— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133799
If Jesus was born on Christmas and resurrected on Easter, is he a Lamb or a Fish?
He is a zombie!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №133798
One thing is to swim a rabbit, and another is to swim in the ice. Masai saved them from the ice water.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133797
Xxx: We are all the same.
YYY: It is not true! We are all different, unique and unique!
Zzzz: Stay calm guys! We are all distributed in Gauss by any of our characteristics and by any of their combinations.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №133796
End of dispute:

Oleg17: Okay, I wish you happiness, health and success in personal life. I believe that all coincidences are coincidental.
I will do my best to make your wishes come true :)
Che: How nice when two polite people talk.
I feel - where to here sent each other nach@y, but where - I can't understand.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №133795
I always sat on the first parties in the classes) Therefore, at a certain point, closer to the session, when I was already tired of all kinds of j and other flow, I came to the summit very tired (par-seminary 3-4 was, I don't remember exactly). He put his hand under his head and bowed to the wall (the extreme first batch was) and so he fell asleep. I woke up at the end of the seminar - the group members coming out of the office wake up. The teacher was kind and, noticing that I fell asleep, did not wake up and tried to hold the class quieter (there was no new topic - a simple repetition of the old one). When she noticed that I had jumped out of surprise and confusion, she, slightly overwhelmed, said, "You have so well demonstrated the steady support that I decided to allow you to be a small composition while the lesson is going..."

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №133794
Put a new entrance door, you need to drill the hole under the door eye, and the drill is short, only slightly more than half the thickness of the door. I tell my wife that tomorrow I’ll buy a larger drill and I’ll do everything. She asks to do it today. I explain for a long time, in detail, that the drill is short, even if you drill two holes in front of each other, nothing will work out due to crossing, inaccurate measurement and a thousand other reasons. For the door eye, the hole should be flat. He doesn’t want to understand, he wants to use his eye today. I fall into the "sacred rage", grab the drill and without any marking drill in the door half the hole, then go out to the staircase and repeat the operation, making the hole in front of the previous one. A minute and everything is ready. Then I look at the work of my hands, and I realize that at that moment One was in charge of my hand. Because the half of the holes matched perfectly, there is not even a small hole. The wife nods her head and says, “Well, you can, if you want.”

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №133793
As the story recalled, I worked 5 years ago in the rough-and-white communication salon, in the shopping center, but it is not about me, the salon was in the TC, and the security of the shops was from the TC, a fun guard often visited us and told interesting stories, then one of them.

He almost always worked as a security guard, in different places, in the 2000s he worked in a store of household/computer (and what there is more) equipment. In those years, the Internet just started its aggressive interference in human life, and it was expensive, so not everyone could afford to watch an erotic video, or the like, as the images were even loaded for a few minutes. In one of his work shifts, a young couple came to the store, went to the side of household appliances, at this time there were 3 guards in the store, one was in the cellar, watched in the cameras behind the hall. There were not many people, as well as employees, and the store was large. After some time, he noticed that couple, which opened a kind of refrigerator, the girl sat in it, and began to make the guy mines. Given that the spectacle is rare, he called the rest of the guards on the rail to himself in the chamber, well, six wide-open eyes watched the live broadcast.

The bottom line: at this time, the most expensive laptop was built, and this was an eye-drawing scheme.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №133792
When I was studying at the technarry, there was a common laundry room with a pair of dishes, where everything was laundry, hair, and shoes. I came somehow to wash the dishes, I laid everything on the table next to it, I turned on the water, and not it, turned off. Well, I stand, collect everything back, wash it later. The first-class girl suits, begins to spin the taps of the crane, there is no water. She begins to spin even more actively, in different directions, almost completely turned off. I said, “There is no water.” She looked at me, shrugged her eyes and went on. I’m already louder: “Girl, there is no water!” He stands, looks at me, knocks his eyebrows and asks, “Where is she?” I stood there and thought, I thought...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №133791
I am on the bus today. All places are occupied, there are still enough. I sit by the window, a man sits by and reads a book. The bus had already approached the stop, the man stood up from his seat so that I could get out.But as soon as both seats were released, the woman quickly jumped through them, sat on the edge and threw her bag to the second place. The further dialogue:

M: Woman, this is my place, move to the window, I’ll sit.

J: Go on, it will show me here again.

M :...

I don't know what was next, but it was seen out of the window as an aunt's oak.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №133790
When I was 12, my parents and I went to visit relatives. They had a huge German Shepherd who lay lazily tied to the fence. After lunch at home, I decided to play on the street. Parents and relatives, of course, were just beginning their meal and no one was gathering out on the street. Walking around the house, I quickly became bored and I turned my gaze to the dog. She did not pay attention to me and I was interested in it. In the best spirit of childhood adventure, I began to irritate her. They are bound to what they fear. After three minutes, the dog was very angry, cuddling and stretching the chain with the fence. It didn’t scare me and I continued to upset her. A few minutes later, the fence board broke down and the dog was already running to me with all his legs. To say that I was almost fooled means to say nothing. I started calling my parents and rushed around the house. It only lasted 2-3 rounds, but it lasted an eternity. The dog did not lag behind and continually waved straight on his heels. Parents and relatives ran out of the house and I jumped on my father’s arms. The dog sat beside his master, as if nothing had happened. Only a few years later I realized that the dog wasn’t even trying to bite me, and if he wanted, he would have caught a 12-year-old boy. This is what I learned from the Shepherd :)

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №133789
The fact that the calendar summer ended in September, you understand not because at night only +15, at day +23, and the temperature of the water in the sea +18, but because everyone began to ask: "Where do you meet the New Year?"

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №133788
A friend told when she wanted family life, just started actively cleaning up at home, accompanied her brother to kindergarten, took him from there, prepared food, part of which took the guy to work. Released on the second day (C)
It is 5!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №133787
Advertising banner on treatment of hemorrhoids:
"On the Greek 45,
The back is restored!"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133786
I sit at work and drink tea. The partner is puzzled about how she is tired of listening to everyone, and why she should be worried about someone's problems, and how everyone is wasting her time, and she has enough problems at this time, and nobody wants to listen to her problems and tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta...

I: Oksana, you don’t try that – I don’t listen to you. I have enough of my problems.
This is a stunning, offended silence from a man who thinks that he owes everything to him, and he is no one better than candy, god!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133785
There is a funny fight between a 15-year-old prostitute and a stripper.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №133784
In the sauna, we played cards for dressing.
What is the essence?
The loser gradually clothes and rolls out of the bath.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №133783
I have always treated things as secondary. All there are scratches, scratches, purple purple. But I experienced the real shame of damaging my property when I became a mother: looking at the dyeing of toothpaste on the floor and painted with a pencil toys. Because in those 15 minutes the child was just singing, not talking as usual.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №133782
I work. There is a TV in the neighboring room.

"One of the most amazing laws is the law of attraction..."

Mistake, I think, interestingly, about gravitational fields will be told now. I turned off the music, shaken my ears.

" and it looks like a miracle. I was only going to do a show about guardian angels at the time, and I didn’t know that the law of attraction had begun to work. And here, lost in the city, I stumbled upon the Gallery of Angels. Was it not wonderfully attracted to me?..."

Noah is...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №133781
Two residents of Trans-Baykalia tried to sell the CIA fictional "secrets"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133780
As our programmer said about the bug in the new version - "so temporarily will always be".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna