— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №20778
We talk about deodorants. My friend is "Axe" and I am "Old Spice".

XXX is
I just translated the title "Old Spice"

You are fluidist.

XXX is
I never thought

XXX is
This is "Old Spices"!! to

XXX is
Do you smell old spices? and ROFL

XXX is
You are a shark!

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №20777
He: We shall die
She: Do not die.
She: We will not give you
You will not give us, and we will eventually die.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №20776
There is something to say most often to those who prefer to listen.

[ + 58 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20775
The boy

At first, no one planned a boy. What kind of boy, in fact, are all men over forty? All families and children. Who has grandchildren? The boyfriend is married for the third time, who is the boy?
Seroga said at the last game, "I'm waiting for you guys at the wedding of all of course, and the boy I'm not going to do anything. Not the boys anymore, Ferguson.

Well here. And on Friday morning, just on the eve of the wedding, Serega began to call everyone. “Boys, I removed the sauna in the pension. Well, wash there before the wedding, crush old sins, relax, think about life.
So go down after work, if anything.” It turns out, Seregina’s bride, who was getting married so far only the first time, decided to arrange a final dinner for her friends, and they took off some kind of cafe. Well, and Serogah rightly decided that nothing would happen if he washed under this matter too.

Okay well. No one was going to the sauna. What a Fig? The Friday.
Everyone has plans, families, aunts, dachas, children, dogs. What a sauna? “Sorry Sir, but not today. Friday is my. You are there to rest, shorter, curiously, pairing, relax, and tomorrow at the wedding we will see you. At the Wedding? and I? of course! As a sting! Sir, for whom do you take me? I won’t even drink today. To tomorrow at the parade like a cucumbers...” Well, that’s how everyone replied. So nobody went to any sauna.

By eight o’clock, everything was slowly moving. “Well it is my! It’s not every day I get married. The wedding tomorrow. Hole the wedding? Vanity is one, relatives, paphos, rings of squirrels. What will Serena be before us? So today to sit for the last time with the solitary one of the Grey Daq God Himself commanded.”
Well, this is how about everyone explained their sudden change of plans. In fact, it was a bit wrong. In the afternoon, after
Seregin's call, everyone called each other, of course, and everyone found out that no one goes to the sauna with Seregha categorically. And everyone thought of themselves that it was unclear, not so simple, to throw Seroga alone in the sauna on the eve of the wedding. If no one can, he will have to.
So it all slowly went up. Not all of course. Smoke could not. The smoke in the ambulance is working, he is on duty, and he just didn't have time to replace. Of course he would come too.

Well, we gathered, walked, it's a usual thing, this sauna is stably removed once a week. Everything is known, everything is known. A quiet place outside the city. We are here as weapons. There are no nuances.
The only beer. The beer came out. Siroga, when he called in the morning, he specifically warned everyone, “Girls, you are only vodka, if anything, don’t take it with you, okay? The wedding tomorrow. A little bit of beer, and well.” No one brought vodka. Why really? But everyone for some reason decided that no one else would remember beer except him. Because Siroga himself doesn’t drink at all, and he could easily forget about beer. Everyone took it. For everyone, if anything. So what?
Ten baggage bags of beer were carried and placed by a bar at the entrance. Rubbed and carried. And every newcomer came in with the words, “Boys, I’ve got a little beer there. When they brought it all, Seroga humorously asked, “Is there anything left of beer in the city?” What we don’t drink, at the wedding the next day all goes away!”

Then everyone did their usual work. The bullet on the table. Who is the fireplace. Who cuts meat on a shale.
Every time the same thing, the roles have long been learned. Well, first of all, of course, we went into the parish, well, so, it is supposed to be. We don’t have any special lovers except Sergei. That is yes, fan. It may not go out for hours. Moreover, it is such a degree that a normal person simply does not enter. He lies there, he decides. It jumps out for a moment, the beer swallows, the meat bites, and again. No one was in the pool at all.
I touched, water is ice. Someone says - and let's get the beer there, or it's hot. exactly! Throwing beer in the pool. Of course it didn’t come in. Well, the packages with beer do not sink, float in the same level with the surface, only the doughnuts thicken. The entire pool was stretched as a grid. Beautiful and unusual.

Okay well. We sit and relax. There is a knock. Who is? The Banker. “Girls, to you.” Behind the trunk, such a gorilla pushes two girls in front of them. “Accept the girls.” “Eye, my friend! Mistake probably! We didn’t order!” the gorilla
“No mistake though. Everything is paid. Do not offend the girls.” and disappeared. Girls are one name. Small children, school girls. There are no primary sexual signs. They are standing, climbing like twins at the board. They began to find out what, who, where, how. have found out. It turns out to be Dima, Dr. Blind Abolit.
He was driving from the call to Yaroslavl, looking at the girls standing. I decided to touch,
Make a pre-marriage gift. Since I couldn’t myself.
I went straight to the ambulance. The price when sounded, Dima feels - does not pull the doctoral budget of girls. Only wanted the dumb ones to curl, here from wherever to take their mommy, says with a human voice: "Dmitry
by Alekseevich! How many years, how many winters! Decided to rest? We ask for mercy, only the best for you.” It turns out that Dima was repairing her while she was working on the calls. People remember well. There is nowhere to go, he is about
Serena told me. As a result, two trainees were shot, no money was taken.
People of risky professions with good doctors try to be friends, you never know where to touch. Dima is a good doctor.

Well, this is so. We sit down and drink. They laughed, laughed, “Well, Dima, well fuck son!” To use them for the direct purpose of course nobody came to mind. I put the beer out of the pool and cleaned it from the table. The girls are happy, the Saturday is cancelled, they run there and there with their buttocks drifting. They hide something for themselves. and ho-ro sho! He caught one of his legs, he said.
“Take a cold beer, Seroge, and check how it is there. Did not overheat. He’ll get married tomorrow.” The virgin took a beer, ran, Vova followed her, “Yes, and you know what? You are a minion for him! From heart to quality. You know what it is?” the Virgin said, “Hi-hi! I know!” and ran away.

And here is what happened that should not have happened under any circumstances.

A minute after the door closed for the girl, and we began to wait for Seregina's reaction, suddenly a deaf blow was heard from the steam, a heart-breaking scream was heard, a whisper, the steam door opened with such force that it would open inside - it would go out with cracks, and Seregus flew from there. Compressing the perineum with two hands and shining his naked ass, he blindly, with his eyes closed, broke straight to the pool. He was wild all the time. Seeded up to the pool, jumped on the edge, pushed away, spread his arms, and with the cry of the wounded beast, the bird fell down. From the pool there was a heavy metal blow.
And there came silence... About Sereg beer, I did not know, or I forgot. We sat down, opened our mouths and looked out.

Siroga lay on the surface of the pool, on the banks, with the letter he, face down, and did not move. He just stood and slightly climbed on the wave. and live!
Carefully removed and placed in the corner of the couch. By force pulled out of the steam a girl, who pulled out and herself refused to go out. And began the investigation. This is what it showed. When the maiden entered the steamer, Seroga lay on his back on the lower shelf with his eyes closed, and was completely ready to use. The Virgin put a beer, sat down, took it in her hands.
Serenity farm, and motherly singing (the farm, of course, not
“It’s hot for you, poor, it’s hot for you, little,” she picked up a full chest of air and for some reason thought of the naked and already extreme woman.
The Serena flesh.

This is actually all. “Have you never been in the bathroom?” he asked the girl with a quiet, smooth voice, and therefore especially sinister voice.
and loose. Lecha in the world worked as an investigator in the prosecutor's office. “Byalaaaah!” the girl cried out. “So what do you do, fool, don’t you know that you have to be very careful in the bathroom?” – “Hey, you know it!” – Her girlfriend was sitting in the other corner. From the stories of more experienced merchants, she knew that she was buried for the company. Not to leave witnesses. “Okay, not a rev,” he said.
Lucia and I began to think about what to do next.

Siroga sat in the corner, all the same shrinking and clamping his hands on the burned farm. Thro his body there were siren circles.
Two clear prints were placed just around the eyes, like the glasses of the tortoise Tortilla, promising to turn into a pair of excellent blanches in a half-face tomorrow. One on the forehead, in the middle. Tomorrow I had a wedding. Oh yeah work! “Would he need to lubricate the end with oil?” “Is there any oil?” “Well, I have a formula container in my trunk. and good.” “The idiot! What a formula?“Everything in that spirit. Sirogah only wildly led with his eyes and swung. “I have a wedding tomorrow. And how am I now?” called Dime to the ambulance, to consult. Dima was on the call, the cell phone did not respond.
Then everyone began to offer their own options for the rescue of Sergey. No matter what nonsense they carried, not to pass on. Overlooked options from postponing the wedding to replace Seroga for the period of marriage with a suitable set.
The Goech. At the end of the day, Petrovich said, “Serge, don’t worry! I have
Ninja in the salon works! Come in the morning, she will make you such a beautiful girl! The cosmetics now do wonders!” Gundel of Seryoga. What about the first wedding night? What is this wedding without the first wedding night?"For our honour, no one offered to replace Serge at such an important event. Then the phone ringed on the table.

“Oh! Demon is ringing!” said Vova and removed the phone. “Hi, shit shit!” he shouted in the phone, listened for two seconds and passed the trumpet.
and sergeant. “You” Seroga listened to the phone and turned his eyes, periodically blinking and asking “Well, that’s okay?” Okay?” and put on the phone.

Then he wrapped our eyes and said, “Children! Demon is calling! The boys! He went out there... Short... Boys, short there... My bride, Lenka, in a cafe... Short, danced on the table, fell and broke her leg. In short, guys, sorry, but there will be no wedding tomorrow.

We stood around dying. And then he suddenly jumped up on the couch, blue as death in peas, sprinkled the towel, cried, and waving in the tact of the damaged organ whispered that there is urine: “PACANY!!! and Urrra! Weddings
There is no tomorrow!!“!”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №20774
The United States refused to deploy missiles in Poland.
The Israeli Prime Minister arrived in Moscow.
Europe recognizes Georgia as an aggressor.
But Russia just sent a barge of timber to Iran.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №20773
It seems that in modern horror films only composers work on conscience.

[ + 122 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20772
We kindly wish death from dull illness to Dimon, who pushed the cat's dust-sweeper tube into his ass. We put a plus, a minus, but we wish death.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №20771
from official correspondence. Manager 7 to the Director: You go in the fuck! The goat is fucking!
Director Manager 7: Dear, did you not mistake the address?
Manager 7 to the Director: Oh sorry Alexey Grigoryevich, I did not want, I was wrong with the address.
Director to Manager 7: Nothing happens, be careful.
Manager 7 to Manager 8: I still sent him Nahui)))) and called the goat, you argued, you have 500 rubles!))
Director to Manager 7: Fuck, now you’re exactly the wrong address!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №20770
Wau: Given the specificity of communication, it would be more appropriate to speak not typun on the tongue, but gangrene on the fingers.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №20769
Words of acquaintance:

Once upon a time, when I was still in school, I decided not to go to the lesson boring.well and walked.and then I went to the explanatory are forced to write.well, don't be a fool, I said:
I didn’t go to math class because of women’s problems.
P.S: No, it’s going to happen again, but I’ll go to math"

What an ingenious child.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №20768
Omg... news... "Candelaki and Kaspersky entered the list of members of the Public Chamber"
It was immediately imagined that Kandelaki would quickly scandate something, and Kaspersky would run next to him, with whispers, beating off the flying tapes.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №20767
Sherry O:

A friend told me. He is sitting next to the office at lunch, smoking. To him astonishingly approaches his colleague and says with an awkward voice: “Listen, I’m in shit... And suddenly he sees a boss standing next to him and corrects, instantly awkward: “... has come!”

[ + 56 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20766
What do the Vikings drink?
Melted iron and then sucked with blades, swords, arrows, shields.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №20765
I sit with my husband and daughter in a bus. As they waited for the landing, Mikey did her work. People sit down, the husband puts a backpack on the upper shelf, gets a diaper. The morning, cold...I don’t think back to him:"Let’s go, I’ve already removed my pants". My aunt in the neighborhood seat turned around to see what we had there.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №20764
Local Heating Networks

Pilot Salsk
20:24:54 24 September 2009
The hot water has not been available for a week, but it will be turned off for 4 days.
Thoughts! Shut up!! I will curse you! You will die in the hot water!! to

Pilot Salsk
20:29:06 24 September 2009
Just got hot water, thank you.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №20763
The Russian language dictionary of Ushakov:
An onanist suffers from onanism.
Suffering - to suffer, to experience suffering, heavy, unpleasant sensations from pain.
It seems that Ushakov did something wrong.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №20762
I then remembered how I was scratching in every field notebook in 4 cells for 10 sheets forward.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №20761
xxx: brought the child to school today
The teacher complains that the class is very complex, all of different levels, different temperaments.
Somebody is talking to a carnival. :)

[ + 89 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20760
there is another type of fraudsters, call on mobile phones and ask to enter a code to transfer money to another number))
Yesterday they caught my father on this, and when he said that he would consult with me and call back, they sent him to yuh and threw the phone.

here is number 8-912-521-74-20
We will strike the flood on the wicked!"!""!"!

Bring it to the that people don’t get caught up.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №20759
From which forum:
My husband gave me his pants to wash. They were overturned. I turned them out, and there were hoodies wrapped up, bloody spots on the pants and hoodies. Did he have sex with a woman who had months? Please help"
One of the comments:
Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be so scary. Per he has only a sexually transmitted disease or cancer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna