— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №134019
Zakharchenko, they say, went to the deal with the investigation: they do not open the garage, and it closes the budget deficit of 2016, 2017 and 2018.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134018
Well, everyone has probably seen people who require some special attitude because something bad happened to them in their lives and they are unhappy. In principle, there is nothing surprising about them, but one still broke the pattern for me: a colleague who thought that he should be forgiven all the scams at work because his mother died. And it would be nothing, but uncle is half a year old, and mother has not been in the world for 15 years.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №134017
The mental and moral side of man has nothing to do with this. Men need it physiologically.

Another adept of the sect is that sex is vital only for members, and a woman can only tolerate it.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №134016
81 October 5. and Moscow. Moving to Moscow: Smell, stones, luxury, poverty. The disgrace. The villains who robbed the people gathered, they recruited soldiers, judges to guard their orgia, and they robbed. The people have nothing more to do than to take advantage of the passions of these people to drive back from them what they have robbed.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Complete collection of works in 90 volumes. Tom is 49. Diaries and notebook books from 1881.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134015
The award for outstanding achievements in the field of false science was named “Honorary Academic VRAL”.
On October 2 at the forum “Scientists Against Myths – 2” a competent jury will determine the winner by open vote. All three finalists will be awarded the title of “member-correspondent of the VRAL”, and the winner will be awarded the diploma of honorary academic of the VRAL and the Grand Prix – statuette “Busty Reptiloid”.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №134014
xxx: you are a dumb, senseless, naïve, cynical, selfish cattle!


[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №134013
With Hicks, discussing bionic prostheses:
XXX: Even if the prosthesis had a chance to eat from its owner...
YYY: Or the owners to feed from the prothesis!
zzz: Protheses can be made from edible materials.
Q: What kind of ballet is it? Eat your hand.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134012
It has always struck men’s hypocrisy.
in literature, films and so on.
Oh, I love this fairy tale, but I was forced to marry this aunt in my youth, I never loved her, but only a tepericha understood what a loboff was.
There are a lot of children in the family.
Don’t you like what happened then?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №134011
LIKE: And in the orthopedic pillow live stretched, sports saprophytes)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №134010
The effect of Barbara Streisand in action:

In Moscow, at one of the exhibition venues, the exhibition of the photographer, Jock Sturges, was quietly held. It would have passed and passed, but Mizulina suddenly saw child pornography and demanded an immediate ban! This was immediately in the media.
Now Google on request "Jack..." immediately offers to see the works of Sturges: photos of naked children from nudist communities. Nothing like that, just beautiful pictures.
But in the place of Mizulina, comparing myself to these girls, I would probably like to ban everything! What are they?! to

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №134009
Is the box not full yet? I add. The Horror of the Grammar Nazis: Franklin Stein

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134008
I took a picture of this mythology. If I looked like that, I would have forbidden everything beautiful.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134007
"Fury sent doping officers and refused to urinate."

Dr. Cox of the Clinic said:

I left the urine test on the door of your car.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134006
You can go to the ambulance if you...
You have already dealt with patients who believe that 4-hour constipation is a reason to call an ambulance.
You divide calls into 4 categories: emergency, urgent, patient and AC (alcoholic coma);
You put a fat cross on such an occasion for hospitalization as "I ate in a sticker..."
You call motorcyclists organ donors.
A patient with a nose ring told you that he was afraid of injections;
You have already come to mind thoughts such as: "The main thing is the pulse, and the rhythm is the fuck with it";
You feel myocardial infarction 20 meters away, and kidney colic - 50 meters away;
Some patients you no longer need to ask about their diseases, as all the necessary papers you can fill in on memory;
You can’t laugh when you hear from a patient: “I only drank 2 bottles of beer.”
You automatically multiply by 3 the amount of glasses of alcohol that the patient says he drinks daily;
You give the surrounding bombs the addresses of good beds so that they don’t think about spending the night in the hospital.

by BES

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134005
What do you have a cake for?
My future overweight.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134004
According to the rules, foreign surnames are not translated into Russian. She translated the financial report into English, often got a bond, and immediately remembered that there was such a heroine in the Soviet series about the militia and the scammers, Manka-obligation. That is Bond. And then I had an image in my head: such a brave cool actor comes out of the car and says the famous phrase: "Bond. The James Bond" I hanged for 20 minutes after that.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134003
Here you write that in movies they go in the frost "without a head" and it’s hard to see.

A few times I’ve seen a man falling in clothes into the ice water.
What do they do with him when they get rid of him?
It doesn’t eat, it’s the Russians who will tear and poison with vodka (and drink with vodka), and then wrap.
No, these paranoid absolutely wet people in absolutely wet ice clothes...just cover up with a blanket.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134002
My girlfriend and I were 15 years old. When dating the guys usually looked at each other and told my girlfriend "how eyey!" and she shone. And I was terribly jealous of her, because I thought my eyes were no less expressive. The idea that it was a compliment to her fourth breast size came to us 10 years later.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №134001
I just saw the hair. I dress up!
YYY : Oh! The dress is original...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №134000
After a long break I went to the gym, now I can't raise my hands. The Fortress.
WOW: How much did you do?
XHH: 36 years

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna