— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №9817
Here we have a Russificator, and in Tatarstan what? The Tatarist?

2: :D I have a car with the same sound starts.)))))

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №9816
And now what to do with the body?

Sori, not there

OZIO: Hoyace is not there OO

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №9815
This erection disappears in the morning :(

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №9814

Hi to. How is it? It is Lena. If you overload Windows, the entire memory of the computer will be lost. If there is nowhere to look for her.

0 - I don't even know what to answer.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9813
A: The topic of Ji/Shi remains unresolved.
B: What is in it? “Y” with whispers is written through “Y”.
c: About “Y” is written through “Y” wrote in the notebook...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №9812
xxx> yesterday looked blue and did not turn off Dolby :(
YYY> is it so?
xxx> at 3.40 at night drunk in the bad friend knocked in the aska
yyy> have you heard?
xh> we slept a lot. The wife jumped like a sparkle - grit go open the door, I'm afraid. Stand up pop.
yyy> yyy?
The shepherd slept next to the door. I forgot about it, I didn’t turn on the light.
yyy> you don’t like the shrimp.
hh> He came, tried to remove his leg, fucked up.
yyy> and myth?
hh> He knocked his forehead at the door. She bitten her leg from anger. The bone is whole, but the leg has been spit.
yyy> forgive the gspd!
When I woke up, there was no one at the door. I went to the bathroom and cooled my cheek on my forehead.
YYY> is it 2?
The cat laughed where it was not necessary, she marked him with a wreath and he went under the bath.
Q&A and Q&A?
A> She poured milk into the plate and put it in front of the bathroom :(
Q&A: Do you want to go?
Wow> I went in, locked the door and went in.
H&M and Fuck?
H&M: No shit in the plate. Her leg left, fell with his back on the bathroom door, whipped her with his shoulders and head.
Oh you> Oh you! Fuck me?
Wow> When I got to the computer, it was lighting. It has the status of "splu". Finish with a dumb knife.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №9811
The more a man is a philosopher, the less he wants to work.

c) Sj

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №9810
Pressure in front of the windows in GAI. A solid type of man gets caught up from everyone

The sides. He is constantly called on his cell phone, he is screaming the crowd.

He gives instructions for work. In one of these calls:

What is? Do you have this document on your computer? Come into my crossing!

You are logged in, user, password.

Here he stumbled, covered the phone with his hand and whispered loudly:

T-shirts are strings!

He removed his hand from the pipe and then:

In small letters, no gaps.

[ + 49 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №9809
In a small American town, a businessman decided to open a

The Cabbage. The problem is that he was on the same street with the church.

Of course, the church leadership did not satisfy this, and on each

It urged the citizens to oppose the preaching, and to pray that God

He punished an unfair businessman. The day before the announced opening of the cabbage

There was a strong thunderstorm, lightning struck the cabbage and it burned to the ground. Churches

pleased, but for a short time - the owner of the cabbage filed against them in court with

Request for compensation for damage. They naturally denied everything. Listened

The judge said, “I still don’t know what judgment to make.

But from the material of the case it follows that some owner of the cabbage believes in the power of

prayer, and all the church leadership – for some reason not...”

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №9808
Are you damn proud? Their own earnings? Their own economy? Or the government?
I am proud of my country! of Russia! The country is not the earnings, not the government, not the economy. The country is the people. The country is a wheat field, a berry grove, a girl smiling at you from the bus window. They are snowmen in the spring and snowmen in the summer. These guys are ready to strike anyone who is bad about Russian. Not to go, to bring him to court, but just to fill his mouth. Russia is a screw with the last office for 70 rubles, it is hot cakes with potatoes from smiling grandmothers on the street. How can you explain to a person who measures love by earnings, what is Russia? I’m proud to tell you, idiot, that I’m Russian. With a small salary, murdered by the economy and a stupid government.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №9807
Light: pasha hello-u me on comp virus sits (Trojan) how to remove it?
Cwer: launch - programs - Trojan - uninstall

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №9806
If I see this quote on BASH, I will not fuck a month!!! to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №9805
Mope (22:36:44 6/09/2008)
Ahha, I found a way to fuck with foreigners in the counter.

Mope (22:36:56 6/09/2008)
I need to repeat their last sentence with questioning intonation :-D

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9804
<Sk8erBoi> who has standard 1c configurations?
<The_Ice> at 1c
<Sk8erBoi> and can she pour them to me on ftp?
<The_Ice> I’ll ask her
<Sk8erBoi> Ugu
<Sk8erBoi> =)
<Chaos> and
<The_Ice> she said something there about the mud and the forest

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №9803
I work in the restaurant as a bartender, in the middle of the day, I execute an order, here the boss approaches and asks to go out and wipe him off the table, because all the officers are busy, well, I go out, I start wiping, wiping minutes. And the table was no longer dry, only after I heard the laughter behind my back, I realized that the dough was going (blowing).
Well, the yopt was given a prize for the unconditional fulfillment of the instructions, and the weekend fucking to finally fall asleep.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №9802
The Big Eight Congress is something like: "Hey, Bush's parents won't have kids this weekend! Go to it!"

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9801
opened up:
This is another shit! I studied at the FEST faculty and it was considered the most prestigious in our university. And, of course, there were only two men studying there :) There were only two girls in the whole faculty, one of them was in our group. She told me a wonderful joke:

Two girls are coming! One is beautiful and the other is from FEST!

After that, I drowned in a frightening laugh and asked me about the phone, I immediately got covered with acne and my glasses grew up.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №9800
Girls, you are still waiting for the prince.

Prince: Are there girls here who like when they are bullied or humiliated?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №9799
I work as a guarantee officer.
I opened up, I got the first thing - the plank ddr2... apparently they tried to push the opposite... most likely even succeeded, because the tension did not go where it should be... well, in general, the usual negaranty case, began to hit it in the base... the customer of LLC "Intellect"...

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №9798
I bought sunglasses. The seller rubs: "polaroid film, UV protection, complete absence of distortions". I bought. I go to them to work. I go into the trolleybus. I see a girl sitting, beautiful, as the spirit captivates. I take off my glasses to see better... I notice the second beard coming, acne... Fuck the seller...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna