— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №9837
How to name the fact that on the first of September comes to me a first-year student, on the first college pair in his life, sits on the back and falls asleep?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №9836
I have a headache (
He: I do not offer.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №9835
A girl from a former job told me:
The active persons:
Vika – she
Taxi Driver
Kim is her husband (also a taxi driver)
Q: fucked up with my husband he went to work, he thinks well and fig with him in the evening I will go to a friend. calls a taxi. sit in the car and goes. he hears negotiations on the rack
What"s are you going to do today?"
-"We are not here with our grandmothers to drink!"
-"goodly take your orders.goodly rest"
Vic calmly arrives to a girlfriend, rattles up with a taxi driver and says
"Can you send a greeting to me?"
"Yes and who?"
In the right "Kim to you here beautiful girl sends such a greeting"
Through the noise of women’s voices "so funny!probably a constant customer. How are they called? by Vika? I can’t remember the name."
Tagged with:"Kim"
The grave silence
Taxi driver sympathetic:"Kim is your wife....Happy rest to you...."
c) the ionizers

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №9834
It is most convenient to tighten dark fragments in the light of new solutions.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №9833

From the Russian Canadian Forum:

“Dear people of the Forum, I will soon join the Russian Canadian Regiment. that

I’ll go to Canada if anyone doesn’t understand my allegory. So here, I am already

I started looking for a job in Canada (I am an engineer). I found the coordinates.

Canadian companies began sending out their resumes. I have always been very

and active. Unfortunately, there are no answers yet.

So here is my question: how do you think it might be worth translating the resume to


[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №9832
A man wakes up from a terrible belly, remembers only that he was with a friend,

and calls him. He responds with a depressed voice. The man is interested:

Why are you so killed?

“We played poker debt yesterday with you, and I was upset.

and yes. I do not remember anything. How much have I won?

A joyful voice is heard from the tube:

A hundred rubles!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №9831
I go to the station today, I see a guy helping a girl carry a suitcase. I hear this dialogue:

You have a heavy bag!! to
She: Well... you are a guy!
In other words, I am a programmer...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №9830
XXX: It’s boring, not even to spit in something :(
Find a girl! Girl is the best game ;)
xxx: Oh, the game is good, but the subscription is great!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №9829
The Major said:
At the exercises I met the Americans, and for 2 hours I explained to them how to start a tank from the ground up) they can't understand how the tank may accidentally not be batteries, or how they can sit down) I had to show in practice... t-64. Ordinary Russian soldiers. The back, and the back! The tank by inertia naturally submitted back and went) I would like to look at those Americans after that.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №9828
A friend told the story.
He has a friend's surname Limonad (Limonad Anna Sergeevna).And when she passes the tests on a bowl with urine, the name is written...
c) Demise

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9827
<Cozmo> the stitch of the pitch caught which bulbs in the entrance pitches
<Cozmo> I’m standing smoking and he doesn’t notice me approaching and turning the light bulb out
<MEXAH> xD and what are you?
<Cozmo> I calmly gry back to the spot of the light bulb until the branches broke your shelly
<Cozmo> he broke the light bulb and broke it
<Cozmo> then pulled out of the bag previously spit and twisted it:))

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №9826
The builders are burning, we have a building near the store, a large one and there is a tower crane, but the two workers in the hole were to walk to the other end of the construction, they climbed into a large iron boiler, attached it to the crane and flew.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №9825
news of Yandex, Novosibirsk, first line :

1st Inhabitant of Novosibirsk fell out of the window, saving a bottle of vodka

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №9824
He is:
He is:
I want to be Dad.
She is:
What kind of dad?
He is:
At least what!
He is:
Not the Roman.
She is:
What are your years.
He is:
I want it!
She is:
It does not work right now, at least 9 months is needed)))
He is:
But in order for it to work out in nine months, now you need to make some effort, but not to whom.
She is:
Do not cry, but...
He is:
All of it! Go to the next window.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №9823
Strix Rufus
The brain-eating lake ameba killed 6 Americans in a year.
In my opinion, they greatly underestimate the scale of this single-cell activity in the United States.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №9822
A friend is pleased. He says he removed left friends from the list of contacts for half an hour, until he realized he was sitting with his sister’s arm.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №9821
XX: Why did you put me a loss in this game? The Rambler Billionaire
Because you are bad and delayed time.
You are a bad guy, the general called me!
You are twice a bad guy...your general is me!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №9820
On April 17, xxx will take part in the meeting of the 19th Day at Temich
April 19 xxx left the group Virgins

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9819
Fuck, here I sit drunk, put mayonnaise on the bread from a small hole in the bag, and in the shower I niibasso a French chef over another masterpiece

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9818
One of the chiefs of the customs department showed me a service written by one employee to another. The text is approximately like "Please punish the wicked X, who received a bribe in the amount of ZZZ when making a transaction with U, while we all take NNN when making such transactions".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna