— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148574
There is no launch hook in the tanks. The Pedal. Press to shoot the enemy. And he is curly. This is psychologically correct.
I broke up...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148573
In Tula, there are 3 sects - weapons makers, sprinklers and samovarovars. Everyone keeps their secrets from others. How do I know the device of the weapon?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148572
Here they decided with their son to review one of the series about Cat Leopold - "Summer C.L.". There was a scene when they painted the wall of KL’s house. I sat down and fell from the couch of laughter. These animals wrote: Leopold - an evil coward, go out a goat, Leopold - a crocodile :)))
I have watched this series so many times. As a child, I never read these words.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148571
The Deboscher should just get out of the plane.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148570
What is your name?
If you change the first letter in my name, you will get the name of the male organ.
Uncle what?
No to Denis.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №148569
Among them there are many worshippers.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №148568
Memories of Professor V.A. Evstigniev.

A professor of mathematics prepared a book for publication. Reviewers found inaccuracies in the manuscript, the professor spends sleepless nights looking for correction. The editor is already rubbing and mosquitoing - the deadlines are burning. Ufff! Ready for printing! But at the last minute, as it always happens, there is a devil from the tobacco. The book is in a solid interwoven and should be covered with (colored!) The illustration. But there is no illustration, first, nobody knew, and secondly, we are mathematicians, not lyricists, we do not know!

Calls from the Presidium: How are the powers occupied? I have to print the works of the Academic X to the XX-year-old!!! to
In short, editor, if you do not solve the problem by evening, then let us let you together with the author "through the circle"!! to

The editor curses the day he agreed to the job, but what to do? Running to a familiar artist, he resolves the question for a bottle of vodka. The book is printed, the edition is published, Hurra!

The heated professor, shaking hands takes the first copy from the package, on the cover is drawn, as some gentlemen in frakes and cylinders walk through the forest.

The title of the book: The Count. The trees.”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148567
In Davos, Dvorkovich said that we have no oligarchs, but there are successful managers who earn 200 thousand. Baks per day, producing gas, oil and Rolls-Vas. In 2017, the Forbes list of billionaires increased by 25% to 96. And we must be grateful to all these people, because only thanks to them the average wage in the country is growing confidently and continuously, and otherwise we would live poor even by statistics.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148566
How interesting...
And I have a child with a childhood disability, with a brain damage. He does not know how to read, writes Karakuli, officially untrained... and knows the flags of countries without mistake and repeats my lessons in Chinese... word, phrase for hearing and translation. And remember them even three years ago...In China, no one thinks that a child is sick.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148565
Do not listen to your inner voice.
He has never been out there.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148564
Everyone knows, the most comfortable closet is a chair.

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148563
The Girl Talk:
Is it hipster?
It is a half-pedor.
How do you distinguish them?? to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148562
Eating as a killing. But it all happened

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148561
#corn varieties "girls and girls"

>> Women are not at all shrinking. They have no such need at all.

Who is arguing? It remains to be explained for whom such a range of falsifiers is produced.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148560
Fire is running, I call on the application, say, there is traffic, it worked for you or not. The guy says, say, what traffic, I have and the router turned off, since the evening access disappeared, I left the application, so I did not include (and the application for the upper TV). I gru: "You have cosmonauts 46/4?", he grit: "No", I say: "And though Lipetsk", he grit: "No, Smolensk". The KC for one digit was sealed in the phone, but the fucker, got into the man, who also left his provider an application!

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148559
I noticed that in iOS 11 on the iPhone you can still completely turn off Wi-Fi without opening the settings. I just have to ask Siri about it.
He told this to his wife and then the following dialogue took place:
Wife: Turn off the internet.
Siri: I don’t know how to do it.
I: I have to ask polently.
Wife: Siri, please turn off this fucking Wi-Fi.
Siri: Okay, Wi-Fi settings are turned off.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148558
In the summer of this year, my girlfriend struck a cell phone in the cafe. Naturally, only turned to the side, looking - there is no phone. In principle, the cell phone was old, and she was only worried about one thing - with this device she went for more than five years, and there were preserved various important data - photos, contacts, various notes, well, and so on. The girl got a little hot, and bought an iPhone, which she is now walking with.

And just recently she needed to check something on her old mail, which was placed on that stolen cell phone. She went to the Gmail account - and cried out - he, as it turned out, continued to live his life all this time. The thief, who struck the phone, did not even delete the data on it, and continued to use the girl's account. It had his photo diary, a list of contacts, a lot of videos, etc. The girl who discovered all this was angry.

This is an amazing thing – human psychology. That mobile phone was hardly worth more than 3-4 thousand rubles taking into account his age, troublesome battery, etc., besides the girl is not greedy entirely... But the very fact that some scammer is using her thing, just made her angry. Her revenge was terrible.

It turned out that the thief - a guy twenty-five years old, a Moldavian named Yuri, worked in one of the Moscow shopping malls, carried out some finishing work, etc. At home in Chisinau (judging by GPS tags) he had a wife with a child, as well as a mistress. He also had fun in Moscow, and with all kinds of terrible grandmothers, judging by the photos. The girl chose the most sincere of these pictures, and began to send them to all the contacts in the list... In addition, the young man often photographed various documents - all sorts of estimates, shop checks, airline tickets, and so on. This was also sent to everyone on the contact list.

The effect was incredible. The next day, the guy started calling everyone who was on the girl's contact list (he wasn't stinging him, but just added his phones), asking - who could belong to the black galaxy s2? Finally, someone pointed to the girl. The Moldavian literally cried in the tube - it turned out that he was literally fired from work one night - the chief learned about some of his machinations, there were huge problems with his wife, he was attacked by some of his friend, with whose girl he was there something troubled. The most funny thing is that now he demanded compensation, something there in the amount of 500 thousand rubles :)

Of course, except for laughter, this proposal could not cause anything. The girl offered him to return to Russia, surrender to the police, get a sentence for theft of the phone, and after that to file a lawsuit against her in the court :) He cried in Moldovan and threw the telephone. This is karma, yes.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148557
Service on the weekend. In a large office, only three people (rather than 40 as usual) work in a relaxed mode. Usually in such days no one objects to silent music. And here one employee (a girl aged 23-24) turned on something, another employee (a man aged about 30) liked it, quietly grumbled, danced with limbs, said - said, what a song, funny... So we accidentally found out that the man never heard Justin Bieber, whom he hated fiercely, and generally thought that he performed rap.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148556
I woke up with my wife and wanted to have sex. And the cat next to meat, asking to eat. Wife - cat: "Wait, Semi, in a minute I will feed":(

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148555
to this:

At work, an employee passes by and talks to himself.
Employee, me :"What a nightmare, he talks to himself!"
The nightmare is not that he talks to himself, but that he disputes with himself.

Maybe the split of the personality, or maybe it is more convenient for him to weigh the pros and cons. Some by this method the paper is scratched and printed. Text is better perceived, some sound is better absorbed. There are no normal, there are no examined.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna