— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №88525
Our chief accountant Margarita Lvivna is called Leo Margheritich.

It deserves it 😉

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №88524
by Vasa Dobrev. On his dirty car someone wrote with his finger "Help me". He saw and wrote the answer below - "go nahuy". So he rides.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №88523
X: Okay, what is the mood?
I spent the whole morning with grandmothers.
Y: In the LFC
Y: It is very funny.
Their hands are broken, and they break them, and they compete.
X: The type who gets better?
Y: Oh, short, one grandmother did everything very badly but couldn’t get along and used the main spell.
Y: She says – here you are the type of exercise you do here, and I say I can be baptized, the type of hand special pulled just to be baptized.
Y: Type of Faith Unshakable
Y: And shortly, this grandmother begins to embrace herself with the cross.
Y: Other grandparents did not want to lose
Y: In general, it all ended with the fact that 30 old ladies sitting in the LFK office began to be baptized, and some even sang prayers.
Y: This is the morning.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №88522
Listen, did you know that there are no Negroes in the Lord of the Rings?

Some of the barbaric tribes that lived south and southeast of Mordor had black skin.
If this was not shown in the film, it does not mean that it did not happen at all. Read the literature, that is the truth.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №88521
Calling from the morning.

- Hi Victor, my name is <name>, I am a representative of "Fuck-Bank"

Is it...?? to

- <heavy breath in the tube> YOU! Hey to! by BI! The Bank!! to

I invited you to the interview :)

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №88520
During a conversation with students, Lukashenko (Republic of Belarus) also acknowledged that he positively perceives criticism from Washington: "They kick my feet, they throw sticks at me. I go and think we are doing the right thing. If they start to praise you, think, ‘Somewhere you didn’t do that.’

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №88519
Announced by:
In the city of N, in a normal and sociable and company of guys, a grandmother-friend is needed.
Z is. by consent of the parties.
Leonard and Sheldon?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №88518
to these:
to this:

She: her husband found a half-life flies on the floor, pulled out a few finger batteries from the table and slid them down the floor in the direction of the flies from a meter. Is this normal for a 32 year old?
He is: Yes

I would still take a couple of pieces of the wire and lock the fly into the electric circuit.)))
by Zy. I am 31 years.

I would fuck my wife. I am 30. Only a year remains until the deadline (

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №88517
This is :
"Friends forever, I have revenged for us! I was harassed by an old friend, but I didn’t give it to her :)"
You are not a vengeful, you are an idiot!! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №88516
In The Hague in the evening of October 17, unknown people robbed the house, which is under the control of the Russian embassy in the Netherlands. This is by NL Times. Now our move.
Fuck, I’m starting to like it.

YYY: I just don’t understand that they can’t share with the Netherlands.? to

Fuck you sir!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №88515
We had a battalion in the army: E.D. and bobro.
The only person whose initials were written in front of his surname.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №88514
to this:
A girlfriend dreams of finding herself a guy, according to her descriptions: "lone, dull and dull, inclined to philosophy and psychoanalysis, for marriage and family."

When I realized I was perfect...

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №88513
Conversation with my wife in Ashkenazi.

I’ll ask you what you love more: me or the cat. You answer the cat, and I want to go, and you open the door, and I took it and changed my mind because it was a cat.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №88512
Terry Pratchett and Margaret Thatcher. With whom does not happen.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №88511
I have one known guy. And he loves to tell various stories with him on his drunken head at almost every drinking sitting. He has a story that no one has ever heard beyond the first phrase, and it sounds like this: “I’m going somewhere from my birthday... Ah, no! They are me!" It is after this phrase that wild rust rises around, and the storyteller offends everyone and silences. Until the next drink.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №88510
vol: "What are you wearing now?"
vol: "I slowly remove you from the band"
vol: "He smells like your mac and your apple"
grim: "I will enter you without a proxy"
by Leo)
I terminate your session.
Grim: "How do you want today sweet, through TCP/IPv4 or TCP/IPv6?"
SP: I pour you slowly the firmware and I get the brick after all.
Grim: "Insert your cable into my port, it’s open for you"
vol: "Your link is so narrow"
Leo: "Let’s just go with a dedicated IP, so it’s safer"
grim: "End your session safely, do not break as last time"
SP: and slowly wearing the connector
vol: "I do not accuse you of anything, but I have a drop at the port..."
sp: tell your mom to leave the room I can't continue setting
vaha: the connector whispers in your nest
Sam, difficult memories?:D
Vaha: the broken nest
Grim: "Baby, I burned the port after you"
Grim: "Did you not connect to other networks while I was at work?"
vol: "Don't mind if my friend suits me, let's try Full Duplex?"
Grim: "This is my longest session this month"
Grim: "Don’t enter me under the roof, it’s not safe"
vaha: the link does not go up, try picking it up by another port =)
grim: "Baby, I have a link jumping, should it be?"
grim: "Can you try to move your cable?"

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №88509
Today, the interviewer tested:
How many browsers does your product support?
It supports five. It only works in Internet Explorer.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №88508
The girl calls now:
Hi to you. You are concerned by the representatives of "OTP-Bank". Are you comfortable talking now?
Hi to you. Yes it is comfortable.
(2 seconds pause, I hear someone talking to her next door)
Unfortunately we can’t talk to you right now so we’ll call you back later.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №88507
Commentary from YouTube:
I bought a double icon in the car in the church. He removed the image from there and inserted the printed gods of Ketzalkoatl and Teskatilipoki (the Aztec gods). I glued onto the car panel, and I call this wild baththert from my believing father and from other 'believers' who are driving with me in the car)))))) I plan to build something like myself at home - like the'red corner'))))))))

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №88506
A real case at McDonald’s.
Standing in a row, in the neighboring box, a woman (J), gently speaking for the centerman, and a girl-cassor (K) are in a dialogue:
BigTaysti, BigMac, two hamburgers, McNags nine, big fry, big coke...
Q: Do you want a cherry cake?
You know, I am on a diet!1! 1!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna