— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148214
To all who are trying to fly on the wings of love and happiness, I wish in advance to worry about the parachute!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148213
We went with a friend to his house. We were already welcomed by our wife and mother, who celebrated their 100th birthday in the summer.
For the tea, the owner complained that lately, my mom stopped walking and runs only on the doorstep. As a doctor, I used to use the advice:
You definitely need to walk slowly – at least a couple of times a day to the well and back. If it is hard, rely on the stick.
Well, of course, that I, like an old lady, would walk in the village with a claw...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148212
Previously, scientists believed that the poorer a person is, the more he looks at television. But suddenly it turned out that the opposite - the more people watch television, the poorer they are.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №148211
This is work, and it costs a lot of money...
- How you bored with your over, there is a normal Russian word "to fuck".
What if I’m overweight?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №148210
Anonymous: to read you, so there is no life after the wedding. Did your parents survive the same?

Parent: Is this life?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148209
X: If a person is an idiot, it does not depend on whether he has a vagina or a fox.
Dude and fucking. In other words, vagina and penis. We are for linguistic equality.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148208
xxx: I was "happy" at work today
xxx: I fell as a guy all last week at 17:00, and it turns out to be a slave day until 18:00 ))
Tagged: xDD
xxx: I was just ashamed to speak to me, so I was confident in the sunrise
YYY: You give it.
Even the boss was silent.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148207
I got into the car yesterday, well, I was so frightened!
You are in the last word of the letter "f" and "s" confused)))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148206
The expert announced:

The lamp opens not simply, but very simply. A child will obviously be better with two colliding parents, but filled and dressed, than with one mother suffocating at work and work < >

You better ask psychologists how eternal parental scandals affect the child’s psyche. I'll tell you, as a child of such a union - at 35 years old, I've been wrapping circles with pills and a therapist for a year, working out childhood injuries and periodic attacks of wild depression, when I just want to shake my brains or use a loop. At the same time, my peers - the children of divorced parents have their backbone, of course, but before mine they are like a pedestrian to the moon.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148205
Do not exaggerate, it will break away.
They do not go to the army annually, so counting all from 18 to 28 is not necessary - who has no delay - came back at 18, a year later, and no longer goes, who has - did not go, instead of him went 20 or 23-year-old, whose delay ended. The 18-year-old men in Ulyanovsk are less than three thousand. Of them, 380 were called into the autumn call, as many as in the spring. Even around that without any call went to the military school, their goods are right in Ulyanovsk. Or elsewhere, instead of the army" places - now and in the police of non-service are taken.

I consider the recruitment army to be a harmful anachronism, and I am very pleased that it has been cut down for at least a year. I think it would be this year to break down on the “young fighter’s course” on the summer holidays class in 8-9, the “advanced course” in a year or two and the “repetition and consolidation” in a month every 3-4 years. It is normal to provide contractors. A march on the plateau and other remnants of the 17th century to remove it.

To compare the army with births is nonsense. These two things are almost no different, except for one thing - with the right organization can be voluntary and respected, with a swamp - dangerous and severe hemorrhoids, to which you have to call bad agitation and drive out of the sticks. This is true for any case.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148204
Kolya: I remembered how I came to the old job and it turned out that the previous administrator was also called Kolya... it was convenient... well, this is when I was fired and took a new person to his place one of the criteria was...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №148203
There will be no refusal to give birth to the grandmother.

For the refusal to give birth to the baby will be a surgical operation with unclear health consequences.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148202
With every post about responsibilities, I value my proper husband more and more, thank you for that.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148201
An old joke as a pop maid hired

It was a story.
“You will wash the cattle, you will clean the courtyard, you will feed the cows, you will let them go, you will go to the bowl and you will sleep and rest.”
And such "shorts" for one working day in this fairy tale were twenty. Although she is purely prosaic, for some reason she fits well on a "Sulico" type of motive - official duties are short-talking, and at the end of the refrain grows.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №148200
And I was also once called "P*Dorom" in online poker. I was confused. What can I answer a person with a nick "svinoeb"?? to

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №148199
Yuzwer: Why is the desire to go out the window a call to suicide and ban immediately, and the desire to die is a provocation and a warning?
Moderator: Well, because desire to die is not a call to suicide. A "go out into the window", "opens up", "strike yourself" and all this is a call.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148198
It has long been time for the citizen to obtain a cozy forum, where those wishing to be ashamed about the next quote, the dumbobchiki could do this in a narrow circle of themselves, without saturating the citizen himself with his very important opinion for all.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148197
My grandfather told me that as soon as he saw the Titanic, he immediately said that the ship would sink. But no one listened to him.
He tried to warn people, but in vain - he was called an old alkas and expelled from the cinema.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148196
From Quantum Computers:
To an unconscious man it may seem that the quantum future has already arrived — and yes, and no.

Probably the journalists themselves did not understand the magnificence of this phrase :)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148195
- Oh, I beg you, when in the spring in the Moscow metro announced an air alarm - what a panic there, nobody led the eyebrow.

Which option should they have acted on?
1st Run around the car, loudly speaking the letter "A".
2nd Immediately leave the subway and hide on the surface.
Three Go down to the deeper metro.
4 is To occupy combat posts of calculations of the air defense system of the Moscow metro according to the staff schedule.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna