— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144674
From Habr:
XXX: The fact that
Yyy: Your in-depth analysis does not take into account that
zzzz: I agree, though

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144673
XX: There is one important advantage in being an atheist.
The atheist can easily pretend to be a believer if necessary.
A believer cannot pretend to be an atheist.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144672
On the eve of the pool party, a letter from the secretary (only to the guys of the company) and further correspondence:
xxx: Hi everyone, < some uninteresting info>. Also, the beautiful half of the office is looking forward to seeing you in beautiful swimsuits))
YYY: Good morning I don’t have a swimsuit, if I’m swimming in shorts, will I not be expelled?
zzz: I also don’t have a swimsuit, because I’m a convinced nudist, and even if I go to work without cowards, will I not be expelled if I’m swimming naked?
ccc: I am a convinced voyeurist. Will I not be expelled if I watch Zzz swim naked?
Vvv: I am a convinced trader. Will I not be expelled if I shoot all three on the video and sell it on Hotmale?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144671
Channel: Well, if you are close, you can steal billions, and if you are a police colonel, you can also win billions in a roulette type)))
I have a roulette. Please tell me how to win it?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144670
to this:
Shuttle and Hi. I will fly to Pulkovo. Tell me, is it possible to force some Peter's bookstore to bring the goods there and leave them in the storage chamber? Not in the book, but in the book.
S: It is hardly. But in Nevsky there is a 24-hour Bookweed.
M: You are sick!
Fuck it Peter.
M: dishonestly
SH: You woke up at three o’clock at night and wanted Kafka. Fuck you to do?
And here is the bookmaker.

And the bridges. Divorced...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144669
When we were shown that Taylor’s series had the best match, I remained silent because I trusted the band.
When on the theory of the rows we were proved that the Fourier rows had the best convergence, I remained silent, because I found no error in the proof.
When the same poker facet showed us that Chebyshev's polynoms had the best match, I remained silent, because it was too late to argue.

[Later it turned out that all three statements are true, only the criterion by which the "best convergence" is determined changes.]

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144668
Why is the Pope called the Pontiac?
You are a crush! Not a pontiff, but a pontiff.
You are a fool...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144667
I saw a formula for happiness. And so much? There are some unknown.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144666
I come home and feel the tension hanging in the air. My wife seems to not notice that with the dimensions of our apartment is quite difficult. My daughter, who is in third grade, sits next to me and shares the news from school that flows smoothly into the message that two twin sisters from her class are coming to her. They played, ate well, and then watched albums with photos. The classmates said that I was very similar to Uncle Serge, their mother’s friend. He recently gave my mom a car, it's not very big, but good. My name is also Serena.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №144665
The British told the Hindus: We respect your tradition of sati, burning your wife with your dead husband. Respect our tradition of hanging those who participated in this. Therefore, next to the traditional fire of sati will stand our traditional hanging.

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144664
For the first time, I hear that instead of the "net numbers" they say "double houses". Who are they, guys?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №144663
PVV: Somewhere I read the proposal of a police officer said in the hearts of humanists - put a stamp in your passport, my killer to pity and forgive, and no stamp to execute. All supporters and opponents of the death penalty will be satisfied.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144662
If I like to embrace beautiful girls, what does that mean?

YYY: This means that you have a traditional orientation, a developed aesthetic perception and kinesthetics.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144661
The husband went for a cable and returned with two bags of food.

My husband went for milk and bread and came back with a new couch. You say the products...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144660
XXX: An illogical numbering of houses in her. "The second and immediately the fourth"...Because the third is on the other side of the road! Pairs on one side, non-pairs on the other. What is illogical?
Yyy: And when the house finds a couple, they move on the other side of the road together. Those who divorce are driven away.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144659
Anton, can we call an exorcist? It seems to me that hanging on the ceiling and stealing meat from a heated bowl is not typical for most cats.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144658
I would like to hear some useful advice :)
bbb: Fly with Aeroflot aircraft.
Keep money in the savings box.
When you leave, turn off the light.
Not to hide.
Take care of
Smoking is harmful to your health.
Koi iron * crushed * count the money without leaving the box.
P.S.: After reading, burn, pull out the cable, squeeze the glass.
CCC: Don’t get in, it will kill you.
Do not stand under the arrow.
Do not swim for bucks.
Ddd: If reason and life are dear to you, stay away from turf swamps.
Don’t talk about Bolshevism and medicine at lunch. Do not read Soviet newspapers until lunch.
Put the oranges in barrels.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144657
The modern European person needs a little solitude, even in the crowd. Men need it five times more than women.

The average compatriot has only two possibilities to be alone with himself - in the toilet and in his car.

This is why half of the male population in our country sits for half an hour in the sorting. This is not confinement, it is freedom.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144656
Here you are in the sport that you need to have a guy to find a girl. Women are different, as are their tastes. So it is enough for any guy to have at least one of a set of possible skills: money, muscles, beauty, intelligence, kindness, charm, sexuality, sense of humor or at least a knife.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №144655
Peterburghenka demanded a million, having not experienced satisfaction after repayment of the loan. Yulia Panferova filed a lawsuit with the Savelovsky court of Moscow as compensation for moral damage. At the end of August, she took a micro-loan of 5 thousand rubles, as she read on the organization's website that "at the time of repayment of the debt many experience internal satisfaction and tranquility comparable to the sensations after an orgasm."

Peterburghenka faithfully fulfilled all obligations under the contract, but her mood did not improve. “So,” she wrote in the lawsuit, “the obligations of the credit institution are not fully fulfilled.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna