— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153159
Many years ago, I still lived with my parents, I go out with my mother from the entrance, there is a neighbor.

We greeted, started the usual neighbor's talk...the next M-my mom D-neighbors.

M: That recently the electricity bill has begun to come big, runs a lot, although we are trying to save, I do not understand what it is.

D: Oh, I'm not worried at all, I did the repair a month ago, so I asked that my friends would ask all of the electricity around, I don't pay for electricity at all)))

I should have seen my mother’s face. In general, she said, if they don’t do it right now, she goes to the police. Strangely enough, the neighbor didn’t even understand what he was doing and what he was doing. This is the militia.

In a fairy tale...

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153158
I was looking for a shorter job. In our city there is hard work. In the sea, I was told about the vacancy of a carrier. The company urgently needed a carrier. Ok to Ok. We call, take documents and go to an interview. But not all so simple! First you need to fill out the questionnaire. Ok to Ok. We filled. 7 pages of 166 questions. Why such difficulty a candidate for a job loader is a mystery to me. and filled. I gave. I said call. They urgently need a carrier. Call in a week. The questionnaire is considered, invited to an interview. I come. There are 10 candidates in the corridor. The vacancy is on a competitive basis. and :)

Interview standard - about the work of the personnel, where you worked, what you know, bla bla. They said they would call.

Call in a week:

You and 3 other "lucky" have passed the selection and now you are waiting for a meeting with the boss of the company. Ok to Ok. I come. Two hours of communication. In the end, “We’ll call you.”

A month has passed.

Calling from the morning. Go to work! I come. As a result, I will find out that 4 other guys will work with me, an internship for 5 days is NOT PAYABLE. Only one person can work in this company. Not officially. 12500 r per month.

The announcement has been hanging for the second year. Not everyone can become a carrier.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153157
I was my father’s favorite: one day he struck me in the head.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №153156
In the first grade, in addition to standard school lessons, I had to learn terrain orientation.
This happened when our young group under the control of class leader Irina Vladimirovna went to a circus show. The show itself has been wiped out of my memory, but the further adventures I remember like yesterday.

As a child I was active and sociable, but by a strange conjunction of circumstances at some point I lost sight of all familiar faces.

Staying alone with the cold city, I decided not to wait for help and get home on my own.

Armed with a red ball on a plastic stick, I just went straight. At some point, the adults noticed a schoolboy wandering alone. I told him that I was lost, and I needed to go to the station — my only point of reference, as we often came to it with our parents on foot. An indifferent woman gave me 5 rubles and named the numbers of the trams that go in the right direction.

I cried obediently, and there was a white noise in my head, so afraid to get on the wrong tram, I continued my walking path of a lonely samurai.

Underground crossings, parks and shopping complexes. At some point, I completely forgot about my trouble and no muscle on my face gave me a loss. Just a 7-year-old man on a day promenade.

Luckily, I was on my side, as after an hour I saw the familiar buildings. At the station for the "income" of 5 rubles, I bought a few Chupa-Chups and quickly got home on a familiar road.

As I learned later, I had to walk a total of about 10 km.

At home, I did not tell anything about the way home, so as not to scare my parents. He quietly went into the room to do his child’s affairs until the door was ringing.

At the threshold stood a classy leader with bad news. Mom listened to Irina Vladimirovna with misunderstanding, and a minute later I appeared from her back.

For the full picture, I did not have enough to offer the remaining Chupa-Chops. After all, the teacher was tired, and she also needed to "support."

I can’t remember any further conversations, but since then I’ve never felt lost again.

Wind in the face, a red ball on the stick, concrete streets. Over time, I got upset and learned the tram routes, but this is a completely different story.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №153155
Putin says Russia has developed weapons based on new laws of physics
The new laws of physics were adopted by the State Duma immediately in the third reading.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №153154
A distant relative came to visit us. Not to visit, rather just to sleep in vain. Someone was in the hospital, and she looked after her. We decided to save money, so we found it. At home, small children, the dog and generally conditions are narrowed, and here another strange aunt is suffocating. It broke me. For the first time I took a clean baby pot, disinfected. There was a cabbage cabbage. We sit at the table, a relative with us, something is there cuddling her own, demonstrably refused the dinner offered, say I will not eat you here. In short, at the right moment, I pretend to get a pot from under the baby. I smell, sneeze, and start eating the contents with a spoonful. Aunt was overcold and she ran to the toilet. I made chocolate for the second time and did not hold up again. I blinded a few sausages that looked like dog shit. He painted a little with plant ingredients and began to wait for a convenient occasion and he soon turned. Everyone gathers for their business in the morning. I start crying out why nobody went out with the dog, even though he walked it himself. I pointed to my aunt on the careful shit and said, “That’s what to do with them?” I bow and take in my hands. The family looks at me with horror. I carefully smell, again fuck and ask my wife, what are you feeding her (the dog)? My wife answers something. I take the “cocktail” in my mouth. Zhuo, then I approve of my wife. My aunt goes to the toilet again. That same day she left us.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153153
Go to work with a friend for lunch. We sit down, eat, drink coffee, talk about it. A friend went for a second cup of coffee, brings and complains that in the afternoon there is no strength from the word “completely.” I jokingly said to him, “You have too low levels of midoclorians in your blood. The power does not obey you.” We both respect Star Wars, the joke was understood, and we played together. Divided by workplaces. After a while, one of my colleagues pulls me into a remote corner, but not for what you might have thought. And it begins to say to me harshly, what a sick fool I am, a bad man, laughing at the misfortune of others. At first, I was sick and didn’t understand what I was talking about. She tells me, “I’ve heard in the cafe, you’ve talked about low levels of midichlorins in the blood, is this a type of blood cancer? He may soon die, and you laugh?As I could, I explained to her what I was talking about, but I don’t think she believed me. And in her eyes I remained a heartless hatred mourning over the deadly sick. and sorry. Well though, her education did not allow her to spread this “news” throughout the office.

All good and the strength will be with you!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №153152
Once about my first-class daughter with long eyelids and curls to the shoulders, but dressed in shorts, a completely strange aunt at the stop asked: "Why does a boy have such long hair? He looks like a girl and has longer hair.” To my objections that it was a girl, a very self-confident woman replied, “Well, I see that it is a boy! Why do you hide it?” My amazement had no limits. The pants from the child, a clear thing, did not strike for indisputable proof, but could not keep silent (the trick inside my active nature just jumped from enthusiasm and the opportunity to joke). She simply replied to an inadequate grandmother: “Man! Do not go with strangers.”

[ + 37 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153151
I watched the trailer of the movie "Avanpost". There, according to the scenario, 99.5% of the Earth's population died, and by some ridiculous coincidence of circumstances, only the most idle Russian actors survived.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №153150
It was a few years ago. In the courtyard built a playground, crawl, sandbox, etc. For lighting hanged 2 diode projectors, connected through a photo relay to the entrance. What started here. The grandmothers ran, ran, so how much now to pay? On the fingers explained that ruble to pay, ruble can from the apartment. Nifiga, what do we have to pay for your lamps? In short, switched from the apartment. My son walks with the light, the others in the swamps.

Particularly deliver babkyens sitting on the site, on the benches that I built. and such:

Tarantas, turn on the light, it’s dark.

Who will pay for the light?

They complain, they remain silent.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №153149
I walk in the street, I don’t touch anyone. In front of it moves a glare, clearly from the mouthpiece:

Do you not pay for rubles?

How many rubles?

Need a lot. I asked seven.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №153148
xxx: What is the likelihood that Jesus in our time would, sooner or later, shatter an article for insulting the feelings of believers for his words?

YYY: So he was executed about that last time.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №153147
Remembered for a long time. A neighbor from the fifth or sixth floor.

- Imagine, I talked with my husband on the table yesterday and found a note. “The Versace. 24 hours before the dizziness!” and the phone below – a? How do you do it?...I have a straight up heart, my legs have collapsed...I think it’s an infection. It is infection!

Then I read the note, and you know what was there? and Betasserk. and 24 mg. of a headache.” The pharmacy phone. The main thing, I asked him to find me a pharmacy where this beta-serum is cheaper! You are the green ones! I think it’s an infection. It is infection! I almost lost my heart and he is a “Betaser”!

Believe me – I then called this pharmacy three times and couldn’t say anything. He just roared and threw the phone. What they thought there, I don’t know. It rings, it says, something moved, nothing said and cries.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153146
The Deputy of the State Duma is a truly unique profession: the less a person engages in their direct duties, the better for the people.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №153145
A long time ago there was a story from one participant on the site, which in the topic with firearms. He wrote about security techniques and what would happen if they were not observed.
Sorry, search for link. I have been reading posts on this page for many years, and today I decided to register and add a few stories from my life. And the first story will be on this topic: the handling of firearms.

My father, as far as I can remember, was always a hunter. My first childhood memories: I am lying on the couch and my dad is shooting the bullets next to me. That’s how I grew up: always with firearms, always with safety techniques.

At the age of 12, I got my own rifle, an old 16-caliber turkey one-wheel. We lived in such a deep place that we should not be afraid of the police. and :)

My father observed TB, and he had a comrade who was literally disturbed by this, in the positive sense of the word.

And one autumn we went hunting for a flight and went to a familiar shepherd, who from spring to late autumn lived in the steppe, as we called it - in a bucket, in a housing wagon - and in the pasture of state cows. It was late autumn, and to go to someone, warm up and drink a cup of tea, it was a tradition.

The shepherd was drunk, and he had a neighbor shepherd at his guests, who also passed the herd around the neighborhood, ten kilometers away. He was a little drunk too, and he was just sitting on the robes and smiling at everything.

The conversation immediately went to the guns. My father had a "five-charge", the Toshiba "MC21-12, if I remember correctly. His friend has a "vertical" with a very rare ejector at the time. I do not remember the model. I have an old gun.

The owner of the cabin took his rifle out of under the bed and began to boast: Yes, you, with your new rifles! Here is me! He actually had a rare gun, a 28-caliber turquoise horizontal.

And he pulls up the chickens, directs a gun to his "guest", who only washes and smiles. Shakes for the first time. My father’s friend begins to get upset and says, “You’re... ! to Should we target people with weapons?!! The shepherd laughs and drops a gun on his guest's head for the second time: Yes, it's okay, it's not charged!
The father’s friend can’t stand it and intuitively pulls the trunk away with his hand. (They were sitting next to each other.)

The BAC!! A drunk shepherd begins to laugh, and my father and his friend take a gun from him, overwhelm him and see: the first ammunition is a bullet, and the second worked...

The men disassembled the gun and threw it on the roof of the "house": until the drunkard gets, and when it is sober, he will not do so.

A conclusion from history? It doesn’t matter whether he is drunk or sober. Who has a firearm, or who wants to acquire it: THE FIRST AND BASIC RULE - ALWAYS treat a weapon as if it were loaded!! to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №153144
Now is a time when you need to be more careful with statements, so as not to offend all the podapacoes there.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №153143
I did not go to the garden for a long time. But I remember clearly how we were almost locked in the toilet or threatened to put a goose on our naked bodies. The goose slipping on my knee, I then until the university periodically dreamed.

The culmination of this hell I remember fragmented :) Maybe I was really behaving badly this morning. In general, I was locked up in the toilet barefoot, it was late autumn, the fork was open for ventilation. I did not protest, I sat in the corner behind the pots and solitude. There my grandmother found me when she came to pick me up. And I already had a temperature of 39.5, nonsense about the dancing cup (I remember this state well) and other delights of life.

The grandmother arranged a grand scandal, the teacher was fired, the babysitter also fled.

I haven’t been to the garden anymore :)

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153142
I recently had an unusual story that I decided to tell. I will immediately say that everything written is pure truth, and if there is an inaccuracy anywhere, it is only because of my imperfect memory.

So, the case was a few months ago. I went to a spontaneous meeting with a friend in Poltava, and already after the meeting and afterwards I returned home to Kharkov. Basically nothing, a couple of hours on the track and I am home. I traveled around the country quite often, but never took companions with me. Mostly because all the trips were with my wife, and I have a two-door car, it's uncomfortable to go back, and I don't really trust people on the track. In general, to people who travel for any reason by car stop, I have a "wary" attitude.

Several times I saw "voting" people on the track, but crumbled into his worries, he flew past. And here, driving about a third of the way, I see a guy wandering by the side with a backpack. He also turned and, seeing me, raised his hand. There is no logical explanation why, but I decided to stop. I drop the glass:

and hello. Where are you?

The closer to Kharkov, the better.

I am inviting, kicking my head. He joyfully opens the door and jumps.

Just stick in, I remind you and we go on.

According to my smooth analysis of the appearance, I gave him 30+ years, not very careful haircut and beard, clothes scratched. Overall, it looks like it’s dormant. With an old backpack. But at the same time, I did not feel any unpleasant smell (sugar, chicken, sweat or anything else). I was not in the mood to talk, but the guy apparently lacked communication. And he did not begin the story of his journey from the western part of the country. by foot. without money. I took a heavy breath, I feel another hard story, about how a young healthy guy was in another part of the country without money, not by his will, and in general he is not guilty of anything. Well, somehow it happened that in the last 5 years I have heard such stories from dozens and none inspired trust. Therefore, I in the mode "in one ear flew - in the other flew" quietly approved and generally gave signs of attentive listener. A stop-word for me was his phrase " get to Lisichansk."

Lysichansk is a city in the Luhansk region of Ukraine, the native of which I am.

Are you from the Luhansk region? I asked with an untrue interest. You and I are landlords.

I lived in the mountain for a while.

Gornyatsky is a small village near my native town of Alchevsk.

- Fuck, cool, I have relatives from Gorniacki, and I myself from Alchevsk.

- I and Alchevsk lived for a while - a guy smiles.

Well, let’s see if I think it really is.

And where exactly? I ask him, hoping to know if he is telling the truth.

Next to the street, Lipovenko Street.

Spil is a local attraction in Alchevsk, the Obelisk of Victory.

Everything is more interesting and interesting, I also lived next to the spire, but on another street:

- Funny, I say, I also lived near the spy, on the Chapaeva street.

Interest has already arisen from him:

In Chapaeva my aunt lived, 168 house. I frequently visited her after school, I studied nearby, 16 school, and I remember how classy the name - Zinaida Alekseevna Oleynik - with such a light nostalgia he spoke.

I remained silent for a while. After all, I lived in a 166 house, also went to 16 school. Moreover, Zinaida Alekseevna is my classroom in the junior classes. But I remember almost all of my classmates, and this guy looks older than me, it turns out he studied in school before me. I turn to look at him again: yet I have seen him somewhere, probably I was in the junior classes, and he was in the senior, or... but here my brain on the subconscious level, having analyzed all the facts, raising the archives and misleading in the boundaries of the mind, gives the name:

And then Andrew?

He looks at me astonished.

– Yes...

My face stretches in an unwilling smile:

“I’m Serega, your party neighbor in the first class.

I said it, seemingly, before I fully realized what exactly happened. And it happened that I met my first school friend, with whom we sat on the same side for a whole year. A friend with whom my parents were forbidden to be friends because he smoked in the first class. A friend who in the second grade was no longer sitting with me at the same party, because he was transferred to the internship school because of troubled parents. And I met him the hell knows where, the hell knows how, the hell knows how, the hell knows how, the hell knows how, the hell knows where we met – I didn’t have to be there, it was an unplanned trip that almost collapsed at the last moment.

Eventually, I took him to the train station. We talked very well, of course I gave him money for the first time that he could eat and at least get home. It is worth noting that he did not ask for money from me once in all our conversation. All his main adventures he told me and I was genuinely stunned by how a person, essentially having nothing in mind,ins a positive attitude and just goes toward the goal. He did not complain to me, did not ask for help. Even when he was telling about his trip, there was a moment when he went into the street cafe and asked him to feed something, and he would put them a piece of wood for it, or the yard would clean up, or something else would do what they needed. He was rejected, but he said that he understood why: "they don't know me, they think that a wanderer is a sick man, he will do more harm than good...". No any negativity.

I was very surprised by what happened and how. The only thing I regret is that he would have to buy at least a simple phone, any one, only if there was a connection with him. It didn’t come to mind in time.

No matter what, I very much hope that I have been a kind of support for him for the trials he has gone through.

He told me about his adventures that it is never worth giving up and dropping hands. And that was exactly what I needed at that moment.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №153141
25 years ago, as a student, I took care of my classmate Tatiana, a girl pleasant in all respects - an athlete, a comsomolk and just an interesting person in communication. We were young, healthy and ready for any hustle, spending the weekend lying on the couch seemed to us a waste of time. In one of the November weekends, she offered me to go out in nature - her cousin worked as an instructor on hiking tourism, and organized a weekend trip for newcomers, just a little bit, to get to the station by electric car, walking 10 kilometers to the tour of the base, there a day-night trip, on Sunday back. Ordinary departure, in order to seed away people not ready for serious expeditions, and just unpleasant personalities. We were supposed to meet at Finban (as I understood it) at 8 a.m., on the right of the box office. We agreed with Tatiana that we would cross with her at the entrance to the subway (we lived next door), if she would be late (she liked it), I would go to the station alone, and she would go to the station, catching the car. There were no mobile phones at the time, and I didn't have a home phone at the time, yes, in Peter, this was the case. to the affair.

I came to the station, I turned, Tatiana was not there, on the right of the box was a group with backpacks, I approached myself, as I seemed to the mother, asking whether they were a tour group, and whether he knew Tatiana. Yes, Alexey replied to me, the tour group is we, Tatiana know, buy tickets. Tatiana did not come to the electrician, but I was already set to take a little walk in the fresh air, and I went with them. I met in the electric car, and I already had the suspicion that I was in the wrong place. We got to the station, tossed backpacks and went, and the guys took such a pace that I barely followed them. The Motel begins. When the first five kilometers passed, I was already in the soap, and asked, when it came to pass, what I was answered, that they only melted their legs, and in general, walked with tomatoes, said you said that in the expeditions was not once. Yes, it used to be, but only in the summer, and for a day with waterfalls I walked a maximum of 15 kilometers, and then count without loads. Generally speaking, these guys turned out to be the trickers who conquered the thousands, and now they went out to break their feet between trips to the mountains, and these loosers were joke-perrying with bounties like factory. The last ten kilometers before the parking I do not remember, stupidly rearranged my legs, I was constantly stopped to wait, and complained that I was knocking them off the rhythm.

Arrived at the parking lot already in the dark, I fell and could not get up for some hour. It was like standing on a parking lot on the shore of a beautiful career, but I wasn’t there before. During this time, the boys set up a tent with a stove. They prepared dinner. After dinner, I drove into the tent and cut myself off, faintly remembering that somebody was constantly sitting next to the stove at night and sometimes throwing wood, but maybe I dreamed of it. In the morning, everything hurt me, I was barely squeezed, I imagined the way back with horror. Breakfast, gathered, I found out that today to the station we have to walk only some 10 kilometers, but they were given to me very not easy.

On Monday at the academy I met Tatiana, it turned out that on a morning walk before leaving she lost her bad sharpee, and half a day was looking for him. Moreover, she confused the stations, and we had to go to Bolt. I did not give in to such provocations any more.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №153140
The working day ends, my colleague and I, long-haired, stand in a smoker, blow. Our leader comes in, already with a wallet and a coat, shakes his hands to say goodbye, and then his hand masches and says, say, I stand with you, I smoke.

She smokes, nervously touches a long-haired colleague and says:

Don’t get close to me, okay?

We are confused. He explains it.

“Yesterday my wife removed your long, light hair from my coat and looked long, suspiciously. I told her about the fact that a long-haired guy is working with me, she seemed to understand, but let’s not exacerbate...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna