— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №9757
Today’s children have a difficult childhood. Going out to buy cigarettes, a woman with a small child comes in. He looks at me and asks, “Mom, isn’t this dad?”

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №9756
Did you see this advertisement in the subway?
Magazine "Beauty and Health"
List of articles on the cover:
1st How hard it is to be a blonde.
2nd Anna Churikova: "I am a man of the bowl"
Three 10 Reasons to Visit a Psychiatrist

It was long time...

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №9755
ChronoSabe^: The story just recalled when a classmate in the seventh class brought a toy to school, it was such a witch in a bowl, and when you open the bowl, she flies out of there with a scream on a sprint... So our Russian girl picked this witch, called the boy’s parents and said that he brought a phaloimeter to the school))) We learned when they just rotted up)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №9754
Olivia: Hello to you!
The Ponna!
Olusic: What is your name?
Tagged: Anton
Oh yeah, I am Boris!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №9753
She: Well, how can such a nice boy not have a needs to be changed urgently.
Making me a bad boy? O_O

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9752
by AnnaB:
There are burning trips to Tunisia $499 11 days, good 3* in Hammamet. Departure on September 11. Lots of places.

Java is back!by :
I like it all, especially the date. I suspect that in the airplane there will be a few teens sitting...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №9751
The most important book is a checkbook.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №9750
In the city of Minsk there is a regional institute for the improvement of teachers' qualification.

I was sent there once. It was in 2007.

I come and see right from the main entrance, hanging posters and others.

Colorfully decorated slogans "MOIPK -65 years". A type of anniversary

The institutions.

Well, I teach mathematics, by the way. On the automate 2007-65 = 1942.

The puppets! I delighted my colleagues with this surprising fact. People

and amused. Comrade Hitler opened the Institute to promote the

The qualification of a Soviet teacher.

Lectures were also more fun. Younger teachers, younger teachers

Interested in whether colleagues from Germany will be invited to the party.

Will the monument be opened to the then mayor of Minsk Gaulyator of Cuba, etc.

Comrades Methodists first surprised, then checked the deduction in

Their faces and columns became thoughtful. One of W. The department said

The war years are not counted. But to answer,

Why other events such as the Day of the City do not use this rule,

could not.

The next day, the hints of the upcoming feast of the feast were ignored.

In 1937, they were told an anecdote about Stalin.

Later, they told me that the anniversary was dedicated to small

funds, will be the Minister of Education and, possibly, himself, and then

Damn, mathematics... And start digging when the institute is actually


In 2008 he returned to the same institute. On the stand

Historic inscription "Our institute is over 65 years old". M is no

You will touch.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9749
What happens to a woman once a month and ends in 4-5 days?

The husband’s salary.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №9748
From Foreign Forum
Svistulka: "The RAND Corporation, which conducted a similar simulation, believes that Germany does not want to get involved in the war", of course, does not want to. Or on the luxurious sides of the Reichstag (forgive me, the Bundestag) will appear the inscriptions "Translation!", "Yah tanko twentieth" and "Nemcheki, you are abidelis?".

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9747
Boo: mda... our megauser, for what we helped him, replied "thank you"
I answered this letter:
"The slaves were helping." :)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №9746
From Contact:
Alinka “*°•.♥.•°*” Orange left the group "GIRLS WHO DO NOT GET ON FIRST DATE".

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9745
YYY: Do not stop
xxx: the
A kind of laughter prolongs life, but the shit specifically kills a lot of time.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №9744
Nalmon: At night I ate a fat fried chicken, at night I was sick. The husband slept next to him (he did not sleep for almost a day, wrote his diploma). He heard and asks "what happened", I tell him "what’s wrong with me, it hurts me" and he gives me "you probably didn’t enter the password", and continue to sleep O_o

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №9743
I visited a friend in the village. He accompanies me, I tell him that apparently his family did not like it. The friend says, “They love you – they wanted to drink tea, they gave you sandwiches on the road, they told you to eat on the road... I get bored, I chase that it’s not love at all, love is not in this and all that.
In the evening, on the road to hang terribly wanted, I sit down the wicked, the mother of all in the world.
Well, I open the bag, get the butter, start to grab, and on the fourth butter I feel: LOVE...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №9742
I watch the news on the first day.
News: Successfully completed the training launch of the Topol-M missile, the missile hit a conditional target, etc.
In Ukraine, a large warehouse of ammunition is burning.
Editor of Respect

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9741
There are fewer and fewer normal people.
Survey on the forum:"What kind of condoms do you prefer?"
The first genius answer- "Phuy in which to shake"

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №9740
topic in the forum. I liked the question...

..."Someone has fallen into this situation. She learned about her mistress. Probably grabbed in the phone and called her, loaded. How to get her back now? She does not answer SMS, does not take the phone! How to get back the mistress?and "

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №9739
I bought a new drive yesterday. I chose the drive, well, and I show the seller what drive I need, I chose the SATA-shiny NEC, and I say that the shelf is needed for it: information and power. I get a drive, shuffles. I am paying. I go. I sit in the car, look at the slides, and I understand that the information book was then given under the IDE.
I go back to the store, I say that I've been placed under IDE, not under SATA, the seller thinks a few seconds, and gives a genius-filled phrase "So they are equally worth it!".
I found nothing to answer...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №9738
This is a delicate question :-[
It was yesterday, eh?

Oh... what?
Do you remember anything? and ;)

They drank, took pictures, and then made calyans.
Nothing like that)

and ah. It is good that nothing :)
Why is it fun to fly to the office, and at the same time focusing on trying to determine what worries you more: an hour and a half late to work or the fact that you can't remember the whole second half of the night.


That would still be small things. In the morning, when I jumped out of bed and broke up to gather, not cut into my backpack.
But the shit on the doorstep of the office I suddenly gathered that from it in the whole of some Indian northeastern monsoon oreth... %)

I appear all in the soap in the middle of the day in the office, and because of the back I have the whole fiss spread "iner-maaa, iner-maaa, iner-maaaaa"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna