— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144154
Womchik Alexeyeff
I have a big wedding today. Even this happens.

The Later:
When was it opal?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144153
Catherine: Listen, Van, I missed the label from my desk somewhere.:( is
Ivan: Look at the work floor - it may have fallen.)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144152
Do you hear the cotton on the door? It was a security technique, and she just went in the ass.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №144151
The Ministry of Emergency Affairs in Rostov-on-Don said that the cause of the fire, which burned 45 houses, was the use of a foreign source of fire. In short, it was a dragon.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144150

to this:

I work as an English reporter.

Thank you for not being Russian. Hello from "I work as a doctor"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144149
Remember the famous "chicken with the taste of bread"?
So, chew, meet - "Sucks with the taste of French baguette"!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144148
What’s the problem with the cardigan? Loss, for example, arose as leather pants for military uniforms, exclusively male, naturally, and in modern usage you can imagine losses made of natural leather, and why on a male?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144147
>> A normal shirt is one that opens the trousers in a sitting position or bending. All that is longer is for monks. The pants are for lesbians.

Here and walk alone in shorts in the rain and wind. You’re not a monk to wear long pants, right?

Yes, he has long pants or short. The main thing is to see the cowards.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №144146
came to eat. The establishment is not the coolest, but with a claim. In the bathroom everything shines and type of design. For the hands is not a dryer or there paper wipes, but small soft one-time towels. True, MJ is not separated, only one sham, and it turned out to be busy. While I wrapped the pumpkin in a stupor, a luxurious madam floated out of the mansion, pulled a body past me, squeezed in the cracks between the tiles, and went into the hall, irrigated with a pound of contempt and the smell of an expensive perfume on top of the obsolete smell of natural origin.

by Fuck! Entering, he found a fresh formation on the water surface, shamefully covered with a handful of towels. Having completed the planned, he went into the room.

I see, in the far corner, the lady in the company. I approached and said, “Don’t worry! I am following you!” He left for his table.

You would see their roots! :)

In general, if I suddenly disappear, in my death I ask to blame the Shrek O.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №144145
According to the Inspectorate of Labor Protection:

An employee died as a result of an accident. The insurance company has allocated 1 million to the relatives of the deceased rubles under the insurance contract.

He has an ex-wife with whom he has not lived for eight years, but has never divorced. And there is a fellow resident who has already given birth to one child and at the time of the death of the civil husband was pregnant with the second.

I don’t think it makes sense to explain who got the most of the money.

That is all. Be responsible for issuing documents, and don’t say, “This is just a stamp in the passport!”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144144
xxx quotes the headline of the news: "In the Moscow Zoo for the first time in 30 years appeared beemot"
What anxiety they had!

YYY: It was they who cleaned up and found it!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №144143
> before this it was not necessary to repeat "se-se-se", because now the Russian language has been filled with such verbs as "be beautiful", "be wise" and even "learn".

About the advantages of the Mnemonic Rules over the Official Rules: If they tried to understand what question to ask for the word “teacher” – “what do you do” or “what do you do”, they would quickly realize that none of them is suitable. Well, and those who confuse question with answer and joyfully write "she teaches!!!" - you can immediately merge into the special class to the rest of the cretins, in whom "the earthworm eats the earth, the rushing snake eats the grass".

And in general, of course, it is sad that they are trained to keep the pattern in their heads until the check, to mindlessly scratch it off and joyfully return to throwing birds into pigs.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144142
SeVeR: A timely unwashed smoothing board automatically turns into an additional magazine table.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №144141
My girlfriend talked and cried. lived in the village. Season of Wreckage. One balloon gave a crack, she hanged it on the chin. The balloon is alive.
constantly changes the dislocation, the one at the end of the fence, the other at the other.I don't understand, he says what it is, and then it came. They will be pleased, they will catch, and while they reach the end of the fence, they will see that with a crack, they hang back, only elsewhere.So the whole village looked at this balloon and left it alone.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144140
xxx: Although I would read a mathematical fanfic from yyy.
YYY is mathematical? I know that two plus two will be four. Or something like that.
xxx: yyy, I think you can even write a fanfic :D
yyy: A tragic story about how two plus two is not equal to four.
Yyy: With murders and sex.
zzz: this is "1984".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144139
They found each other – a woman without queries and a man without ambitions.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144138
I want to go to prison!
Patients are an inexhaustible source of surprise.
I am preparing for the operation of a man, tall, burnt, with a great body - he was 10 years older than me and looked 10 years younger.
All - laboratory indicators, electrocardiogram, pressure, pulse - like a young man, fucking, and definitely better than mine!
Even cholesterol is normal.
The medications? It doesn’t take any, something unheard of for a 65-year-old!
I ask, with secret hope, do you smoke?
I dropped 10 years ago.
Do you drink?
You’re not in jail, you laugh.! to
Aaaah, that is what it is!
He is a prisoner, serving a sentence in a correctional-labour colony for nonviolent crimes with minimal protection.
I therefore did not understand - there was no guard, they are allowed to dress in their usual clothes, you can not distinguish from ordinary patients.
They talked.
He quit smoking ten years ago, smoking is prohibited in prison.
He works on a farm, earns some money, two weekends, 40 hours a week.
He visits a well-equipped square with a stadium, runs there and swings 3-4 times a week.
There is still a deadline, to clarify has not been adopted, for which - exactly untactical question.
This is white collar crime.
Everything went well with him, he called and they came to him, said goodbye and left to himself, "home."
He left, and I thought...
He is in prison, he is healthy and leads a proper lifestyle.
I am free, I work on wear, the maximum of physical exercises - walking dogs, cholesterol - higher does not happen, a handful of pills in the morning and two handfuls in the evening, the 40-hour week has not happened for years 20, every third day of duty, eating stitches, sleep too...
Who of us is in jail?! to
Or am I also in a prison, just without walls – a prison of habits and lifestyle?
Do I need to move from one prison to another?! to
I will think.
I advise you.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №144137
A black boy asks his mother:
Mom, what is democracy?
“Son, this is when white people work every day so that we can get our benefits, well there are phones for every member of the family, rental subsidies, free food, utility subsidies, and so on.
Are the white people not angry about this?
They are angry, that’s called racism.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №144136
In "Zadobbali" clearly hired the author of female novels. Recently there was a girl with suddenly craving her bisexual crowds, now here is a lady who challenged sex because of disinformation.

You give the story of a Greek billionaire who agreed with a housewife to mimic in public relationships, so as not to incite the anger of the clan for warm feelings to men! From whose point of view - to choose, you can do so that both speak. And the palace. Someone who is strange, but familiar with such situations.
A little more - and you can merge all these stories together and publish a separate book

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144135
Roman: dogs... boys... where to mess up the apache cheaply?! to
Dmitry ®: [offtopic] Are you about a helicopter or a server?[ / Offtopic ]
A novel about an Indian

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna