— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144854
XXX: Books of the PCC develop your speech. Here I read and I have all the norms because of it.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144853
XX: The universe did not appear “why”, but “because”, and it did not do so for humans to grow up and reproduce comfortably in favorable conditions. The universe on humans to mock the shit - fall tomorrow our solar system under some spontaneous release of the energy of a dead star billions of years ago, and cling it to the heavens with all the earth and the sun - the universe will not notice. I tell you exactly.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144852
Girl: You do not understand. He doesn’t attract me as a man.
The task is to find logic.

What is "Like" and what does it mean to you"? A pleasant man. Well sweet. But to personal attractiveness for the individual of the opposite sex this attitude has zero.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144851
Do you remember what scared you the most in the world?

Not to say that I would have forgotten about such a case, but the release of the new film reminded me of it again.

I was 4 or 5 years old, I calmly played myself in machines, as the movie "It" began to show on TV. At first, I was impressed by the scene where the clown dragged the boy into the sludge collector. It became clear that clowns should be afraid. But then they showed a really horrible scene. There, the older brother enters the room of the younger, lists an album with photos, finds a photo of the deceased brother and... the photo flashes him! How my impotent mind was impressed by this scene! I realized that now I will not be able to consider the photo albums for a long time, well, and if the photo passes me, then I decided firmly for myself that I will immediately die from a heartbreak.

A while later, I was sent to my grandmother. I still didn’t dare to look at the pictures, but I started going away. One day there was nothing to do and I decided to dig in my grandmother’s servette. There were a lot of interesting little things that I looked at with pleasure. In the process of digging in the fog, I found an incomprehensible object. It depicted a smiling woman. I remember my state then, as if the sixth sense was telling me not to just touch an object and take off the goodbye, but curiosity prevailed. I took the object and began to look at the woman, as if suddenly... she blinked at me...

I did not keep my promise and did not die immediately from a heartbreak, but for a moment it really froze. My eyes darkened... and then a wild scream broke out of my throat. I ran out of the house looking for an adult. I found my grandmother and I was only able to shake out of myself that I had a woman and that I would not enter this hellish house anymore. To my surprise, my grandmother quickly understood what was going on and explained to me...

That’s how I met the wallet.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144850
From the description of the rare “faceless fish” recently caught off the coast of Australia: “It looks like a fish has two backs.”
Unfortunately, many people behave as if they have two backs.
and Add.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144849
Congregatio: I remembered how as a child I read a collection of Russian folk fairy tales and came to the words "Oral man in the field and erupted a colorful stone." I was then... seven years old, what... I, of course, thought about it, but I decided - a fairy tale, okay. Is it little. Here the cows gave birth to the rich, and the male was just a stone.
And the fairy tale, among other things, achieved the infancy of the child's brain with details: "There was that stone with a horse's head."
My eyes were more...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №144848
Tell me, please, such a thing - is it true that in normal (not Chinese) optical devices the nuts are sealed and filled with nitrogen?
Even in Chinese binoculars there is nitrogen. A total of 78.1%)))

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144847
Yes, you just didn’t try to rent an apartment with a big dog or four children.
- I tried to remove the apartment with an acoustic shock installation. I understand everything :(

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144846
Our economy is coming out of the crisis, coming in, coming in and coming out again. She seems to like the process itself and she enjoys it.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144845
The island of Kunashir. The inhabitants are mostly military. We sit on the couch, drink with a friend, lieutenant. At the bottom of the shore there is a lonely shrouded figure.
This is who?
The soldier escaped.
Where to?? to
Where are the soldiers going? to home. He is looking for a train station and a bridge. Don’t worry, half of them don’t know geography. And why there are no stations on the island to their home, they don’t know either. He makes a couple of circles and comes back. to home. On the lip.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №144844
Watching “Matilda” will be more terrifying than “It”, because while watching you can burn quite real clowns.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144843
Why do you need best friends?

A girl wrote to me that she’s been in love with me for a long time, and she decided.
YYY: Are you sure she doesn’t follow?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144842
XXX: Question to the knowledge of Feng Shui. Everyone knows that smashing the tiny pieces from the table in the palm is a negative Feng Shui for money. Now the question itself. If my maid so wipes off the table, is it a negative Feng Shui on me or on her?
YYY: Judging by the fact that you have a racing, with your money fancy is all right.
zzz: Ah, all the negative on the maid, so just lower her salary)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №144841
xxx: in Zaryadye "Cathedral of the Banner Monastery" translated into Chinese as "Temple and monastery of astonishing rare guests"
Yyy: in my opinion, we have the whole country - disturbing rare guests

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144840
X: Son, we're leaving for a couple of days and the apartment is completely in your race... can you not call out the prostitutes when I'm talking to you?! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144839
As long as there is a waist, everything is fine.
Boy, I am sorry for you. If at a weight of 100 kg, your ass is proportionally fatter than the mouthpiece - this is not the waist.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144838
In the past, the water was wet and the sky was of pigeons.

222: Dada, and the horses were salt, and the grass of ants! :D

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144837
>> A little about female logic.
>> One day at work on April 1, a senior colleague was joked about. They bought women’s trousers on the market and put jackets in his pocket. The next day the evil one came and asked everyone who had thrown it.
>> He told this joke to his wife. When she thought, she said:
>> I understand why you told me this. Now, if I find your female underwear, you’re cutting off your job fools.

And you will not tell your wife, because she is filled.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144836
Iphone "es as a dollar"
Iphone "ce as a Russian es"
iPhone "Ten as X"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144835
Discussion of the Technical task:

Godik: The baby has already begun to walk, has learned to cross obstacles.
He learned to use a spoon, drinks from a cup, knows how to chew solid food.
He understands everything he is talking about.
Look, the dolls have much more progress than we have with you.
Please write a summary of the requirements for more than a year of discussion."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna