— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144234
And what I love about the Komsomol truth is that it lies as shamelessly as it did in my Komsomol youth.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №144233
The story of my sister.
She sent her mom, in the same way - the association, to Eburg in a new branch, there, to put the work and that everything was under control. Mission for a few months.
My husband lost his phone. I was in a hurry, but I lost the fact.
Found some passing ebourgeois, picked up, searched for contacts (without a password was) and found "daughter". Called, so and so said, found a cell phone, here I call, in order to return.
A girl in another city, a thousand kilometers away, was confused.
I call my sister, “Aunt people, what do I do?”
The sister calls the newly appointed director of the branch, explains the situation and says blowing on the car for the phone, with a box of candy.
The bourgeois stood and waited all this time, and refused the candy box.
I said, would you not do the same?
You say, they are all worthless. There are still normal people, and most of us ;)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144232
After sex, he smoked a cigarette. So slowly he gave up.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144231
Commentary on the news about an English football referee who made a camping-out

Xxx: now the cry of the "Judge - Pidaras" will be just a fact statement

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144230
On a specific forum about Dota2:

I tried once. The children’s voices called me cancer and said offensive words about my deceased mother. I no longer play.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144229
Opening a clock workshop
I will call it "Hour Y"
and the slogan: "So that no one can guess"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144228
At the age of 39, she discovered that a brandy with sprite gives the elegant color of champagne in a glass. How much time is wasted...

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144227
You are honored and there is a persistent feeling that the main opponents of free gunfire are people who have done enough ugliness to others in their lives and are afraid that the offended can make a couple of extra holes in them.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144226
Added in Skype yesterday:

Hello, my name is Lyudmila. I am sure you have something to offer me. Add to my contacts and offer what you have."

0 - O

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144225
If you just earned and saved 4-5 million r, then they are not taxed. It has already been paid once.

They are taxed directly in the process of storage, some economists call it “inflation tax.” In 1998, 5 million new ones were enough for a two-storey house with several apartments, and now for one apartment in the same house. Even though the house itself has been shattered since then.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144224
I am sorry. In memory of, once, a site I just want to quote this. There is nothing to add:

The more I look at such things — computers in several rooms size, a few bytes elephant size PC, keyboards with huge leverage and connectors like in the photo, the more I admire the people who created it all.
But to the dumb ones, to whom this seems ridiculous and useless compared to your shit phones, I will say – these are stages of computer evolution, without which there would not be, and could not be most of the technology in your surroundings.
If the post is built in violation of the logic, I am drunk.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №144223
In 1939, the future American mathematician and then student George Danzig was late to the seminar. He wrote off the board two tasks, thinking that it was a homework. George spent more time on tasks than he expected, but finally handed the decision over to the teacher. It turned out that on the board were written two examples of unresolved at the time problems in the field of mathematical statistics.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144222
Striptease artists are not striptease artists, but performers of exotic dances from such fools with a dress code in their bosses really suffer. Dresskodov actually destroyed the club of exotic dances: he recruited new workers on the principle of being high and model-thin (and for the real skill to splash them out there a gentle physical training is needed, and girls with ballet and aerobics usually small growth), ordered them in t-shirts and ropes, in which it is terrible to move, and stunned on heels, on which you do not dance even with connectivity.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №144221
Have you been divorced three times with the same wife? I don’t even know if you are too optimistic.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144220
A few days ago, I was convinced of the danger of weapons.
He laid down on the floor of the trunk for cleaning, received a pizza from his wife.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144219
Where can your card be?
NN: either on the sticker, or in the hallway, or in my closet.
I’m not in the hallway... You’re sorry, of course... But bl@d... Stallage...
find my certificate for 9th grade, admire the "3" in Russian and literary
NN: You have been living with a philologist for 11 years. This is full school education. At least in Russian.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144218
There is a classic about 7 stages of love.
YYY: Where is denial, anger, bargain, depression, acceptance?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144217
Explanatory note :
I, the technician Ivanov I.I., arriving on the application to the client, as a result of the diagnosis, found that it was necessary to carry out work on the TCD. As I climbed into the technical room to the TCD, I saw a rat. She stood on her back legs next to the box and looked at me. I picked up the stick and struck the rat with it, after which it struck me. I turned and left. I was afraid that she might attack me and cause harm incompatible with life. Please ensure the safety of my workplace and eliminate the cause of failure to execute the application".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144216
X: I recently watched the Doctor series, fun
Y: Well what one?
X: The End of the World
A: Well, can you be more specific?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №144215
The district hospital employs a Negro therapist, and district grandmothers argue that he is a U.S. State Department spy and was sent by the FBI to Russia to kill Russian young girls and boys. After telling the doctor about this, I heard "blowing menya revealed"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna