— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148034
>>Let me guess: automation for you is a working button with the inscription "do (me)??>>for you**s"?! to
>> Do not make fun of the engineers!

You need the buttons:
"Make It Cheap"
"Do it normally"
"Do it cool"
"Do the same, but in a different way"
"Make a loan**"
"To make the customer like it"
"Make it agreeable"
This is the minimum functionality.

[ + 15 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148033
They do not have to cover all the necessary expenses - the main expenses of the parent with whom the child lives. Taste and other things.
And remember, child support is paid a) because the law requires and b) in old age to seek child support for yourself.

Here you will receive alimony at the old age of 1000 r and you will be stuck on the life of a curse.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №148032
The party behind. On January 9, women go to work to rest.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №148031
Grandson of Santa

The story of Santa Claus’s memoirs. I warn you that it will be fun. As far as I remember, my childhood, though it was happy, rich it is hard to call. First rebuilding, then the fun 90s. My father died in (yes, the same place where we like to organize races on turtles), my mother was a kindergarten teacher with a salary of 10 kilograms of strawberries a month (who remembers 1992-1993 will understand). And all this – against the backdrop of the abundance of imports. Today’s children don’t understand what it was like in the early 1990s to eat Snickers at a school shift or go out to the yard with a cassette. As you can see, with a monthly budget of 10 kilograms, the Snickers on the shift, and even more so, the magnetophone in the yard were excluded. Yes, I myself understood everything very well, and I didn’t even talk about such things.

So when I received the Sony Walkman as a gift on January 1, 1993, my condition was close to shock. First, at that time it was cooler than the iPhone X and Apple Watch combined. Secondly, I understood that the next six months of strawberries per month will be twice as little. “Mom, where did you come from? Don’t worry, I gave it to you at work.” In short, before the summer I was in school if not a king, then noble blood.

And only a few years later I learned that for the sake of the player my mom worked for several months on the floor as a cleaner in the same garden.

Now I am an adult, about the same age as I was in my mother’s years. I earn more than well. But I can’t force my mom to agree to some expensive purchase (“You need to save money for a new car / apartment / country.”) Those of you who lived in the 90s will understand me. Every time you have to figure out where the gift comes from. Tourist tour - "Yes, this is a advertising tour with a discount of 50%, you need to take." TV - bonuses from the store, phone - "We have it here twice as cheap as you have in Russia." According to experience, it is best to take tickets to the theater "for bonuses of a cellular operator, which if not spent now - in a week will burn."

Here and now took her tickets for a concert in the Kremlin, "the tickets were missing from friends, whose company sponsors this concert", and in the eyes of the glowing of happiness 13-year-old boy with the player in his hands, and the tears turn.

My dear ones, my advice to you: before it is too late - please your parents. Even though they are old, they still believe in miracles. Well, the modern “miracles” options I wrote to you.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148030
Who did they stop when 10 thousand Haishnikovs were fired?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148029
A couple of years ago I went to one women’s forum and even from naivety entered into discussion about divorces there. And although I have great respect for women, I believe that a man should under no circumstances be removed from the upbringing and maintenance of children and within the reasonable limits of former wives (ex wives are there, but there are no ex-children), I was so upset and upset at that forum that I fled shamefully.
Well, this year for the New Year holidays, I went to a hot tropical resort, where I spent a week completely without internet.
And today, when I came here, I realized with horror that that forum has caught me.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148028
Question to Knowledge:
With them, with the children. How to judge a cat?? to

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148027
Celebrating a new year. Some people begin to talk about history. I am joining. My husband joins us a little later. The result: all gradually separated and my husband and I discussed the history of Russia and the world for 2 hours, isolating ourselves in the corner. And so has been 3 years. Themes can be any. Are we going somewhere?

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148026
Serehio: One of my relatives, a lady over 40, loves to sit on all kinds of forums. And somewhere there she has a nick ending in 1992.
serehio: A couple or three years ago there was a case, there was a guy attached to her some, say, how old you are, she does not answer, he says, well, yes, a difficult task, of course, to count how old you are, if you were born in 1992.
Serehio: And 1992 is the year she finished school.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148025
I personally know a lot of very fucking young men who have an abortion, that a light tripper, the same pofigu. And the pills eat a handful and fuck - just serve. Not everything is unambiguous.

If you choose to live in shit, who is to blame?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №148024
On January 9 afternoon, I sit in the office sleepy. I spoke in the ear, not to forget that I am in the car today. At the next table, I’t forget that I’m at work today.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148023
by Postinor

Read about it yourself to begin with. Instructions at least. Section " side effects" I’m not talking about individual reactions (the internet helps again), it’s a non-figured interference in the body’s work, and it is carried out... luckily, shorter. My friend, a healthy and very smart girl, the doctor specifically tested: does it not affect the well-being? Exactly safe? Can I really go to work? (Yes, smart girls have contraceptive patches in the PA process. They can happen to anyone who uses contraception at all. And drink OK constantly she can not, without the recommended breaks once every several months she begins a side, and this is quite a typical case.) Well so here. The clever girl went out. Otherwise, it is not known whether she would have arrived to work alive or eating. It was bad for her - mother didn't burn, her head rolled around and so on. Falling under the coheses of a bus, under a train in the subway or falling down with your head at the transition stage is easier than easy. This is a funny thing about emergency contraception. You can laugh (postinor is funny, blt).

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №148022
Or maybe then it is easier to agree that the child 50/50 lives with the parents. Joint guardianship, no one owes anyone anything? Circles month by month. But no, the grandmother usually has to expose the daddy stupidly in front of the child.

So it’s easier, of course, and where did you see a woman who was against such a distribution while in the rest of an adequate dad?
Usually when the 'evil ex' is categorically against the division of responsibilities, there are some nuances. Then the folder blows, then the hand applies, then it blows, then the unemployed for 6 months a year, then what difference - so you don't trust the child, ahah!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148021
The illiterate Charles the Great spread education as much as he could. Our educational politicians at Oxford and Harvard are destroying it as much as they can.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148020
Before the aquarium, I had been repairing apartments for ten years. Giving an announcement in the newspapers, it was said "tapet tape sticker 100rub square. M is “” And here we come to one woman (years 99-2000), on the phone she said that the price is quite suitable for her. We watched, we discussed. She Agrees. came to work. I started measuring the walls. She asks – and what are you doing? I say, I measure how much. She is like this - yes, this bedroom is 14 square meters, and the hall is 18 square meters, the kitchen is 7... (first we have to remove the old wallpapers, then spat - for each type of work a certain amount per square. Remove the old wallpaper well there is about 10 rubles per square, spackelovka well rubles 100-150, I don't remember for years).

As many may have guessed, this 40-45-year-old woman was sure that here she had a bedroom of 14 square meters. M is - means to scratch all wallpapers from the walls and ceiling is 140 rubles, and to paste wallpapers on the walls and ceiling, it is 14 multiply by 100 rubles, respectively.

I began to explain to her that we count square meters. That is, if the wall is five meters to two seventy, it is only one that wall is almost 14 square meters. A walls in general four, plus the ceiling, just these 14 square meters. M is

She, of course, began to scream that we are deceivers, etc. I say - well, in the announcement is said about 100 rubles per square meter. And we discussed this with you, which is 100 rubles per square meter. The square. A square is one meter per meter. She is none. He says, I will prove it to you. And she brings a bill that says that her apartment is 46 square meters. It is the same, 46 square meters. You are inventing.

Our dispute lasted for an hour. At that time I was studying in 2 courses of Mehmat. In response to her receipt, he showed her a cold. I’m from Mehmat and I know what a square meter is. I painted her a square meter on an old wallpaper. In response, she showed me a payment for the apartment, where it was written that her apartment was 46 square meters. M is Even if you kill yourself at the wall.

At the same time, we have not yet had time to do anything, i.e. the divorce was not the same. But time was wasted on that. So they left.

By the way, in 10 years of working in this field, we and our partner - we both worked - did not pay only twice. Both clients were OHS. the riches. I was a student, a partner for 60 years... We didn’t do any tricks in response either).

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №148019
So, where do you come from, fairy tales, whose mother is beating the child through the court? No one beats anyone, just the fathers of the category "he makes money, so he is inclined to know how the child is called and how many years have seen that joint custody - they fall into a beautiful new life. And if any woman at least sneaks about the fact that it is better for the child to stay with the father, because he has a large apartment or a new full family with a new fairy, when the mother's personal life is now just beginning to repair, and in general she wants to go without hemorrhoids with food and Saturday dressed walking to the park - everyone calls out that this fox for a monster is that the child wants to drop, and the loudest of all will be the former himself. Don't forget that daddy's ignorance is funny in the story with dolls from Zamrzak - and you can confuse less harmless things, for example, when a child has a food allergy.
Even if the mother is a real monster (a drug addict is there, in prison, or a dumb child is abused so that when he sees her, he will hang out), the child-surprise is more likely to get to the grandmother or another relative. If a father does something with him, he makes money - and let the whole world get rid of it.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №148018

here here :
As a rule, for food only and you can buy that is not the most expensive shoes and jacket. Maybe it will be chocolate.

Shoes, jackets and even chocolate? Are you not hot?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №148017
Thirty years of youth retirees. And yes, the old women around eighty are discussing them in terms of walks for men.
You generally have outdated information about cries old ladies, the generation of pensioners has not yet finally disappeared, but there are few of them left. And the current burst on the strictly opposite theme - they were, say, "UH!" and broke away, and into the militia proudly got, and the novels revolved with a fire, and the current youth, stuck in laptops and want nothing.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148016
My wife and I have a mortgage and two young (one year and two years) desirable but unplanned children. Even without decrees. I can’t get any closer than a meter without a condom. :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148015
>> An ad hangs on the entrance door. with photo. "Lost quadrocopter of white colour..."

Without two blades and one support, it runs on the nickname "Laki"?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna