— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134661
Telvanni: I have a trip today. My unloved universe.
Roland – I have sympathy. Stay there. Why the unloved?
Telvanni: Pants, bribery and scammers. They do not want to work. And I need three teams from this institution to include me.
Roland: Well, three teams can do it. Snipers, bribery and scammers.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №134660
Sam258: The Late Night The children were put to sleep, each doing his own business.
Then suddenly the wife asks: "What kind of cowards are you?"
Damn to yourself, I think. Today is not a regular Saturday in the month and not February 23!
I approach her, such, all of myself macho: "What do you do?" - I ask.
My wife turns to me and cries: “Dumb, I’m collecting light clothes in my laundry.”
This is so erotic experiences and broke up on the home (((

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134659
and name

I asked the neighbor:
What was your granddaughter’s name?
and clearly.
You don’t know what my granddaughter’s name is?
and clearly.
I had already doubted his hearing and adequacy, but he explained that his granddaughter was named “JASNA”, gently “Jasenka”. Why parents, when giving a name, did not think about how she would meet boys and, in general, present themselves.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134658
A few days ago, this beautiful man was drawn to me on the doorstep with the statement that my children had compelled him to run, jump and play the ball at home... And he broke to me in order to check where I hid the children. Thanks, two students live in the neighboring apartment, jumped out of the noise and pulled it away. I got a complaint to the management on Monday, now I really don’t know what to do.

Go to the district and leave a statement that "this beautiful man" tried to penetrate your apartment, students witness. I think you’re not the first, and the neighborhood has already heard about "this beautiful man". Not as scary as the police.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №134657
Winston pack, please

18 is there?

Look, I’m already walking in my hat.

100 rubles for you.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №134656
How much does the police get?
“Well, son, a thousand 40-50...
It is fun. What is their salary?
I did not find anything to answer.

An old joke about the new Russians on the subject:
Do you have a big?
and 16 cents.
Oh well okay. And the area?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №134655
In our company, the senior staff was a young but very nervous guy. He spoke mostly in matte, drove everyone out of the office, oral, chamill, in a word, was not the most pleasant type in communication. Employees, and these are mostly cute aunts over 45, complained. The leadership transferred him to another position, he surprisingly quickly agreed. And they appointed me: quiet, prudent. Less than half a year in this position, but I am already mad through my teeth, because my aunts don’t know elementary things.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №134654
Why are you calling that unfortunate girl with a name? She probably had some form of domestic violence, and called it, of course, a reductive form. By the way, it’s really not quite normal that no one is listening to other people’s wishes in anything. Why can you choose a nick in the innet, and everyone will use it in relation to you, and the real name must be under the copier?

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134653
Once I called my younger sister an adoptive, to which my mother replied, type "You saw me pregnant when I wore my sister, and when you, no one saw you"(c)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №134652
With Hicks
- It would be good for them at all after the re-launch of the model (Samsung Galaxy Note7), the name to change
Samsung Fire
- Advertising slogan - a smartphone, in general, fire!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134651
Yesterday was Mental Health Day.
But we did not celebrate.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №134650
What if you are locked in the trunk and taken to the forest?

Police recommend removing the wires from the rear light bulbs and they will not burn.

Such a car will attract the attention of the policeman and it will be checked.

I was changing lights at Chevrolet Camaro. What can I say?

If you are taken into the forest in the luggage compartment of the Chamber - accept.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134649
HH: Why have we never thought about it before? This is a protective idea!
WOW: Because we didn’t have two liters of vodka?
XHH: Within us

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134648
My 8-year-old son asked me a question yesterday, which put me into a stupor:
How much does the police get?
“Well, son, a thousand 40-50...
It is fun. What is their salary?
I did not find anything to answer.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134647
Gabi and Zena are not lovers.? to
I was really convinced that when I watched them as a fifth grade student, I don’t remember that it made any special impression.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134646
XXX is



XXX is
My browser doesn’t open so fast.
Browsing time please.

[ + 35 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134645
The “smart” buyers. Or, on the contrary, about the stupid... Someday in the distant year of 2008, I decided to pump the brakes on my VAZ-2108. I need a brake key!

I went to the car shop No. 1 on the way home. I ask the seller:

Good day. Do you have a brake pumping key for sale? - In response to the contemptible look of "stupid customers walk, they don't understand anything."

The young man. This key is called the cameron car. There is no sale.

He felt complete and went to look for another store.

The car store 2.

Good day. Do you have a camcorder car for sale?

In response, again the contemptible look "go here all sorts of smart people, read their internets and crack on honest sellers."

Young man camerons are sold in music stores, and you came to the car store. You could just say that you need a “brake key to pump.”

Morality is simple. Wherever you go, there is clay everywhere. You will still be a fool :)

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134644
My grandmother’s brain broken.
xxx: Call on my phone, I take
by ALO
Anastasia Sergeevna?
– Anastasia Andreevna, I wanted to ask...
Call on my phone number, take a call
by ALO
Anastasia Andreevna is?
and Sergeevna.
XXX: And it’s like... no, you’ll decide there.
That’s why gay marriages will never happen in Russia.
Yyy: – What is your father’s name, Andrew or Sergei?
One so the other so.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134643
We have a very high culture at work. Although often and very much want, nobody matures, men - as in the team of ladies, ladies as a result of expressing strongly is also somehow uncomfortable. As a result, in the nervous process of disruption with the adjacent departments was born: "... acts here as a complete mess...", "...he is just a master of illusions, this little coprofil..."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134642
"Obama called Trump’s statements about women disgusting".

You would hear what Trump is talking about Nigers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna