— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №71773
The eternal dispute of the logic of male and female.We sit, we talk peacefully, I and the girl.In the process there is a brief dialogue, which also broke me.
I've seen how many times that the girl can't walk on her heels, but she can't walk on her heels, but on the half-clogged one fig is melting somewhere.

Well, for you, men, we try.On high heels, the legs seem longer and the feet smaller.

I (I’m already starting to roast, drawing a picture in my imagination) — all right, I saw long legs with visually small feet, brought the owner home, in the process of intimate acquaintance I threw those legs on my shoulders, already without shoes... and with wild cries "no hassles!!!!Q&A: I got out of bed.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №71772
Dear Hashish, my grandmother is coming from the country today, could you let me go sooner?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №71771
The admin has the complex of God.
YYY is Nifiga. The priest’s complex. You come to him in the temple with a offering, he will offer a sacrifice to the gods of Google, and then will say that the gods are not favorable to you and will turn off from the internet until the end of the month.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №71770
I watched "City of Angels" with my wife. It would be nothing, romantic and the like, but the end just killed me. I, of course, understand that the main heroine fell in love with an angel, who for her sake became a simple mortal... But, foolish, it’s like it’s necessary to go on the big without hands on the mountain serpentine with closed eyes????? Even the outgoing forest car, which she caused to die, looked less ridiculous!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №71769
Post of Kazakhstan
The internal delivery:
Big package (day travel between cities by bus) - 3 days.
Little Banderol (two days by train) - 5 days
Delivery from England by simple mail - 2 weeks
U.S. Air Mail Delivery - 5 Days
Delivery from Moscow for 2 months.
It seems that the whole world has a conspiracy to defile the Russian post.)))))

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №71768
About taxes.

A clear example of the fact that money is easier to get from the poor, and that the poor have little money, is compensated by the fact that the poor are many.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №71767
I collected 12 likes on the way to work today!
WOW :?? to
Xhhh: I missed the turning from the adjacent streets-and the drivers caught me in an accident))

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №71766
Yesterday, he renamed his Wi-Fi network to “Hack me if you can.”
Today, when I woke up, the name was changed to “Challenge accepted.”

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №71765
>> Instead of adequate treatment, the doctor urged her mother to communion and confession.
And how do you get the absolutely serious advice of a neurologist on complaints about an unrestful sleep of a child (wake up 5-7 times a night):
"Stop the Feng Shui bed"
That is all! Absolutely everything she recommended.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №71764
Some people can only hear good about themselves in the grave.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №71763
Tonight I watched a picture: at the neighboring tables, the son and husband are sitting at the comps. The son is trying to play Dota for the first time, it doesn’t work very well.
Son: And most of all, I’m angry that when you don’t give him orders, this fool is trying to escape somewhere all the time.
Father (thinkingly): now you have an idea about raising children...


[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №71762
I never thought that I would remember with nostalgia the Haishnikovs who caught me before for speed in those places where I am now in the clock traffic.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №71761
It’s hard to be a grandmother. These are always the problems of Nihua.
YYY:Nippon from Nihua

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №71760
“I was not abducted... But one day a green man came to my acquaintance, after which he disappeared for a year. When he returned, he also began to wear green clothes and tell how he communicated with ghosts and some "grandparents"!

[ + 30 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №71759
What should be the mood to say, “Listen to Slayer, I’ll calm down?”

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №71758
Once every 10 years, the state carries out liposuction of savings in the population.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №71757
Graduates of the linguistic faculties can speak "Free Cash!" in several languages.

c) The Mystery

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №71756
The microwave is evil!
He: What has happened?
She: I got a phone, spoke about this to our admin (Dime), he said that if you put the battery in the microwave for 5-10 minutes, it will charge.
Did he ever see Dimon?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №71755
In school, I was a giant and didn’t play football.
YYY: What did you do?
I was sitting in the school and playing chess, but...
All the coolest girls didn’t play football either ;)
yyy: he-he ;)))
But they didn’t even play chess.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №71754
Ekaterina Popova: I have a flashing lamp
Nikolai Kondratiev: Not scary
Ekaterina Popova: I am quiet, with a wicked scratch, the light bulb is turned on... and it immediately turns off, a devastating second passes, and it turns on again with the sound of the nail scratching through the glass... and it turns off again.
Ekaterina Popova: Is it so scary?
Nikolai Kondratiev: so terrible

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna