— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103834
Talk about the harm of drugs:
Have you ever smoked marijuana?
Once, confused with a cigarette, but only because he was dead drunk.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103833
I am sitting in the kitchen at work for cakes. We just brought fresh baking, and the seller counts everything and unloads the goods. We are waiting. A big lady stands next to her, and to someone she completely shuts up, she says:
As a child, I always wanted to be a salesman. I liked it so. But as I grew older, I learned that when they exchanged, they had to overweigh the rest of the goods.
Count it for money. And I thought – no, I don’t want to count so much, and I went to Baumansky.

The whole day was impressed.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103832
I immediately remembered a crocodile.
In addition to physics and labor there was another subject "biology".
In general, the crocodile "is able to have binocular vision"), and what "eyes on the cork" is such a fit for masking a very fast-paced predator.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103831
And on the subject of destroying... I saw what a small child could create with a hammer in his hands.
Even despite the supervision of two adults, he managed to break a glass block in the garage (instead of bricks was sometimes put for light) and grabbed Daddy's car very not weakly at the next stroke. It all took a couple of seconds. But he went by... Nothing predicted.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №103830
“The Americans are going to talk about small-sized sanctions against us, and we’re all in trouble. And what shall we do?
Implementing sanctions, which
Which ones?! to
We will abolish anti-piracy law!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103829
Workaholism drives to horrendous actions.
Wow, I feel like a medusa making routes.
I imagined a medusa.
and routes
for other meduses.
"where is the right place to go to the shore, so that you get a stick";

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №103828
Spring: Fuck, only I can do that.
I went to the bath. I sit under the crane. My leg slips, I fall from all the scale, almost my head against the wall, in flight I keep my balance and land on one knee. In front of the nose. I found nothing better than burning out: "It’s time! Cran, will you go for me?and "

The wolf cries. (Have you agreed to it?)

Spring: He had no choice 😉

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103827
Somehow, a general calls me and says, “Secret materials started to disappear from my desktop on the computer. “Who does it?” – I have hair. He raised everyone to his ears. began to understand. I asked the general where he kept the documents. And he says to me in the blue eye, “I hid in the basket.” It turned out that a person did not know how to use a computer and hid important documentation not in files, but stored them in a basket on the desktop! Naturally, they self-deleted from time to time, and it was impossible to restore them. The general never understood what he did wrong.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №103826
Comment to news "In Omsk arrested 120-kilogram rapist"

xxx Now mints in the annual report on the weight of rapists are taken into account?
For the reporting period, 134 tons of 247 kilograms of rapists were caught, which is 132 kilograms higher than the planned position indicator.

Yyy Aha, and the opera boast each other - I yesterday caught such a rapist - 150 kg - no less! A beautiful man, not a rapist. Come to the car!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103825
from the life of the developer or not clear TZ;

XXX:they offer me to bluff with a bicycle to cross
Getting a Unique!
So that the rainbow will be shaken.

and VSV

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103824
The Optimist:
The Pessimist:

>>It’s not really bad—it’s when a wife and two mistresses have started critical days at the same time. And all this on your birthday...

You didn’t understand, it was a gift. Imagine if it was the opposite.
— — —

In other words, your wife and two mistresses have a birthday, and you have a monthly?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №103823
From the news:
Ulyukaev called the "Rotenberg Law" budget insurance of foreign assets
“In fact, we are encouraging capital exports from the country in various forms, which is probably not an economic policy task.”

Intelligently I said that you, fools, have already flogged.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103822
I talked to a friend on a laptop via Skype. At this time, the second friend calls on the mobile phone, I turn on the loud communication, and we are already communicating three. Then I went out to the lodge to smoke. Back, the picture with oil: a laptop with a phone is actively discussing something. Tell me, is that not nonsense?! to

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №103821
RIA Novosti: "In Crimea recorded the first case of human bite by karaoke since the moment of joining the Russian Federation".

Guess who? Yes, I’m the same guy with dollars.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103820
I will answer:
Where are you, girls who suffer from... lack of communication? As soon as they offered to mark themselves - tape to tie, so everyone immediately silenced. No words, no girls with stripes.

It is not safe for girls to walk with such tape, you know. And without tape, you will not always explain to the male subject that it is with him that you love and do not want to. Better learn to see in women people, be interested in their personality and hobbies, not just what they have between their legs, be easy to communicate, respect personal space - and your chances of sex will increase incredibly.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103819
They were guided by city lights with timer. LEDs were obviously the cheapest used - in a month, half of the segments burned up. counting as predators. So you want to jump through them faster, or the feeling that it is going to explode.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103818
What are you missing? In the baseball?
by Asma
How low it is.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №103817
Purchase of zoos.

Description of goods.
KARLIE DECO WOOD 1 kg (78520)

The attention!
The look is absolutely unpredictable! It is natural jewelry.
Claims about the appearance of the cork are not accepted!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103816
xxx: эх, never liked running.Here gymnastics - it's please, but run...
Any idiot can do gymnastics, but this is a run.
Q: Can you make a wheel on a barrel?
I can make a wheel from a barrel.
I am about gymnastics ;D
I am a gymnast :D

[ + 22 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103815
My wife's yoga instructor advised the balls to roll: " from the nerves" - o_o she now constantly touches my eggs( type catches, says helps )))
P.S Hopefully the expander won’t recommend it.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna