— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134079
I sit at the dentist. A doctor with an assistant in parallel with forging in my tooth is watching some movie about pirates and treasure. I cannot see the position of the chair.
Suddenly the assistant to the doctor - "the journey ruined everything". I'm 0 - why is it so bad?? to
The assistant - and her - money in the drawer.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №134078
If I were a painter, and I would be asked to paint the shrinkage in pure form, I would paint my son who is watching the cartoon Smart (teaching English to the youngest).

A child has discovered that people can speak in a completely incomprehensible language, a village on a pop, swallowed his eyes and tries to raise his jaw for the last 5 minutes.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №134077
That is, when the entrance cat on the sewing clothes scratches - is it normal? ("Spring")
When the wolf smokes Belomor and the crocodile smokes a pipe, does it not surprise anyone at all? ("Well, the weather" and "Spring")
When a bird and a bear ride in the clouds, should it be? (" three of them Good afternoon")
When the harsh archangel woman falls with her cries of pine - a real story? ("Squared")

But it was worth flying, that’s all. Banned and not allowed. People, are you normal?

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №134076
by Phahaha! I laughed so laughed, Ethologine, you are my back-of-the-scenes.
Aggression is not just the shock of the neighbor’s son, the stuffing of socks in the boots of the passers and hats on the head of the actors in the film.
Aggression is first and foremost the protection of its offspring, the production of food for this offspring, the competition between the species.
while the non-aggressive individual wraps the nuances on the fist, her more entrepreneurial and less inclined to spoilers have already divided the territory, caught a mammoth and fucked females.
Ah yes, aggression is not just a property of males. Try to offend the child with the mother.

I dropped it all into a bunch. A vivid example is that aggression attempts to compensate for a lack of mind.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134075
I live in a mortgage apartment. The transaction (selling one apartment, paying that money as a contribution, and the rest – actually, a loan from the bank) turned out to be hellish torments – a hundred thousand million papers, including, in addition to jokes, the result of a medical examination (I have health problems, the insurance company demanded to know if I will not die before I pay, and if it is worth connecting with my transaction).

And I also like after work to stumble into some unsettling series, the more stupid - the better that the brain unloaded. I sit in general. I see. And here the main character in the morning after a quarrel with the girl says that he got everything, enters the office with a sign "Real Estate Agency", signs one paper, comes out the same evening (this is specifically emphasized) for the money from the sale of his apartment leaves to live in warm countries. Am I a fool or a writer?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134074
If you meet in a deaf forest a man with a knife in his hand and you are not afraid, then it is the same fungus as you are.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №134073
Our society is matriarchal. Otherwise, how to explain that a folder is created on the desktop, and the mock is sitting up in the system?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №134072
After reading this pearl:

The hypothesis...

There is only one phrase that comes to mind: "I hit the most mortgages".

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134071
My relative disappeared when I was 18. I was very impressed by this story, used the internet to read all kinds of articles and stories on the subject...

80% of the stories of unknown disappearances described on the Internet start with the words “hopped out for a moment in the shoes on a bare foot...” so you know. I am thirty soon, a relative has never been found, and I caught myself on the day that I go to the rubbish pipeline only in my shoes. Everything affects our lives.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134070
Bad connection via Skype
My website looks like a cheap forum
A: What is what? Does your website look like cheap porn?
X: Yes, it is even better.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134069
And in the late 1990s, for the filming of the advertisement of tea making in bags, we used cognac for color and beautiful wrappings in the water.
Or take, guys, the peelings. This is their perfect such meat, with mayanesic or thick cream.
And in fact, cooked peelmen are not like a prisoner in a competition of wet sweaters. Wet, torn, with enlightening monasteries on his back.
Therefore, for advertising films, peelings are cooked without meat. A full test.
In principle, it is not far from the truth. There has been no meat in the peelings for a long time.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134068
Apple has patented a package of pens
I suggest calling it Ivory.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134067
The salespeople at the market: "Buy a jacket! The last collection! I’ve been wearing it for 4 years" :-)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134066
This is another thing, my acquaintance Luntikophobka, in addition to having a diploma of a culturologist, was not only an ardent adept of telegony, but proved that there are no names except those indicated in the holidays. When I risked to remind of the existence of other religions, as well (oh, horror!) and other countries with their traditions, and pointed out that foreign names were in progress always and everywhere, thanks to the fact that people are typical to communicate not only with themselves, I was almost eaten. The truth of the arguments except Matta Deva has never been found (

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134065
Call center of the communications operator:
I call the client, I get on the voice menu - "Good morning. You called the bla-bla Global Digital Group Company. If you want to press one, press one". I pressed alone. "Thanks to you" I have a stupor. Consciousness and rush.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №134064
In my former workplace there were high standards of business ethics and communication. European level of service, with all the consequences. I sold large volumes of materials for elite cottage villages. There is such a sign - the larger the amount of the transaction - the less problems with it, and vice versa. I sold a small piece for 50,000. Ruby is calling:

Will you bring it today?

Good day! No, the line of delivery is already formed, wait for tomorrow afternoon.

Are you a fool? Did I send money? I have deadlines today!

Please keep calm. I tried to influence the turn - sorry, the situation remains unchanged.

Is there a car? Sit down and bring it, I will pay you in advance!

I repeat again...

Are you stupid?

And there's something like boiling up, I'm talking to the whole office (open space) - you hear, monkey. H to go. I hang the phone.

The boss gets a fine of 5,000 rubles. It says, balance the relationship with the customer, or another 5000 rubles. I refuse, I give a visit card, I say - call the hoops yourself. He - ok and minus 10,000 in the sum, took a visit card. I accepted, a week passes, I find a note under the keyboard:

“I sent him too.” Ten thousand rubles inside.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134063
xxx: Somebody can advise something in connection with buying a car bu.
XXX: Somebody may have come across something.
YYY: go buy put on account
YYY: I have encountered this.
YYY: Then did it
I forgot to drive the car.
YYY: to ride
No driving without fuel.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134062
This is interesting - how much did this same Joker steal Mizulina for such a shameless advertisement? Before his photo exhibition was banned, I had no idea that there was some kind of Jok in the world with photos of naked children... and now the whole country knows about him.
Pictures are easily swallowed. The most pure "art" – that is, they are absolutely not fabulous. Imho has nothing to see there, especially for money.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134061
The Ufa court issued an indictment to a four-year-old boy, who, according to the indictment, crushed the head of a SUV.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134060
The light:
Can the certificate somewhere that Masha loves?
and Denis:
It is a good idea. Does anyone know where she loves?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna