— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144054
Take care of the plants – they make the soil edible.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144053
Moscow authorities intend to restore the "Golden Colossus" fountain for 480 million rubles. With this money, you could repair five hundred patients who need expensive surgeries and medicines. But the authorities think it’s better – a fountain.
Do you know what’s wrong here? This money comes from our pockets, but we don’t control it.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144052
The fact that no one can find Ukrainian coins of the 19th century proves that already then Ukrainians used bank cards.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144051
I recently walked past the stadium, half transformed into a playground. Suddenly I see a little boy and a little girl running past me. I did not pay attention. And after a second I see that some boy is chasing them and cries "testo, bridegroom and bride." with a toy lion. He is on the run, trying to shoot.
This is what you are, Cupid!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144050
No, the best translation of the name turned Frodo Beggins into Fedu Avoskin. A literal match!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144049
XHH: And in an intimate way, you also have a complete coincidence?
WOW: Well, how can you say... if I tell you about our problems, you’ll kill me.
XHH: I was intrigued. Once upon a time!
How would it be easier to formulate...
WOW: Large size, mm, male sex apparatus and small size female. At the background, hm, a significant duration of sexual intercourse. In other words, we rarely go out for an hour.
Ah yeah, still my chest even with my long fingers fit badly in the hand ((
Everyone would have their problems.)
WOW: You are funny, and for the first time we put everything up and off until we adapted to each other. However, as the problems were formulated, we ourselves became funny...
thx: >_<

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144048
In my courtyard in the 90s, under the noise, someone seized half the courtyard and rented it to a truck parking lot (we have a wholesale market nearby). Well, the city we have is small, everyone knows the name, name and paternity of this someone, but prefer not to go deeper.

In general, at a recent rental gathering it turned out that the poor courtyard drivers have absolutely no place to park, and the guilty of all the cursed children, who occupied the entire space with their rugged sticks. It came up to the threats of "shooting the damned spindles". And with the parking of trucks nobody wants to fight for something.

Most of all, we and the neighbor (both have no children, no cars, but there are dogs): in some centuries we do not ruin everything, it is somehow suspicious!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144047
Tajik students banned
Wearing a beard

How many times did they stay in the second year???! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144046
At work, a colleague watched a video where a student proves that the earth is flat. If the earth is rotating, why did it not rotate under it when it jumped?
I watched, I cracked. And then I asked a colleague, I said, and he will be able to answer why when you jump, the earth does not roll under you. The earth rotates quickly. And here on the top of the earth, it rotates more slowly and therefore we do not notice it.I stopped, I thought, it burns, I came up with a new theory. But when I tried to clarify what he understood by equator, it turned out that he thought that the equator was the core of the earth. And he began to prove me furiously that the equator is inside the earth. It was funny until he decided to hide and find out what the equator was, and was very surprised that he was wrong.
And such people still argue about politics, history, and so on, and believe that they are the direct truth in the last instance. Something scary even from this.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144045
The image of a conscientious stinker was crushed on the billboards: and he is crushed in the factory, and there is nowhere to wash him after the change. Those who sweat in the overcrowded electric car. But what do we see in practice? The gentlemen smell in such a stunt that they are forced to go to the office, not to the factory, in the morning, not in the evening, and sit on stations where there are no electric buses, at most the bus, which pulls terrible 15 minutes. Do you need to wash in the morning?

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №144044
It was enough not to put "-" when transferring, and the teacher in the lesson to focus on this attention, in order for the next 2 years to get the nickname of "chort point".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144043
On the way home, I talk to a friend on the phone. I enter the entrance, go up to my apartment, and open the door. The door screams terribly lately when you open it. A friend, hearing the whistle, and apparently thinking that it is a cat whispering, cries and asks.
She: Wow, who are you there?
I: This is the door. She is very happy to see me.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144042
to this:

Jef239: Could it be better to ban women immediately? They are still naked under their clothes.

Just the same! Without women there will be no children, and you will be able to watch porn on the Internet!

In fact, it seems to be gay...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №144041
Life experience is when you take trouble as self-evident.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №144040
This story happened a long time ago, I was told by the participant himself and I don’t think anyone would be offended if I told you.
There lived a girl with her mom and dad. But an accident happened and Daddy was gone. The girl wanted her dad and asked her mom to find a new dad. But her mother was always busy at work and the girl decided to find her dad herself. The kindergarten where she went was surrounded by metal sticks and located in the center of the city. At every walk, she approached the fence and asked all the passing men if he wanted to be her dad. If her educators were taken to the site, she ran away and again conducted her search, standing at the fence. The men passing by agreed, laughed and yet passed by. One man stopped and said:
I want to be your dad.
They talked a little, and the man said he would definitely come again tomorrow. The girl was very pleased and in the kindergarten announced to everyone that she had a father. They talked through the fence first. One day, the girl’s mother comes to the garden, and they say, “And her dad took it.” A mother in a state of shock jumps out on the street to run to the police and sees her daughter quietly walking with an unfamiliar man. The daughter runs to her mother and joyfully announces that they now have a dad. Mom had to get to know the found dad, they talked, and it turned out that his wife died and left a daughter about the same age.
I met this family on vacation – three beautiful daughters (other one – common) extremely friendly, fun and their happy intelligent parents attracted all the eyes.
Those who are looking will always find! Even a new dad.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №144039
Guys who turn to the right from the left extreme row, remember, your guys are waiting for you at home.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144038
xxxh is a support employee of the manufacturer of banking software.
"Operation day" - the traditional reduction from "operation day".

And such an upper day all day, then the trumpet will ring, then the deer!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144037
The chicken wind...
Is it a fairy tale?
and AGA. Odminko and Blonde

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №144036
Ohhhhhhhh! The man was exposed to radiation. He has muted.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144035
Everyone knows that products cannot be imported to the United States.
In the early 1990s, our employee (a Ukrainian) flew to the United States for a conference.
Dialogue of Control:
What do you have in your backpack? (He wrapped a piece of salt in the foil).
- Soap (not knowing how in English "salo").
You have a strange soap. Go by.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna