— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №151194
Trust is faith justified by practice.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №151193
For a long time I didn’t talk about fraudsters. I was encouraged to share a popington user’s story about a helpful manager who, at his own risk and risk, helped him in violation of all the rules. I warn you, the story will be long, don’t look for it.

My sincere thanks to users "perevodchik" and "RRaf" for the editing and correction.

“Excellent Service”

The epigram:
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” (The wisdom of the people)
2) “He didn’t want to take on himself. How he felt. And they always say to him, “Take on yourself... take on yourself.” He took on himself. Now he is here, and they are on the side.” (M by M. of Zhvanetsky).

It was almost a dozen years ago. If anyone remembers, in those years, oil was $120 per barrel, and the dollar was relatively cheaper. The Russian people in some centuries felt more or less economically comfortable and rushed to climb their place under the sun, buying lighthouses. Sometimes cars were brought from Europe, but most cars still came from the United States.

Naturally, many dealers were quickly drawn on both sides of the ocean. The guys in the U.S. bought cars at auctions and sent them, and the Russian dealers accepted aggregates, customs, shamanized and struck them to joyful buyers. Everyone was happy and had a profit that was enough for bread, butter and, sometimes, servings.

In the holding where I worked, one of the was sending cars from the United States. They sent cars to the Baltics, Kazakhstan, Georgia and other countries, but most of them still in the Russian Federation. More precisely, the machines for the Russian market were originally sent to Finland, to Kotka (this is how almost all companies in this business did). There we had a firm (legally - a separate company) that took the containers, unloaded them and put the cars on the warehouse parking lot. And from there, the recipients carried out machinery on cars or on their own. I will not say that sending equipment is a very difficult business, but its specificity, of course, was.

Overall, the process looked like this. The shipper drove the machine to a site in the United States. Upon arrival, the recipients filled out the inspection form. It documented visible defects, scratches, scales, cracks, etc. In some cases, photographs were taken. The process is turbulent, but necessary, otherwise it will be very difficult to look for the extreme, and so - "the paper investigates." It was also noted that the car had doping. equipment, such as kangaroo or thresholds. And separately recorded when the sender put something extra in the car, such as spare parts, pieces, or package. Of course, formally, it is a prostitute and a cowboy who was not encouraged, but the eyes were closed to it, although honestly customers were warned, "We are only responsible for the car, and all shipments are at your risk."

Shipping prices, clear affair, depended on the direction, desired delivery speed, the number of machines in the container, etc. Of course, ideally, customers would pay for all delivery at once, but not all do so. Usually a part was paid, and the rest was already paid upon arrival. The logic is simple: the road is long, and the car is a fragile thing, the price is considerable. Anything can happen, both on the way and when loading. It’s much easier to get the right to the company if you owe it something. In addition, often part of the delivery was paid by the recipient himself.

Upon the arrival of the container in Katka, the car was unloaded to the warehouse, and employees of the Finnish company notified the New York office. The same, in turn, contacted the sender, the status of delivery and agreed on further nuances. The outcome of the negotiations was a special form, the so-called "fortification".

In fact, it was a license to issue and the most detailed instructions for the Finnish company. It was stated, for example: "Mazda 626 under VIN-number XX, should be issued to Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, upon presentation of a passport. The recipient must pay $500 for delivery. Or "Honda Civic under the VIN-number YYY, should be uploaded to the car company "Zozul and Daughters". No supplement is required. Make sure that the bust with the legs that lies in the trunk is pulled out. Leave it in stock and it will be taken by Tit Titovich Titov. He has to pay 100 euros for it.” This form was sent less often by fax, and more often electronically.

Usually, the coordination between the New York office and the sender occurred quickly, but sometimes it took several days (and even weeks and months). But there was one steel law - a car without a fixture should never be given to anyone. The rule is more than reasonable, because the sender and recipient in 99% of cases are different persons. They may not even know each other and act through a chain of intermediaries. Transfer is a long process, in these months or two anything can happen. And partners can become competitors, and friends turn into enemies, and the buyer refuse to buy and even the intended recipient leave this wretched world.

There were a lot of shipments, and the business developed rapidly. At the peak, 6-7 people worked in the warehouse (loading cars) and the same amount in the office. The staff hunger was very tangible, because competent Russian-speaking employees (given the client contingent) in Finland are not so easy to find. This was especially true of office workers who issued papers, accepted payments, etc. Not only literate, but executive and, most importantly, honest people were needed, because there was a lot of cash accumulated.

Once the director of a Finnish company approached us (the Finnish company was subordinate to the headquarters in Peter) and asked: "The volume of work is large and continues to grow, good employees for adequate money to find very difficult, the competition for people is crazy. But I have a niece Zina, a very smart and working girl who is now looking for a job. Can I hire her?”

I thought my head was scratched, but what to do? The director honestly says, the volume really increased very sharply. Normal employees are difficult to find. To be honest, the clan aspect is confusing, it is not good when one relative serves under the leadership of another, but there are few options here. They decided “OK. You have an old, verified employee, many years together. It is your responsibility, Berry. But, if anything, without insults.”

not missed. Zina was a treasure. Knowledgeful, communicative, hardworking, clear, responsible. A miracle, not an employee. She worked for a year and a half or two, she could not boast. He became a senior service manager, essentially a deputy director. Of course, this is all so, semi-formally, because the office staff is few. But anyway, in the absence of the director, she was listened to as the manager.

One Thursday in November, a man with a puppy appears in a Finnish office. He is under forty years old and looks very respectful. Not rushingly, but solidly dressed, decent watches, a barbecue, and generally from it flows with strength, confidence and charisma. And the little boy looks like an angel, such a strong blonde, with cheerful brown eyes. It is also beautiful and warm clothes, yet it is almost winter. The man from the threshold addresses with a smiling smile:
Hi girls. I am here to pick up my machine. Infiniti FX35 and Vin XYZ. Help the traveler, and to the boy, Sergun, now we will quickly arrange everything here and go back.

Zina our looks into the system, checks the mail and sees - there is no attachment to the machine. The man answered in tone:
Sorry, but I can’t give you the car.
He was sitting,
In the sense? How is it? What a joke of humor?
No joke, this is a sad reality given in the sensation. We didn’t get a fixture on your car from New York.
- What is a fortification, and what is it eaten with?
He was explained. He is disturbed:
These are affairs. What should I do?

In principle, the case is unusual, but not uncommon. It happened that upon receipt of information about the arrival, the sender himself informed the recipient that the car had arrived, even before the detachment was agreed. Moreover, there are often intermediaries between the sender and the recipient. Often the recipient did not even know with whom the consolidation is agreed. So, often the rushing recipients came and waited for a removal in order to pick up the car.

The main thing is, when in Finland it is a working day, in New York it is a deep night. Therefore, most of the time, the recipient was asked to wait for employees to arrive at the workplace in the United States. Waiting for 5-6 hours is a much lower than average pleasure. Moreover, it is a customs building, and there is nothing nearby. Where are you going from the submarine?

What is this? The man was angry. I will write to my contact. What do we do here for half a day?
And he takes out the phone and taps the SMS right in front of the officer’s eyes.
It won’t help, and it’s even worse. Zina said sympathetically. You are not lucky. Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in America. Our office in New York is closed. Moreover, it is closed tomorrow (for those who do not know, the day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday, a day of large sales across the country. Many companies give this day as a holiday for employees. This is probably the only two-day holiday in the United States. And then the weekend. The earliest, we will get a fixture under Monday evening.
This is my car. I paid her. Here, I even have a printing of all our correspondence with the sender. Here’s the VIN number, but here’s the payment for the car – explains the man.
We understand everything, but we can do nothing. These are the rules, it stands on its own Zina.

The man broke.
Is it how? Waiting four more days? I can not. And to go to you is not near light. You know, my situation is so difficult...
And then his phone ringed.

The man takes the bell, and there is a sharp female voice, like a steel pile on the glass. Crying is heard throughout the office. The man stumbled, covering the phone with his palm.
Is it Mom? The boy asks.
“Yes,” the man whispered, “be careful, son. I am sorry. I am now.
He jumped out of the office.

That “now” lasted probably for 40 minutes, not less. During this time, the puppy of all the aunts in the office simply enchanted, especially against the backdrop of the usual visitors - runners, motorists and long-haul drivers, lost with sweat socks and chicken. A few minutes the boy sat down humbly, then he became bored. Rubik’s cubic got, began to collect. And so cleverly he gets, the fingers just blink, 40-50 seconds and it's done. The girls looked. 5-7 minutes later, the boy asked them for a few sheets of paper and a scissor. HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP, HOP Some animals, flowers, machines, ships. Everyone smiled.

The young man asked for a pencil. He began to paint something, even pushed out his tongue from diligence. After a minute, I showed the employee Olle, shouting at her. It looks so funny painted. Then another worker also painted a painting.

Our ladies just fell in love with the boy. They poured tea, gave sweets, began to ask about it. The boy speaks boldly - say, his name is Serjoja, he is 12, he learns well, plays guitar, swims and tennis, loves to read and draw. Although Mom and Uncle Cole are not delighted with his painting. Mom and Dad have not lived together for a long time, and he rarely sees Dad. My mom barely let them go, and that’s just because he’s having his birthday tomorrow. A missed day at school, though, will have to hunt, but it is a small thing. He is generally so happy that he and his dad will go home in his new car and spend the whole day together.

The man grows, the face is not on him, a hot conversation is apparent.
Did my mother scream again? Seriously asks Serena.
The man breathes. Go out for a walk, son. Per there is a meal here. We would eat what we need.
The boy came out.
Can nothing be done? His mother called him... Requires... Hey... - the man in his hearts shrugged his hand (seems to boil all, barely holding back). How do we get back? A comrade took us here, but he went further, to Helsinki. And us how? We were in the car, I thought we would go.
Well, in principle, in 5-6 hours, the router for Peter leaves. We can help place to order, the light employee suggests.
"So we'll get to Peter, maybe only by night, and I'll have to go further. On Sunday I have to go for a couple of weeks. Then go here again. And most importantly, there is a surprise in the suitcase for him on his birthday, he has it tomorrow. Seregka is fascinated with guitar, so I ordered him a real Taylor in America, because he dreams of her day and night. I wanted to present him when I returned to Peter. I dreamed that we would spend the whole day together with him, pumping in a new car. I see him so rarely. She does not see her son.

Here our aunt's ears are wrapped, the man is pleasant, disposes of himself, and it's always nice to hear about other people's problems. The day is quiet, there are no customers, the office is empty. They began to ask, in the soul to climb, what and how. The man was not widespread, but a couple of his phrases and their female fantasy completely restored the situation. It is just like a cold. St. Petersburg, army, institute, 90s, small business, the first money, then more, the girl from Zadneperdonsk, who came to attend, theater, flowers, white nights, wedding, boyfriend, crisis, crash, no money, business coat, scandal at home, you do not value me - I have another, divorce, her apartment, she has another, then another one, friends invited to business in the suburb of Moscow, again on a horse, Peter rarely misses his son.

The serpent is back.
Dad, there is a run here. So what? We eat and go? He asks with hope.
You see, my son, it does not depend on me. Not the fate. The office in America is closed, but what can the girls do here? Or can they? - No, the man did not canyon, did not null, behaved decently. But obviously, he really wants to pick up the car now.
You go for lunch, we’ll go for lunch, we’ll go for lunch.

The visitors left, and the office ladies joked. The problem is that the director is not, she always took this week as a vacation, because due to Thanksgiving in the United States and in the Finnish office the volume of work fell. Zina and other employees did well without her.
- Should Tamare (director) call, says Olya (one of the employees)
She went to Lapland this week. I won’t take the cable. But let’s try, Zina replies.
No, I did not call. Then I began to guess.
The man is solid, says the light. The boy is sorry. Sometimes you can make an exception.
I think so too, Romy. Go to Zin, decide. Do you not regret them? It is a pleasure and a relief for the man.
You just have to think about everything for the case. Ask for a copy of the passport, advises Katya.

Meanwhile, a man and his son returned to the office after lunch, modestly sitting on their chairs, because there the girls made paperwork for a couple of long-distance drivers. Everyone smiled, as they saw them, quickly drove sent out.

- I suggest so, - began Zina - Once, you leave a copy of your passport and phone number. Two, you pay the full delivery of the car.
Did I already pay?
- We see it, but it is possible that you will have a surcharge. So often happens. In any case, we will have to take your money for delivery, but don’t worry. We will issue you a receipt, and if overpayment, you can come back to us when you can, and we will return you the extra money. Is this option suitable?
Girls, family, cute, the best! Of course it suits! Here is a copy of my passport, I always carry with me, now I will write my phone number on it. How much supplement?
of $1,600.
The man stumbled.
Okay, I have $500 with me. Can you take the rubles? Or the Euro?
- Let's take the euro, but at our domestic rate (since the surcharge was taken on the instructions of the New York office, then usually all calculations were denominated in dollars, despite the fact that in Finland, of course, the euro. Often, the recipients did not know about this in advance or forgot and brought euros with them. And since there was no exchange in the customs building, the exchange rate difference served as a small but pleasant source of income for the office.

Everything has been paid, the papers have been issued, the receipt of payment has been made, everyone is shining from happiness. Manik and Serjoja thanked each of the employees, especially Zina. They picked up the car and left. And in the office everyone was in a good mood, warm in the heart, did a good deed. The boy was remembered with a smile, looking at the pictures and origami.

Friday passed, the weekend passed, and on Monday the director returned. She was not even about this case. And why? On Wednesday morning there was a thunderstorm.

A car arrived and drove with a list:
Hi everyone, here are the eight cars. Put the oranges in barrels.
We looked into the e-box, and all the cars were sent out on Tuesday evening (New York time). Stand and stand. One of the fasteners on the same Infinity, FX35. What is Gluck? It is clearly stated in the fixture, and the VIN is stated: "Give the car, will take the car, the company is like that, no additional payment is required. Unload the guitar before shipping and leave it in stock. Peter Petrovich Petrov will come, pay $2,000 and take it." The girls were in shock, especially Zina.
We have already given this car.
How did they give? To whom gave? I have clear instructions. There must be eight cars, the driver is upset.
What is noise and no fighting? The director intervened. There is a mistake in you. Something is confused in New York.
Driving in anger:
Do you want to lose a day while you’re breasts? It’s not the first time I’m living in these cars, these boots are already up to the ass.
Give me my right here! Go on the cold cold, or painfully hot found. Until I talk to our office in America, you won’t get any cars.
The driver left, all out of anger.

Here is Nash. I'll call you in a couple of hours to find out what the hell is. Only one thing embarrasses me - the detachment came yesterday, it is probably a duplicate. But I don't see the old notification on this car in the mail. Maybe it came by fax? Who gave the car?
“I gave the car,” Zina barely heard. We had such a case last Thursday. ...
The girls took the director into the course.
Girls, you are what? Vehicle without removal? How could you? You have been working for so many years, you know the rules of the tooth. Pray that it be a mistake, the director in a pre-infarct state.

I called to New York. Everything is clear. At first, they thought they were being played.
This is what you invented! I gave the car just like that.
Then, in horror, he grabbed his head:
Did you fall from the oak and fall on a ants? Give a car for beautiful eyes!
In the Finnish office, hysteria, tears, all liters of validol drink. It is a pity to look at Zina.

I had to report to the sender. A large office, a lot of cars send. They are angry, and they can be understood. Infiniti is, of course, not Maybach, but anyway - the car is not cheap. Black on black, low mileage, decent farce, all in mind. For a second, it is tens of thousands of dollars that the contractor is not going to lose.
You will repay me a penny! It hurts so that the tube breaks. Hang up female dogs! Now I am coming to you, and I will make Sodom and Gomorrah so that you will tremble. You don’t know Panic!

There were letters and calls. "Everything was mixed in the house of Oblonsky," and "salps of thousands of guns merged into a long army." I had to report to Peter. His reaction can also be imagined, he, gently speaking, was dissatisfied. From his indignation, ice was melting on the street. Matyugs stood such that it was even heard at the other end of the base, and long-distance drivers and blinds respectfully listened to the monologue and configured the turn of speech into notebooks with a steep line.

Obviously, in front of naive girls, naughty fraudsters played an extraordinary action. Thin psychological calculation, careful preparation, excellent performance, and Stanislavsky rests. Oscars in the studio. They knew the details of the car, and what is in the trunk, and about the control in the form of a fixture, and about what a holiday in America, and maybe even about the director’s leave. Someone may have leaked information, but who? After all, the car was known to employees of the sender and recipient, and employees of the New York office and warehouse in New Jersey, and employees in Finland. Where to look for the end is unclear.

But the main sin is clear - handed over the car without fixing. The saddest thing is that even the police do not contact, neither the American, nor the Finnish, nor the Russian. To whom to write an application, and for what? The car and documents were handed over. Phone on paper is turned off. I broke my passport, of course. There is a kind of alchemy in Ustzažopinsk, I have not heard about the car, I recently lost my passport for drunkenness, and the photo is quite different.

In front of the client for a long time whipped the tail, apologized, beat themselves with their heels in the chest. As a result, the loss was partially compensated with money, partially free shipping. But it is only half. What to do with cats? The boss ordered, "to deprive everyone of the annual bonus, from the director to the administrator, and Zina to be fired to hell dogs."

When he got up, they tried to convince him, say sorry, the employee is very good, the lesson was given for the rest of his life. He said, “Sorry for the bees. There are clear rules, she knew them and deliberately broke them. This means that she went against the owner of the company. Now there are only two options. Once, she buys a company from me, and then let her do what she wants, even if the canane is dancing on the table. Or two, “her example is another science.” How to run a large office. “Whoever is not with us is against us.” The verdict is final and cannot be appealed.” The director had to dismiss his niece and the best employee personally. I shed tears and emotions.

From all this sad story I personally learned one life lesson. One hundred times right are those who say, "The Charter of the Guard Service is written in blood!"

What do you think?

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151192
He is retired, but his parents are not.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151191
I remembered a story about a decade ago. I was a young green engineer. And the director of the fashion factory appeared - every Friday after lunch he was gathering an extended meeting (a man for 30-40 participants), and for two or three hours he was fucking his brains about why everything was so bad. My boss was dragged there, and even me, because he and I led a very promising development for the factory.

Then another meeting. The director travelled through a bunch of services, then stumbled off on marketing, and summarizing, he said, saying, "to deprive the marketing of the premium! “” The guys from the marketing were drastically submerged - they had prizes for a significant portion of their salary. Some of them said something about us, the designers. Director, not stopping - "and the designers also deprive the prize! “” My boss right from the place, the director, “Let you go! “” The director shrinks, and says, “A statement to me on the table! “” The boss, not thinking long, takes an A4 sheet, writes a statement at his own request, and throws it to the director. There are 30 witnesses, I recall. The director took the statement, twisted his hands, then somehow confusedly and quietly said, saying, "well, they both got hot, it happens," made the statement, and returned the leaflet back. Since then, we have been invited to these meetings only when we could not do without us.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151190
My uncle Kazakh, lived in Russia all his life, working as a teacher of physical education. He was sent to Kazakhstan for practice. At all classes he spoke Kazakh language. I noticed that the children were constantly confused. After a few lessons, the students asked him to speak Russian because they did not understand what he was saying.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №151189
In the morning, I am late to work, one hand clothes, the other trying to call a taxi. It will arrive in 7 minutes, well gone not in a hurry, and then it is cold on the street.

I go down the stairs, and here the man runs with a child's chair from the upper floors, well, he hits me with this chair on the shoulder, I told him something kind of more carefully needed, and he just ran down, only he raised his head on me.

I wait for a taxi. It is cold and it is late. In a few minutes, he rolls out of the courtyards, already in the salon, and this is the man who knocked me on the chair.

I went to the nearest lighthouse and he said:

Taxi driver: - Sorry for the long drive, I ordered right from home, and then the car warmed up...

I: I know you hit me on the stairs.

The taxi driver: Yes. ! to It was dark, and I looked like a bomb.

I: You know how to apologize.

The man just stumbled on me, the rest of the road passed silently.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №151188
I was recently invited to a meeting. All the 30 minutes it lasted told me how bad I was. I fought like Pancher's lion, trying to defend my right, but all my arguments and arguments were not taken into account. At some point, I even started to be frightened by dismissal. I am tired here. I quietly stood up from behind the table and headed out of the office, accompanied by the astonished eyes of all present. The boss remembered first.

to stand! Where did they gather? He rattled.

in the personnel department. You convinced me. I have nothing to do here. I’ll write on my own. – I calmly answered.

What kind of person are you? The boss breathed, why are you just starting to bite? Couldn’t you be in the meeting anymore? You will be fired and who will work? We have no claims to you. Go work quietly.

I have been in a couple of meetings since then. Everyone had their brains except me.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №151187
There are two levels of trust, yes and no.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №151186
Apparently, many people at work have such a man "smoking a cigarette", then he stops smoking, then forgot, then the moon from Mars fell, in general, an eternal shooter. Many scribes shared their teeth, and at the end of the month they borrowed money from him, and simply returned the blocks of cigarettes. This expression of the face cannot be translated in words.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №151185
According to polls, 40% of Russians do not know how to get to war with America with such a salary.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №151184
Gastrabytes in their homeland - the elite.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №151183
The Benefits of Soap Opera

A year in 2000, I call my mom on March 7th to find out about the mood. In the tube unclear whirling and real crying. I was scared, but in response, “It’s okay! Everything is fine, call back tomorrow.” You represent my condition, but tomorrow means tomorrow. I call in the morning. Congratulations, I am waiting for an explanation. Following her words.
“Yesterday at five o’clock from work my father called.Rabbit, hold on, we’ll be there in 20 minutes.” Okay, so I have to. Clothed and dressed. Then I think once “we will” means we are not somewhere, but someone to us. The sandwiches are smart, the cake in the oven is fast. I wait. They come in. A man and a woman with a suitcase. She said, “Hello!” and I said, “Hello!” And Daddy in the room moves the chair to the center and puts me there. She says to the woman, “We are ready,” and to me, “Dear – enjoy.” A woman opens a suitcase, gets a pipit, notes and a violin (I must say, my mom loves classical music very much). The concert lasts for an hour and a half. I forgot where I am and who I am. I cried and laughed and experienced a storm of emotions. And after it’s all over, you’re just calling...I just couldn’t talk.”
It all started in the New Year area. Mom was watching a series, another series of soap opera. The protagonist orders a serenade to his beloved woman. “There are real men!”“” said my mother. The father thought reasonably: “And what is a pilot, a colonel of the Soviet (Russian) army worse than some Macho-Mucho?With the menesters in Syzran tight, so I went to look for a professional musician in the violin class, knowing my mother's love for the instrument. I found. When he performed the violin and returned, he asked one single question: “So you think you have a real man?”
He met us at the train station with “I love you” balls, carried me on his arms on the bridge when I passed the exams and entered the institute, wrote poetry to my mom and left it in the bedroom under her pillow.
The Daddy! You are the best! You are the most beloved and beloved! You did your miracle, you came out of the coma. You will remember me, I am sure. You love life too much. And we love you very much.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №151182
Radio of Russia:
I trade drugs for little and I don’t work. Do I have to pay sales tax as a self-employed?
and no. The wholesaler, from whom you buy small batches, has already paid the police and the FSB for you.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №151181
With the appearance of paper monitors, you do not have to tolerate everything.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151180
A few years ago, I worked in a small company. Our lawyer, desperate to obtain from other units careful reading of the contracts sent to them for agreement, included the following paragraph in the text of the contract:

"Customer service... is allowed only with the use of a condom, while a sound accompaniment in the form of a Shanson radio station is mandatory."

The agreement was agreed upon. The director, when he was brought to sign this masterpiece along with the lawyer's comments, smiled and said, "Well, once they agree - let us issue an order on the company, and let them execute. Whoever refuses will be fired.”

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №151179
- Rosa Markovna, I was recommended you as an experienced psychotherapist.
What disturbs us?
- Autumn, Hanra, there is no one with whom to drink a hares, talk and sleep in the position of a spoon.
Call me Rose. I am behind the curtain.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №151178
The story happened to me recently, literally 3-4 hours ago. I went to the furniture store and had to renovate the table. I found the right one and looked. I called the consultant, asked for the size, she said "happiness" and went somewhere to look. Two minutes later he returns, saying 970x720, which was too much for me. Looking for another table, smaller. I looked, I suspected, I asked. The same, 970x720, although the table is obviously smaller in appearance. I asked the consultant to show where she looked at the size, she led me to her comp. I see, she googled around the article table and looked at the size of the picture. The pictures, Carl Where do they get such things from?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №151177
Today is another birthday. And he has three young children, the older 5, the younger - 1. I went to him a couple of months ago, especially since we live across the house from each other. Noise in the house. In short, I was delighted at the moment, being behind the door outside – in silence.

I call him and congratulate him.

Congratulations on your birthday, wishes for a happy life, Push!

thank you!

"Thank you" such a sluggish... suggests to come in in the evening, sit down, note. But I feel there is no sincerity in his voice. Zatrahan so, the PPS offers solely because of politeness.

No, I am answering. A lot of work, even taken home for the weekend. I will not come.

A huge thank you!

And that “thank you” sounded much more sincere.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151176
I come home somehow from work. On the way, I go to the kiosk next to the subway to buy bread.

I have a white bottle, please. If possible, refresh it.

and hold. The most fresh I have.

I look at the date and I realize that my wife and I have a birthday today! I usually remember always, but this time I wavered and forgot. Well, I think I went well for the bread!

I go for a gift and flowers. I come home. A woman opens the door. With a solemn look, I handed her a bouquet and a beautifully packed box:

My dear, with anniversary!

My wife is surprised:

Thanks, it’s birthday tomorrow.

And then I realized that the bread was sold to me really fresh, tomorrow.

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №151175
When you kiss a beautiful woman, you usually think, “If only I didn’t talk!“”

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