recognize you immediately!

I go back and look at her. We have not seen each other for 20 years. Pleased each other. All the way he coughed and rejoiced, coughed and rejoiced.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №158905
Xxx: I also don’t like the noise, the jerk in vain, the whisper, the noise. I am an introvert, I love being at home, I love my home, it is dear to me, it is good and comfortable. It always seemed that people who disappear everywhere are those who don’t like their home, they don’t like it. I love movies, games and books. I love to come up with something and merge, play at home on electronic drums and guitar. I like to go into the electronics and sleep. Especially to sleep. This is without exaggeration. I do not like guests. It is very difficult when acquaintances come, and there are no common interesting topics, I have to pretend that I am interested in their topics, this is a titanic work, but it is necessary, because of this. I don’t want people to think badly about me. I like to be, but so that in the memory of others about me there are only positive moments in the surroundings. I do not like to cause inconvenience to anyone. (Yes, in drums and guitar only in headphones) At the public on their own will only if there is a close topic or just curiosity. It’s amazing how different they are, even though all people seem to have grown out of the same cave.

YYY: I understand you very well. I’t come to visit you or invite you.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №158904
If God did not give a woman patience, then he expected that she would somehow become hysterical.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158903
Change of Generations

We sit in the house and rest. My wife is sleeping, my kids are with me. At the box some militant, and the hero shoots the clock with a knife.

Here, the elderly 16-year-old suddenly says, “Do you know how to throw knives?”
I : of course. As a child, I played with knives.
In the sense of childhood?! to
I: Well, there was such a fun before. When I was 6-7 years old, I started playing socks in the yard. In the territory or ships.
She: at 6 years old? Are you scratching again?! to
I: Yes, if you want to, let me learn.
We go out into the yard, I learn how to properly hold, how to approximately calculate the distance... I draw a circle. We start playing.

She after half an hour: "I still don't believe that before at 6 years old in knives played, children with knives walked..."

The woman goes out on the doorstep: “Oh, you’re playing with knives? I want to be with you! She hasn’t played since childhood!”—the daughter’s eyes are rounded, and the wife continues: “You don’t fix the brush, so Dad wins. I will teach you the right way!”
No scene

by Chupakabra981

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №158902
A wife of soul:
and dear! I forgot the towel.
Man (without breaking away from the monitor):
Remember to...

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158901
I was divorced a long time ago. There were scandals, clarifications of who was to blame, flights of chairs on me, me on the floor, on my side of objects. There were bouquets of roses in my face when I refused to tolerate.

In one of his flights, the chair hit the heater standing next to me, leaving an impressive blur there.

The divorce took place, my son and I marked it with ice cream and swimming in the fountain and began to get used to the usual normal life. My son went to kindergarten, I went to work, we got well.

At the beginning of the year, I was asked about divorce. I was very upset, but I told you something. Including a chair and a heater. In response, my boss told her story, very similar, in which the chair flew into a luster.

And then, thinking, she added, "There was something that I doubted whether it was worth divorcing. After divorce, she sometimes regretted. And you know what helped me stay with my opinion? I got a luster that I never removed. The broken luster, which should have been my head instead.

Twelve years have passed since my divorce. There were many things, there were doubts and regrets. But I still keep that old terrible heater with a deep inhalation.

And you know, it helps.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №158900
Xxx: No doctor will tell a patient at the examination.

Yyy : Why? My gynecologist told me that I have a lovely whisper 😂

Xxx: Brother, such loud statements and without a photo, in a decent society to do is not accepted. So let’s, so to speak, provide evidence. At the same time, local specialists will check if it is not swollen, or how)

Yyy: I won’t buy it anymore!!! to

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №158899
Do not disappoint! After all, you just need to want one wish you will have more.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158898
About the rescue on the waters 3 (there was a joke if anything).
Run away, run away...
Or about unusual methods to high sporting results.
In my childhood I was often sick. Once 10 walked in the hospital with pneumonia and, as the doctors said, "the rich man will not grow up." Luckily, however, there was a clever doctor who advised me to go to some sport with aerobic loads. So I got into the light athletics section. At the time, anyone was taken there, the main condition was the absence of bad grades in school. I did not show any special talents there, I didn’t run fast, I didn’t jump far, so I was appointed a steward. The specialty was obliged to wave a billion circles through the stadium three times a week. Over time, I even learned to sleep on the run. By the way, running is the most convenient under a dull speech-distracts and less tired. My favourites were Winnie Pooh and Yellow Submarine.
After six months, I became a completely healthy boy, good sporting results began to appear. Six years later at 16, I got my first adult discharge and progress ended. The coach explained it by the fact that I reached my plateau. The KMS was 35-40 seconds at 5 km. He asked to run until the end of school, he had some accounts there. This has stopped...
For the New Year, the school organized a cool disco for us, not as usual in the gym, but rented from the heads of the DC. A joint event was planned for three neighboring schools. I wasn’t a fan of such activities, but I got caught up in such a megacity. I’m dancing with a girl and suddenly I see my friend beaten by three bats. He is a big guy, under 90 kg, and these are half heads lower and quite dead. Nevertheless, he does not resist them. As he approached them, he also had time to pour a glass of soda on his head. The OFP in our section was at a high level, and everyone was able to fight at the time. One immediately cut off, the second caught behind the neck and pressed to the floor, the third escaped. It seems to be a pure victory, but a friend is not happy and with the claim: "Why used, I could figure it out myself, now you Vova pi....".
What he meant I understood after the disco, when we were met on the street by a man of ten, many with armor in their hands. As it turns out, I "stumbled" on the beloved eight-born brother of the local Spanish leader. As a "serious" person, he can't forgive such a thing, his mother-in-law with a folder and his brother-in-law will cease to respect.
Shortly, I was "featured" very well, and the friend of shit left. They let him go, as if he was the right guy, not what I was.
I was very offended. Therefore, when they finished with me and went to smoke, he quietly got up, approached the headquarters from behind and gave his strong athletic leg a very delicious penny. Then he turned on his maximum speed and ran home. The pursuit was swift, where they would pursue me.
In the morning, my sister smashed my broken womb with some makeup and I went to school.
The class was very anxious, everyone was aware of what had happened and guessed what would happen next. Those who know everything told me the unhappy news that I humiliated a “very cool man” who has 100,500 frostbite and I have cranes. Those who know everything in general said that behind the frostbite is an even more "cool figure" - some authority of the Slippery or the Slippery, and maybe the Purulent. The former friend did not look in the eyes and tried not to light up. I’t beat him (I would be). It was immediately apparent that each classmate represented himself. I have to pay tribute to the guys, most have offered to help if needed. 12 people against 100500 did not stand and I refused. School and family, and especially the militia in our time to interfere in their problems was considered a "blunder", although then this word was not used.
My lifestyle has changed in a coordinated way. I used to go on training, now every day. They guarded me every day and in different places. My run was continuous, where before me was Forrest Gump. The only place where I felt peaceful was school. There on the guard was constantly the cleaning lady of Aunt Tasya with a wet cloth and the entrance to the friends was securely closed. I think if aunt Tase had to defend the Fermopolitan Pass, she would have done better than the Greeks.
In a couple of weeks, I got used to my position and started to look. What I was doing now is called trolling. For example: having the full opportunity to get rid of the persecution, did not do this, but kept a short distance. What exhausted the opponents to complete depletion and moral degradation. The cries and curses delighted me as a child with a new toy. A few times there were fools who ran faster than the others. They carelessly broke away from the peloton and got into the "bubble" after I sharply stopped and we turned out to be one-on-one.
All this bodyguard stretched to the May holidays, how they were not lazy I do not understand.
I had no options, and they?
It all ended in one day and immediately. What happened I do not know now. Those who know everything in general said that the "most important" Shiny or One-Eye, or maybe Sharp or Broken and the company, "settled" on the article, like diletants. I was used to being constantly vigilant and it no longer bothered me. Nevertheless, the habit of moving rush did not last long.
Four months of running did not go without a trace. At the end of May, I went to KMS. The coach was happy, began to be proud of his method and believed in himself.
Every investigation has a reason. The consequences of those days I felt a year later with a little when I entered the institute. The necessary scores at the exams I collected, but when enrolled it turned out that Rabfak needed additional seats on the day faculty and, part of those who passed the exams on the scores in front of them, on the full-time do not fall. I was among them, and in autumn I was 18, and I was definitely going to the army. This is where the sports qualification is needed. Gender ratio is 70/30 in favor of women. I was asked: you are ready to defend the honor of the institute in sports battles. Yes, I answered, and I was counted. And then, by the wicked irony of fate, I kept running for four more years.
P.S Funny, but it turns out that I am who I am, thanks, among other things, to the frozen spinach.
N.B The statements of the Gopnik have been translated by me into a language understandable to the reader, as far as I can of course.
The events took place from late December 1981 to May 1982.
by Vladimir.
Written and sent on 27.10.2022 at 17.00. of Yekaterinburg.
Someone clever managed to attribute and publish in his own name.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna