— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №134280
As a child, I was taken to school with an in-depth study of English. Both the language and the teacher on this subject I did not immediately like, which was said by me in the first class to my mother. The woman is smart, so she didn't argue, and recorded all the children's English songs that she managed to find on my audio cassettes.
I really liked one song! But unfortunately, I didn’t understand anything about her, and my mother’s knowledge also lacked. Then I took the cassette to school and asked the teacher to explain at least briefly what this song was about. With an unhappy face, she listened for a moment, then turned off: “This is an adult uninteresting song, almost meaningless. of a polymer dragon. It would be better to prepare for the lessons than to listen to all the nonsense.”
I did not know such words. It is polymeric. The song was forgotten, the love of the language restored.
I recently remembered this case and decided to find out what a polymer dragon was. and...
Puff, the magic dragon is an English children's song. It is a pity that because of such teachers many good initiatives are destroyed at the root.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №134279
The ambulance. The challenge is a kitchen box, with bodies. One participant - 26 weeks, the other - 32.
The link is this:
There was one loving man, he had two friends. He lived with them alternately. Whether they know each other, science does not know.
However, both almost simultaneously he managed to make a child.This significant event prompted him, finally, to rethink his life values.
He eventually decided to marry one of them and leave the other. He told both of them about his decision.

An abandoned girlfriend decided to fight for her family happiness, and went to beat her more fortunate rival.

By the time the ambulance arrived, they were already crying in each other’s arms, discussing the eternal problem – what all the men are swallows.
They both threatened.
By the way, the source of all misfortunes and pleasures went with them - bags with things to carry.

by BES

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134278
In the fifth grade, they wrote a test in Russian and had to finish the phrase combinations. There was one phrase that I remembered for a long time. “Tru... Miner” What would you put in? Half the class wrote "the corpse" and only I wrote "the trolls".

In short, the work of miners now no one evaluates.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134277
The recipe found of "very delicious and useful pulp from coloured cabbage" ended wonderfully: "Little children, the soup is better served as it is, without any additions.
And older children are better to serve soup purée from coloured cabbage with suckers. In this version there is a chance that the dish will be eaten."

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №134276
When I was in school (a few years after I graduated), we had one jamshut instead of a cleaner. So, one day, some idiot wrote on the wall "X*Y" in black. Jamsut was instructed to paint this unnecessity, since the wall was yellow, he mixed the yellow paint and painted it right above the black. The inscription remained, but instead of black color acquired dark orange. The director glanced and ordered to paint the whole wall with a different paint, now we have a green wall in the yellow corridor with again standing out, this time because of the number of layers of paint, clearly so the bugs pass, close to disassemble the eye is easy. The director was angry and said to cut off this "x*it". The next day we had a green wall in the yellow corridor with a brick-shaped inscription "X*Y".

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134275
[The pool cup is multi-layered on the principle of pope-moshé, the layers of which differ in the composition of the materials used and their purpose, forming a high-quality composite as a whole.]
Is it a pop-rantier?
Moses from the surroundings of Jerusalem?

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134274
The attempt not even to force, to persuade to pay for retirement smoldu was. A lot of people are spending money?
All right, infantility and debility - at first we have nothing to add, and then give it immediately, we live for nothing.

And they’ve accumulated a lot, don’t you say? Infantile and foolish is one who instantly forgets about monetary reforms, inflation and denominations and builds wet plans to accumulate one billion rubles for old age. Everything is easier. The money I had in my 20s is now worth nothing. In 30 years, they have been depreciated in dust. But I am in the system of some "insurance". Now I (indirectly, through the employer) contribute my money, and the disabled receive benefits slightly more than the subsistence minimum. When I am unable to work, I will expect about the same. The allowance is higher than the subsistence minimum, no matter how much that minimum is. And let it be so, because staying old with a dust box is a pleasure below average.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134273
Harmony in modern society is achieved by the fact that officials hide their expenses and the people hide their incomes.

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134272
They call from one of the offices of the bush sisadmin on the exit, they say, we do not work here, 1C does not work, there is no network, there is no internet, in general, there is nothing... Admin comes, looks at the server, asks:
The server was there, where is it?
They are:
What kind of server?
by admin:
This is the server, where is it?
They are:
- Oh, so here the computer stood, no one worked behind it, well, we gave it to the children's home...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134271
If with good company and with enough vodka you get to nature, then there is no special difference: mushrooms to catch or fish to collect.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №134270
The Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine has asked the media not to use prison photos of their prosecutor general.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №134269
In Russia proposed to create a “linguistic police”
zzz: It didn't work with the usual, let's go to the conversation genre. Reply to Bazar.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №134268
I read here 12 ways to tell a man about pregnancy.
YYY: And this is one of them?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134267
I’m cooking meat for the second hour and I have two thoughts: either this cow was a marathon worker, delivered some Olympic standards, or she died of old age surrounded by loving children and grandchildren.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134266
Do you really think that your own savings are like filling your mattress with cash? Surprise - exactly the same deductions from the salary, only by the employee's personal choice - how much and in what pension fund. So don't chase for inflation and devaluation, in reality this is not suitable only because unlike the crowded Anglo-Saxons, the Slavs walk all the available funds for a day, even perfectly aware of the consequence - a week later to suck the leg.
of Russia. Ok to Ok. 10 years ago. Mr Perry. Very well known in the city of NPF. Wear Babbel
of Russia. of our days. Perm. withdraw the license. Babel has disappeared. The Questions?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №134265
Comment on the album in Psychedelic:
by Leonis van Haaske
In my room from this music yesterday almost capibara materialized

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №134264
This is what I googled yesterday, that today I am offered to buy a skull in contextual advertising.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134263
Aliaksei: Cat fucks into the garage yesterday after the sewing machine (
Katya: And what will happen to him now?
Aliaksei: yes nothing (
Don’t be angry with him, please.
Katya: I’m terribly upset every time a cat creates something. I feel guilty. I am so upset that you are upset.
It’s like I’ve gotten a lot behind the sewing machine.
Aliaksei: No, nothing terrible now
Aliaksei: Well if you were there, I would definitely be upset)))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №134262
Discussion of the book series on Flibus.

by Nyanko:
1st Freelance of special appointment
2nd Freelance of immediate response
Three Bride of special appointment
4 is Bride of immediate response

Will the next two books be a special appointment wife and an immediate response wife?

The Balboa:
And the next book - "The Lover of Fast Deployment"

The Healthcare:
There will be "The Woman of a Large Caliber" and "The Body of Mass Destruction".

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №134261
The brave piton carrier will get acquainted with the charming carrier Sisi plus...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna