— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №103934
The story of a general who hid his documents in a basket.

My mother had a similar case at work. They cut off an uncle who worked there all his life. He was offended and, leaving, decided to do a shit. Removed a lot of important documents. Oh, how upset he was, probably...
True, the basket was not cleaned, so they were restored to the mouth the same day.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103933
The news:
FAS proposes to introduce special tariffs for the use of YouTube
Commentary :
The FSKN itself is no longer able to cope with the recycling, has it started to share with other ministries?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №103932
XXX: The new law opened
Xxx: \ + / = X
Yyy: O_o

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103931
A warning system was introduced at work. It sends emails, text messages, knows how to call and read any text with a synthesized voice.
Recently it was discovered that one of the administrators instructed her to call him at eight in the morning and say with a female voice, “Rise up, Pashinka, it’s morning.”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103930
About Real Men

Do you see how a man has ruined in the last 500 years?
In 500 years everything will be ruined.

(Operetta "The Flying Mouse")

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №103929
The wisdom of life:
The more polygamy a man is, the more polygamy his horns are.

From life: a man at work boasted that he has three mistresses and meets them alternately in the garage, and his wife grit that he went to help men with car repairs, and she believes him.

Here a colleague, who is often a grandfather and a wise man in general, many listen to him, said:
Your wife is smarter than you and your garages! She doesn’t even have to go out of the house to meet her lover.

Nearly everyone laughed.

The hero-lover walks that day evil, because he sits at night at home.
Waiting for the continuation...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103928
K: Oh my ladies
The YOPT! How many years, how many winters
Q: I will soon leave the overseas territory, do not bring any smuggled goods?
Food and Dollars

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103927
You guys, have you blown up? Where is logic? Thieves don’t give – sheep, they give – prostitutes.
In fact, what do you need? Just bustling, bustling?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103926
You don’t know how healthy the cat has become. Where are you working?
The Game.
Just on the subject. Come, take three more loads and I’m moving!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103925
Yuri Yermakov
"I can't send you a password by SMS, I can't enter". They are paranoid...

Marat Smakov ‏
@yuriproff you and Qi did not communicate about password transmission at a distance. It records the password in a text file (minimum 22 characters)

Marat Smakov
@yuriproff further archives and password archive 40 characters. Broke the file into two parts and drop it into different boxes.

Marat Smakov
@yuriproff then dictates half of the password from the archive, and throws the second part into the third box.

Marat Smakov
@yuriproff and then you sit like a fool and collect this puzzle...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103924
XX: Look around – every unattractive has a shade.
YYY: I don’t have, don’t fuck.
You are not attractive enough.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103923
My 11 year old daughter is at my grandmother’s house. We are rewriting. I ask how things are. Reply to:
I eat grandmother’s pasta – not hot, not cold, not salty, not sweet – not yellow, not colorless – but there is no way out.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103922
by Ho! The first snow!

Today the first snow like the first sex - sudden and no pleasure, but there is a feeling that now will be regular.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №103921
I work in a brigade where 4 out of 5 Tatars, usually when working communicate in Russian - so that I understand, but when difficulties move on to their native, and communicate in some short phrases. I told them that they remind me of minions – they’re rubbing :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103920
The Women’s Forum. Title of the topic: "What are you cooking in the dishwasher?"
Startup: Yes, you didn’t think, you just cook. I just read what appeared, and by the way, such a new direction in cooking. I wonder if there are people here who have mastered the new technology? Share the experience.
One comment: A great topic. In addition to cooking in the dishwasher, you can cook pineapples and eggs on a stove. Cooking sausages in an electric cup. With the right skill - and pasta. Dry small things in an electric boiler. Keep the meat warm by attaching it to the air conditioner. Divide the meat with a gasoline. Smash the eggs with an electrocut. And it can also make holes in sweaters. Just for beauty.

[ + 25 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103919
Demand → Fan.Reader: You know, and I remember well the moment when I HATE WITH THIS TELEVISION PROPAGANDA (laughs on school political information- not counting)- January 1986, I am on urgent service in SA, mandatory viewing of the program "Time", a rector (woman!) With indiscriminate joy on the face and in the eyes, she conveys the news of the disaster at the launch of the Challenger and the death of seven American astronauts.I still remember her smiling birth and will hardly ever forget.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103918
c:\boot.ini and it is very dangerous, deleted it, it can damage the computer
The crack, of course, removes from:\boot.ini, plays all night, and the next reboot XP is not loaded. And the lump begins to ask the counselor, and he answers.
Well, I warned that it was dangerous, warn the others.
The epidemic broke for six months, until anyone could guess what a file with:\boot.ini was in Google.
It is...
Lying is difficult. Only this file has such attributes that it cannot be deleted simply. And even if you turn around to do this, then the not wrongly placed screw still loads, although it complains about the lack of a file.

_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I will not check, I will not check.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №103917
And if in two words, the nature of men is polygamous. And here is a constant girl once a week I hardly want, and in the subway someone will accidentally touch - immediately standing.

Oh, not the stars, young man. Not that nature. The aunt has the same fist with accidental touches and so on. However, the majority holds themselves in their hands, because society does not approve. And men are allowed more, here they look.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103916
The best stone to news about falling oil price below $90 per barrel:
X: Well now gasoline, as it will be cheaper to 20 rubles.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103915
I once worked in a flower store, our products were stored in the refrigerator. In the summer, on the street +35, in the refrigerator +4, customers to us like looking at the crowds broke. So the terrible spectacle was a fly flying into the refrigerator - they are cold-blooded, all their systems are slowed to the ambient temperature. Such a fly evaluates the situation, decides to take off, chooses the box more genuine, runs, runs, runs, and can not take off - and falls down a desperate housewife. In autumn, I feel the same.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna