— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №104794
From the radio exchange of rescue services, just:

- Arrived at the site, no one is drowning, a man in a water costume with a metal detector.
With what?
With a metal detector. He is looking for adventures in his ass.
It is not possible to swim there! Take it out and put it on the shore.
Then he will dive back.
Let it sink only after you leave.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №104793
From my conversation with the company’s chief engineer:
Your network is missing because of the fact that Wi-Fi often falls off.
Is it falling? It can shake him with something.
The chief technician added:
- So let's take the support at Borisovich's warehouse. There is a lot of excess.
This was the first time I didn’t even know what to answer 😉

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104792
The main character is a schoolgirl. He lives with his mother and a cat (which then turned out to be not quite a cat and fell by the death of the brave during the film). There is also a teacher who once had a beloved wife. A girl in the forest meets a boy from another world (previously he saves her from a monster from his world) and falls in love with him. Then the boy dies. Then, the girl and her teacher go to another world where the teacher tries to resurrect his wife.
Thank you to all who can help.
— — —
"Hunters of forgotten voices")

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104791
My wife is 8 months pregnant. He stands in front of the mirror and cries about the misfortunes of all pregnant women - hair falls out, teeth crumble.
To whom am I similar? No hair, no teeth.
I am a mechanical voice – no vegetation, no minerals, populated by robots.
While trying to get rid of her, she almost gave birth.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №104790
any Soviet missile engine is adapted to fly to America, not from it.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №104789
sable-fuzzy: Someday she catched a three-year-old saint and an older girl on a mini-carousel with a muscular traction, and in the process they had secular conversations:

Is it your mother?
No, it is Nastia, the Cross.

A girl, with a complacent expression of an elderly lovelace, tired of the abundance of female charm around:

A beautiful woman.

I dropped the car and hysterically struck.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104788
From the chat totalizator:
— — —
et:.typo sick.home.. decided to go yesterday to volleyball... so in the morning calls... on all news portals my photo))))
Mr. Goebbels was sitting next to me.)
They burned me and they burned me.)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №104787
from ZH:
Well, write what predictions on the rate of the ruble for May 2015. Let’s see who you are the best trader/economist/financer
XXX is 57
YYY: 500 let it be
ZZZ: by May for the ruble will be given in the mouth

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №104786
here here :

xxx: I was looking for a shirt on the internet, now contextual advertising persistently offers me "oral sex training" and "minet courses"
HHH: I don’t understand what – but just for the money the shirt no longer...? O_O
And I bought a car (about 1 million in value), compared dealers, after this, mixed with offers to buy a car (which is logical), also began to send "training of oral sex"... So they also, apparently, think that to earn nothing =)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №104785
Oh, this is the location "z" and "x" on the keyboard. Someone "Orehovo-*uevo" does, and I have "Police specialists" coming out periodically.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №104784
The English historian Arnold
Toynbee wrote about it.
In any retardation
The society that needs
Resisting the Stronger
In military and economic
with the enemy,
There are two currents:
"Irodianship" - Rescue for
Copying institutions
Happy neighbors and
"Zeloticism" – calling for
Deaf isolation
Preservation of traditional
The arrangement. According to Toynbee,
No other flow can.
To lead society to success.
Both are deprived.
A genuine creative beginning.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №104783
xx: And if I put out my photo, can someone captivate me?
Yy: Maximum can only tap on your photo, don't be afraid)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104782
Yesterday I slept with a girl for the first time. Overall, it is cool, but! It was under the fly, the hour passed, and it was not "finished" the process. Dear colleagues, attention to the question! Am I a virgin or not?
You are Schrödinger’s cat!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104781
Wikipedia for Dwarf Fortress:

Some players prefer to create control rooms, locking there one or a couple of dwarfs, which ensures immediate execution of the task. For example, in such a room you can concentrate leverages that lock all doors into the fortress and supply food and beverages for the operator. Nothing has changed since then with Siss. The admins do the same.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №104780
These puddles will return to their repaired in 2 months!!!, endless, daily, grinding, grinding, grinding and work perforator, apartment, over me.
and I dissolve - fresh, crisp and shiny, all in poppy polyethylene.
The Hammer.

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №104779
The rights of the Russian people are not only enshrined in the Constitution, but also banned.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №104778
One comment about Assange, WikiLeaks:

to warm up!! In "Wikileaks" came out my real estimates on geometry for fifth grade. Mother will know – she will kill!!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №104777
I think the best invention of zewa would not have been a washable cloth, but a cloth with which you could twist a little more paper.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №104776
You know, go out with your kids! Full of forums where you can discuss that your kids are the smartest and others are stupid. I am tired, no one is interested.

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №104775
Probably any relationship, even the strongest, sooner or later gives a crack. So was it in our project. Our team faced a serious test. In our office there were only three sockets where the participants of the project could connect their laptops. When there were more than three participants, the situation became complicated. We couldn’t charge our devices at the same time. At first, some tried to work from the battery. Very quickly it became clear that the battery charge of a regular laptop is not enough for a day of active work. The situation began to heal. The threat of failure of the project became real, investors one after another refused to fund us. Fortunately, we reviewed the decision in the neighboring department. This is a trio.
This device connects to a regular socket and works at any network voltage. Thanks to the thoughtful design, the voltage at each of the outputs is exactly the same as the voltage at the input. The elegant body of a complex shape in a black color solution is made of non-combustible plastic and has extreme hardness. We tried to scratch him with a knife, but left only scarce (under a certain angle) eye traces.
We recently discovered that you can connect chargers from phones to the Trojan, just like you can connect to a socket. A detailed description of the internal structure and principles of operation - in one of the following articles.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna