— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144814
X is:
Now he approaches and says, “Mommy, you’re a psychologist, so tell me why am I constantly rattling after eating?”

and :
Subconscious feelings of guilt for recklessly chewed food.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144813
Q: Why do people in paradise, on images in propaganda religious brochures, collect fruit endlessly?

Zzz: vegans because, and since you don’t eat fruits, you have to eat them all the time.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144812
The way some former Soviet republics insult Russia is very reminiscent of the case when children chew their parents for being born, raised, and, no-no, and sometimes even help with retirement.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144811
“I don’t need to stay in a expensive hotel because I don’t see any reason to overpay for unnecessary excesses. Wherever I stop, I’m Henry Ford. And I do not see a big difference in hotels, because even in the cheapest hotel you can rest no worse than in the most expensive. And this coat – yes, you’re right, it was still worn by my father, but it doesn’t matter, because in this coat I’m still Henry Ford. My son is still young and inexperienced, so he fears what people will think if he stays in a cheap hotel. I don’t worry about the opinions of others about me, because I know the real value of myself. And I became a billionaire because I know how to count money and distinguish real values from false values. »

by Henry Ford.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144810
Dima tasted an ice cream, kicked off the bus, received a toy as a gift. No, this is not news from the kindergarten, it is Medvedev visited the exhibition "Import Substitution".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144809
They are good there in heaven. They sit down and drink ambrosia.
They drink nectar. Ambrosia is eaten.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144808
I, by the way, really like the way to conduct a discussion in which the very fact of the existence of a topicstarter is denied:

X: I like good bitter chocolate, it’s a pity that you don’t have it at home.
A crowd of toys, a rush: Pursue you everything, no one likes bitter chocolate, serve everyone milk and more, and that with a slice, and cheaper, necessarily cheaper, no respect for the ancient South American product, poor Maya, Montesuma the Second turns into the tomb, where we turn, a-a-a, we will all die.

It seems that after their replicas, the poor X ceases to believe in his own existence and gradually dissolves in the world.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144807
XX: Do you remember asking our laborant: If the name is Grey, what is the name?
X: Find out what kind of taste she has.
YYY: And what? Dorian or Christian?
She said, “Sasha. Sasha Gray.
Yyy: Well, what I can say, her tastes are very specific)))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144806
xx>she has a cat from my first marriage)))))))
xx>Lisha tried to press her off, I didn’t give))))))))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144805
I now understand where 100% renewable energy comes from in the new campus.
They have there in the secret generator Jobs in the grave revolves.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144804
Kpacivo live not zappeit: on the day of desire ppoctityky podpyžky ckinylyc and called ey deepytat..

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144803
And why the overflow, in your yard of dogs and cats did not run, and nobody saw anything?

I am talking about a child 10-14 years old. They, of course, see a lot, and cats-dogs, and porn on the internet... just for some reason in porn no actress looks in horror at the test with two strips, and no actor sits in line to the doctor, "and then something from the end dropped". Consistent female orgasms after a couple of frictions, and such that neighbors applaud, and all men are ready once 5 in a row without rest. and OCH. Information is OK. and instructive.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144802
Andrei: Being crazy of the women's greetings from the concentration camp and generally not respecting the fat burning above the necessary minimum, decided to comply, overworked and in the summer lost weight to 58/180. The surroundings are cracking, and I am pleased: great savings on food.
Floating Leaf: And Andrei, and the ladies are not scratching?))
Andrei: Floating, from the deficit of weight libido died to zero, there was only... morning physics, without lyrics, and the need for them dropped at all. So there’s even more savings :D

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №144801
"Matthew and Matthew Continuation" - the filmization of the history of the struggle of the Teacher and the Fan. The final scene. From the burning cinema, a burning teacher falls to the feet of Poklonskaya. He stretches his hand to Poklonskaya and puts something in her palm. She is watching. This is the ring. The teacher opens up a jacket under which are grenade ligaments. "It’s you from Matilda" – the Teacher whispers.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144800
The Prostitute
Not alpha, not donjuan, but it happened that I had sex with different girls in my life. Including being in a "serious relationship" with other guys (to one I was even invited to a wedding - I wonder how the bridegroom endured it). Including the married ones. And, because of my some restraint, my relationship with them usually began when they were already clinging to me like March cats, and it was impossible not to notice the signs of attention on their part (especially when you suddenly but passionately start kissing). At the same time, I never had the idea of somehow advertising these relationships, at least on a drunken bench, at least for the sake of raising authority. And now I sit down and think, "That's how many pleasant hours and minutes I and these girls could have lost if they didn't take the initiative so boldly and persistently, if they were afraid that I'd blow them all up, what kind of prostitutes are they?"
P.S Over the question "how have I not been hit so far with such happiness" I also thought. The answer is simple – I’m pretty cute.

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144799
And also "curator" should organize flight weather, no flight delays, and pleasant companions!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144798
Looking at our liberals, a mystery is remembered: does not knock, does not scratch, does not scratch the floor? Do you know what it is? Domestic device for knocking, ripping and scratching the floor.
Thus, domestic liberals, contrary to the name, are extremely irreconcilable to express an opinion that does not coincide with their opinion.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144797
I risk to notice:

All the female psychology in one phrase, I think.
This is not female psychology. This is a centuries-tested scenario of female behavior that men approve of and agree to perceive women as such.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144796
Shareeb: Let’s start with what my name is Michael

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144795
Comments on the video of the beach of Spain.

xxx: Our beadlans stumble rescuers, swim in free pools and remind them of the sand. The eternally hanging elevator in my entrance is a direct proof of that.

Woo replied to xxx:
Go home, what’s the problem?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna