— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134601
One nuance of slavery was very well transmitted. In the past, the Mafia police did not immediately open fire - they issued fines for violations, arrested, you could buy back. In Mafia 3, we immediately start shooting. The reason is that we are playing for the Negro. And in them they immediately shoot in real life, at least in America.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №134600
I always felt like I didn’t take a shower in the morning for so long. But when I got out of it this morning and saw a row of households running from foot to foot led by CATS, I began to doubt my sense of time.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №134599
Feel the difference:
"guests split" and "guests split not for a joke"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №134598
I call my wife. Heck, he doesn’t take the phone.

In ten minutes he calls back. She cries, she cannot say words. Two minutes later, I find out that when I got the phone I broke it out and broke it, with her words right into pieces. It is worth noting that the phone was bought for forty thousand rubles. There is something to cry about.

I come home. I’m watching the riot so far.

I take the phone and go to another room. I look at the phone: the corners of the envelope and the cracks of the screen, right in the middle, crashed and broke. I think of myself: if only it was a protective glass. I remove the protective glass and, wow! the screen itself. I ask the wife from the room, said well and where the crack. She decided that I was mocking and let me be even more "disappointed". I give her the phone. She looks and understands nothing.

How is? Where is the crack? How did you do it?

I say :

The Magic!

I am preparing to hear a lot of thanks to myself. Her response killed me.

Was it that I was crying for an hour?

I love my wife.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134597
Sitting in the macdake, suddenly an emergency sound is turned on and after it the announcement: "Dear visitors, immediately leave the room!". I get up from the back of the table, throwing the under-eaten potatoes, and at the next table, a grandmother says to her grandson, “Juck faster until the fire has started!” :D

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №134596
I was 18 years old. The whole family was in the country, took a pregnant cat with them. On one of the summer, but not warm evenings, I celebrated in nature with friends some event. He took it decently that evening, when he realized that it was enough, turned on the autopilot and flocked home through the woods, not clearing the roads. Evidently, somewhere in the oak sprinkled with a "causal place" on the cork. It was hurt. Inspection by the touch method showed that everything seemed to be in place. Looking forward, he went on bended legs. When he came home, he fell on the bed and fell asleep.

The morning. The morning was bad. When I woke up, I went back to the kaleidoscope of the events of last night and looked at the good luck. “Hope was a drink.” And the girls how nice yesterday was with us, with this thought something moved in the spleen. Blizzard is crazy! He put his hand carefully under the blanket. There is some discomfort. Everything between my legs was wet and sticky.

A hand in the blood! Aaa to! What a fuck! I broke out! Just broke out! I slowly get up in bed on my elbows, looking between my legs – a bloody spot! From what I saw, I didn’t give a dub. What happened in my heart at that moment, I can’t tell. Prepare for the worst, sit in bed, look, and between my legs - cats, 8 shower!

Fuck, it was cold at night and the cat decided to give birth in a "warm place" and recently found nothing more suitable than the owner in the bed. I almost sat down early because of her, but the comic situation made me smile in that difficult morning – still in place. And the view from the side I had was - the guy gave birth to a kitten and was pleased with the...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134595
The Cleaning #

My grandfather forever scandalized with the late grandmother on the topic of not wanting to clean up! and clean up more often than 1 time every 5 years perceived as a personal insult. Of any repair and other household affairs generally silence. I was forced to wash at least once a week. When the grandmother was gone, the house was cleaned in turn, but after an hour there was already a pig farm. Grandfather claimed that everything was okay, we talk to him, there was no dust-dirt-disorder.We wrote for poor vision, for age, thought he could not see. And then we traveled to different cities, and there was no one to clean.They hired a housewife.Oh, how happy the grandfather is) Now he sees dirt, and dust sometimes wipes himself, and in general he really loves cleanliness.Conclusion: paid services are valued

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134594
from work.
Reasons for the delay in changes:
Utility at Ilya, Ilya on Bali

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134593
One of the most important things when choosing a hotel is food. How are you with the menu?
With food problems, no matter how I try - again moved)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №134592
The first mention of Kazantyp was in Chukovsky:

The foxes picked up fireworks.
Go to the blue sea.
The sea is blue.

And then the cookies with mushrooms were cooked...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №134591
Peter changed his VKontakte status to "Meets with an alien mind"
Let the aliens do it!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №134590
xxx: Teach the pope to speak "demand" and "offering", and before you an economist
yyy: Teach the pope to speak "random value", and before you a specialist in probability theory

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №134589
Taking into account the meetings, you will need to be present at work a maximum of 6-7 days a week. The rest of the time is remote work.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134588
I’m not friends with her head... bored with her! Drinking is fun! And yet another stunt!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134587
Alawards to the story of "traNвай" with the verification word "traNsport". Real story: A young schoolgirl, an EGE disabled, taught my daughter to write "a painting on the wall", motivating it with the verification word "weight".

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №134586
by Shalom! The grey wolf said.
- Uff-f-f... It seemed to have gone through, - three pigs exhaled.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134585
We try to explain the cat not to suck on the bed.
You better explain to him why you sleep in his toilet.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134584
Do not say nonsense:

>>> All the problems of women from insecurity...

Not all, but only half. The second problem is excessive self-confidence.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134583
I am a satellite TV master. I once knocked on the door 2 grandmothers with an offer to save on the day of judgment (Jehovah’s Witnesses) as in a second they were wrapped in their hands a receiver Tricolor TV with a request to buy it from me for 7000p. I barely turned away from buying.)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №134582
XHHH: XHHH vs dishes
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wins. The washing!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna