— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144014
A young psychologist to a patient in depression:
Imagine that you can everything, that you are capable of changing the world by the force of your will, that there are no limitations for you, that you are capable of reading thoughts, telekinesis, teleportation...
A loud cotton is spread from behind, and the psychologist, turning to the patient's bedroom, sees only a fading glow in his place.
- Fuck, another smiley didn't pay for the session...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144013
Shame on these adults! She has been hysterical for 15 minutes, but does not give up. I’ll give her a chocolate for that!! to

A good family. Mom teaches her daughter to lie (say what you don’t think and get a chocolate). Dad teaches you to hysterize (if you grieve for ten minutes, you’ll still get a chocolate). Where did the TP come from?

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №144012
the initial post on the length of the shirts and the selection of this length according to the weather, i.e. if the heat then only short if cold, respectively long and no other, but what fabric there is.

It appears that he never wore a shirt.

In the heat is more comfortable in a long free coat.
Only the material should be light and, preferably, natural.

And if you are uncomfortable with long sweaters, it’s your problem.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144011
Under the post about the experience of buying a relatively inexpensive private aircraft.
xxx: PZDC, here you choose toilet paper cheaper, and someone makes personal planes.
YYY: Not only starts, but also dusts, and flies, and warms, and oil checks. It is crazy, car.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144010
I’m sitting with my mom on Skype, and my husband’s face also slipped there. Mother joyfully said to him, “Well, what new words has Glenn learned?” and he was so serious, thought about it and said, “Hui!” and said, “It’s such a whisper.”

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №144009
It just happened in the parking lot.

The cars in the middle of the parking lot stood in a row. I saw the place and went to it, but it turned out that I was not alone. The young man in the black Priora, who was driving from the rear side, also pointed to this place. We stood opposite each other right in the middle of the parking lot. He, without leaving the car, shrugged his fist three times and looked at me. I understood everything without words and cried in response. We shrugged the fist three times. He had a stone, I had scissors, and I went to look for another place in an elevated mood.

And whoever spends their money and goes to training on conflict situations.

Thank you, you made my day!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №144008
Here I also have a physical job in the heat, drive through the city and have no place to wash. So I wipe myself with a wet towel, my ankles right above the dishwasher, sliced the dish and so I get home. Per I don’t smell the acai rose, but nobody has turned around yet. While smelling proudly, of course, it is easier...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144007
Often those who are on the guard of the law have to sit.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №144006
Stories I have traditionally long, who is stressed by "a lot of bookaf" just slide.
Recently, the son came late in the evening very beaten, but it seemed that everything was done with hematomas and scratches.
How did it happen? I asked him when he washed off and was already calm.
- I decided to cut the road through the courtyards, and two of them dug up, asked for a cigarette... the suckles... there the third pulled - again the son began to start. Word for word...
Have you talked to them? Why did he not run away? I was surprised. Or were you not alone?
- Yes, one... thought they would be behind, in their neighborhood like, and there for clothes caught and struck.
They’re back, not for that they came. The guy he is quite sporty with me, but not fighting, but football (semi-professional team), could escape like nothing to do, if immediately... I seemed to explain it many times, but apparently the study is valid only on his skin. I said, you need to psychologically perceive for yourself the escape, not as a defeat, but as nothing, and better at all, it seems that there was no such meeting. I remember the story when I was about as old as he is now.
It was already a time when the USSR was still there, but it had already cracked all the seams and fought in death agony. And I a few months, as I came from the army, health splashes across the edge, with a height of 182 cm, weighing 75 kg., there is not a drop of grease. A small retreat. He served in a separate special regiment and was very hard on physics. He listened to the stories of classmates and acquaintances, how they served, and was very surprised that, for example, they shot from the machine for the entire service only a couple of times, ate almost one pearl, as grandparents even hit on the charge, etc. We were fed well, it was a sin to complain, but with sports and combat training it was also very tough: once or twice a day cross 5 km, then sports towns at least an hour and without fools, once a week shooting with a march-throw 30-50 km. with a full layout, and nobody "cut," neither grandfather, nor even the dembel. In our part, the system was constructed so that it was considered “western” (I’ll tell you somehow, it’s a separate story). The result: freely 100 pressures in 45 seconds, easily - 25 times lift-turn per minute (there were such norms in our part), plus running like that horse, etc. We had a wrestling, a few hours a week, but the instructor immediately warned that he would not be able to make us at least a little decent fighters (to do this he had to do from the age of 5, the end from the age of 10), but the basis of survival in fighting and in battle he will give. Yes, and I was far from this, the breakdown in biathlon, bullet shooting and sports orientation, well, and in the asset a few school fights. He taught us not so much techniques and strikes (although this too), but psychology and behavior in combat and fighting with several opponents.
In fact history. A large Siberian industrial city.
A party, an apartment, a people of twenty, mostly strangers. Race did not drink then in principle, well, and with vodka, who remembers, there were then big problems (according to coupons), so there were only two bottles of it and they were made for girls "champagne". Water with syrup (or strawberry with dried berries) half with vodka and in a siphon (who remembers, there were then such, very popular, with carbon dioxide bottles, for soda at home). For the effect, not one but two bottles were used on a litre siphon, a couple of drinks could be quickly and seriously cut off, but intoxication also happened quite quickly. Well, of course, clamped dances, shura muras and other amours. I met a cute girl, after an hour they were already crushed. It should be noted that the attitude toward women I had then was very and very physiological-consumer: you give - well, you do not give - go to the pop, others are full. The bathroom and bedroom are traditionally busy, so it is quite a logical proposal from me to go to the house to a comrade. Well, you, I'm not like that, I can't do it right away, we need to get to know each other closer (although a small last step remains until "nearer") and so on. Women's scratches, well, even about the monthly not "song" and it's okay.
- They went better to me - a calling look from under the eyelids, a light ruby on the cheeks. Fucking you women will understand and your logic, to you, so to you. I caught the motor. where? In the ice! I’m a fool, I might have asked before. Not only is the geographical edge (in fact, the suburbs, the taxi driver broke the price), but it is also a very criminal area. Half of the inhabitants of Morozovka have already been sitting or sitting in places not so remote, the other half simply has not been caught, but is clearly planning and training. Even the children in the kindergarten there start to beat on the feather sooner than on the pot to ask. I go there in the morning, of course, but going there in the evening is not a comilfo at all. Well, okay, we are already going, on the way carefully find out that at home is both dad and mom, as well as grandmother and brother in the 2-room Khrushchev.
We are in the entrance, right? - again appealing look, gentle kiss and hand on the member through the pants. Oh, standing at her entrance in Khrushchev at 10 p.m., when a girlfriend will scratch from every whisper, is the dream of my whole life. Well I bought it, so I bought it... Okay, I think I will also break it a little, I will plant it at the entrance and drop it down to Marinka. We walked in, the entrance to the courtyard was flanked by a rough 8-car, with both doors open, but no one in the car, and the entrance was the 3rd. The driver did not even signal, like you come out here. I gave him half, despite the outrage, said - wait, I'll come in and back (gentleman, fucking). A dark, warm evening of early autumn, lighting only from the windows of the apartments and a lonely lamp at the corner, somewhere far away, like at the last entrance (6th) brushes with 3 chords of guitar and a drunken voice, not very falling, tries to complainingly sing the next whirlwinds over the zone (or pigeons? Not the essence. Go, she holds her hand and her heels ring Cock-Tock. From the 2nd entrance to the noise of the car and the heels, seen from the bench, a trio cries out.
"Opa, you guys, the flying freeroll was drawn with Irka - stretching words is brought in to meet a wide guy in a white jacket. Now a little "science" from the instructor: The opponent, if he is in the majority, confident in his advantage and on his territory will never start a fight immediately, he needs time to evaluate you on the principle of his-other, who you know, how much you can "down" (humiliate), twist, again yourself (to raise adrenaline in the blood), type: What are you so bold? And you should immediately understand that it is peaceful for you will not end under any circumstances, immediately readiness, release of adrenaline into the blood, and it is best just to escape (see). above), but if there is no such possibility, then attack the first, unexpectedly and without delaying. The thought of leaving the pitch was dull, but the adrenaline already burst in the blood, in each muscle, like a compressed sprinkle, lightness in the legs, no fear and almost no alcohol in the blood, and in front of the girl, somehow uncomfortable (I regret, had time to sing about her heroic service). So, the position, the position of the enemy and my further actions I approximately, but quickly calculated. Irka instantly crashed, and now the psychology went, I move a step at the same pace, with my right hand in the pocket of the jeans jacket smashed into a piece and pulled in the fist a chewing gum plate, and my left from the outer load pocket with the words:
“Look, cha... – with two fingers I pull the car in a plastic frame and accidentally plunge it to the ground on the left and in front of me. The keyword "look" sounded, the instincts and unconscious reflexes of the enemy will work - 99% of people will look for sure. Not an exception were these dogs. Ambal in a white t-shirt (I defined him as the main one), standing already in front of me, slightly lowered and slightly turned his head, staying on the falling frog.
H-on..., a quick small step forward with the left leg and a sharp straight right in a comfortably folded jaw. Wow, how tightly hit, even with a push of the right leg, and the body worked well. Ambal without raising his hand begins to roll forward (a very good sign, it means the knock-out is complete), but we will watch the movie later, slightly shift to the right, two quick steps forward and throw a piece of gold with a gum in the face of the second, with almost simultaneous blow of the left foot side-down (approximately below 45 degrees) in the area of the lower right rib, the opponent's reflexes and here did not fail, his right hand rushed up protecting his face, and my foot in the shoe with a fairly tough foot, the knife hit exactly where I wanted. A sharp pain and spasm with such an accentuated blow to the liver demoralizes even many trained professionals, not that this courtyard shallow, the main thing is clearly and strong enough to hit. Another small retreat, the instructor was very warned against the use of high-kicks (top kick). It is only in the movie, beautiful helicopters are very spectacular and effective, and in real life with such kicks everything is much worse. The “long” strike. It requires more time to prepare and has a significant trajectory, so it is much easier to get away from it. You can use it in the bandage as a finishing when leaving, but in no case should you start with it. I don’t argue, there are masters who can hit my head much faster and more unexpectedly than I do with my hand, but it takes years and years of intensive training. Another thing is low-kiki (lower strikes), squeezing or ribbing the hard feet on the ankle, in the knee or in the forehead, as relaxing, demoralizing, with them, it is just good to start an attack, even without having a good stretch. I planned so at first, but the opponent was below almost the head, comfortably stood, slightly turned, and I decided to hit the liver, which was very justified, added a short hook right somewhere in the face, already bending the second, and walked to the subdued third. Down the slightly divided hands with the palms open to his side, he began complaining:
- Yeah, you guys, you immediately bowed it... - it didn't run, the third, in a short leather jacket, has already stood up in the stand with his fists raised to his face. A boxer what? Yes, this is a murder! What do family and school teach you? by the High. From a blow with such a stroke even a boxing pearl will turn away. Quietly passing over his right shoulder his fist, sharply reduced the distance with the simultaneous blow of the right under the breath from below up (apperkot) and as if repelled by this blow turned into the same line with the skin, catching on his elbow bend of his left hand his descending right elbow, then my left hand from under his forehead to the brush from above, the right blow from the inside on the wrist – there is a grip, the right helped the left hand – sharply added, bending already the palm inside the brush.
-A-a-a... - wildly raised the third - it hurts, I know, sharply I,, the stretching of the ligaments is ensured, tomorrow even a spoonful with this hand can not hold. But this is my favorite technique, I have worked it repeatedly and it has one interesting feature, if it is carried out sharply enough, then the person immediately falls on his knees, reflectingly trying to change the angle of pressure and reduce acute pain. Not an exception and my caregiver. In principle, in this position, it can be calmly convoyed, slightly releasing the brush and commanding "Rise", lead, with one left hand regulating the pain pressure on the curved brush, but why do I now? Therefore, sharply twisted, I beat his knee in the face, and I start the blow with the almost straight right leg, sharply bending it at the end of the trajectory, thereby reducing the radius at the constant mass, the angular speed of the knee from this increases, and this is already theoretical mechanics (thermech), in vain that I am teaching him at the institute. This is what I am telling a long time now, but in fact it took literally a few seconds for everything. Looking back at Irka with her completely round eyes, I noticed another granddaughter coming out of the bushes of the palisade behind her four meters. Did he go out? And for me now the devil is not scary, full intoxication with a successful fight, a pulse under 200, but the soul sings, the muscles in an unprecedented tone, in this state, probably, the world records in the sport are only established. I would give a lot now to repeat that feeling today. Having spotted something intermediate between a lion’s whistle and a male gorilla’s scream during the marriage period, I jumped on it with long jumps. The man, seeing such misunderstandings and being in a depressed psycho-moral state in advance, correctly decided that it was better to get rid of goodbye and broke, like a young salmon back into the bushes, and Irka, not seeing that someone was behind her, took everything at her own expense and wildly jealous, sat down, covering her head with her hands. And I, as a jumping lion easily jumped through it and barely stopped myself, wildly wanted to catch up and tear off the enemy, like the Tusik heater. Hanging up the rubber, a taxi struck, the driver also decided to drop, fear defeated greed. All, all, enough, enough... I persuaded myself, and I struggled to the already defeated enemies. Somewhat up, I pulled Irka to her entrance. She cried disgustedly and leaned down poorly (or did I think so?At the same time closing your eyes and periodically fasting, so that the tears sprinkled from the corners of the eyes with thin, short streaks, similar in the light of the lamp to silver drops. I looked around, slowing down at such a low speed. The white maika sat down, relying on her left hand, dumbly wrapping her head, but the butterfly knife had already been stuck in her right hand. I, let go of Irka, picked up the passenger and approached from behind with all my heart, pushed him over the bended elbow – the knife shaken, flew somewhere into the darkness.
So, you’re in nature? - Ambal at first whispered from pain, but tried to say awful, nevertheless crashing at the end to some weeping intonation. Why do we need a knife? The knife is not for us. Without paying attention to anything else, I hastened and almost dragged the girl into the entrance, where I hardly found out that the 2nd floor, the 1st door, was on the right. The iron door was widely opened immediately, as if they had been waiting for a long time, he pressed Irka and, whispering a short "Hello", pushed his mommy away and quickly walked through the corridor, evaluating the disposition. Classical Khrushchev 2-room "spacecraft", the windows of the kitchen and the rooms with a balcony go to the entrance, in another room on the opposite side of the house, approached this window and opened it. Fu, all, you can not rush down, under the window even a pit, no bushes, no fences, and no other obstacles. I went into the bathroom past the gathered to the corridor of a crazy family, whose members were cleaning me out of the road, apparently there was something like that on my face. I washed, the face burned, the pulse was still ticking, but the right hand began to hurt. It is not worth stopping, I would not like to get into the adrenaline hole now, or simply into the retreat. I turned off the water and heard Irka, who was apparently not back from the shock, say:
Serega met me, and he killed them all - and cried again. You are stupid! So your ex or current person meets you, you know about it and still pull me here? What do you have in your brain? Or did you think that we would meet with him, and I would peacefully but masculinely explain to your Sereg, that now I am your boyfriend, he will understand everything, and we will be friendly with him, we will go to drink the same? You will say to him strictly:
and Sergey! You cannot command the heart. And he cried, will he stand on his knees, begging you to come back? Or maybe you thought that I would be beaten a little (but the vital organs would not be affected, of course), I would be in the hospital, and you were so faithful, you would take care of me, sitting asleep nights at bed, and I, as beautiful and healthy, when I go out, in gratitude immediately make you an offer? Have you imagined yourself in a wedding dress? Or, disappointed by yourself, even seeing yourself in a beautiful mourning dress, in a hat with a black voila, bring me white lilies to the tomb and cry quietly there alone, spread out on the grave plate? By the way, a drunk friend told me something similar that her similar vision of a beloved husband visits periodically. And only after complaining about himself and ridding himself alone, imagining himself a young widow, for a while he calms down. Someday you’ll realize what’s going on in these women’s heads.
I quietly came out of the bathroom, shrinking from me, like from a cough, my father uncomfortable tried to hide behind his back a bottle with an incomprehensible color of liquid, apparently already got enough to drink for acquaintance. All, it’s time to leave, I can speak English, but no, my feet turned me to the balcony. And before the arrival already a committee on a solemn meeting in all splendor. The victims were in full composition on the benches and three boys, with them two girls of the local spill, were pulled up. One of them, under thirty years old, with tattoos on his wrists and like even blue rings on his fingers, but you can't see from the balcony, twisted in his hands a cut of the water pipes. I was noticed immediately. The word took the Blue, as I called it about myself:
What are you doing foolishly? The boys to you with all the respect, to cheer for the life of decades wanted. To whisper about Marucha yours, and you immediately grabbed as a bullshit. Respectful people don’t behave like that. Give yourself a half pound (this is due to self-driving) for the insult and we will give you a normal without cheap pants.
– Don’t go out, sick... – someone stumbled at him from the bar.
- If the right guy, then it will come out, and if the wolf is shameful, or the foul of Mintov, or the frair is rotten... - continued to throw the zone approach Blue. A familiar song, so it will be the language of flogging your cranes, slowly beginning to literally “down” you, or you will not stand or he will morally win, even without physical contact. Such a base should be sharply broken, immediately transferred to another plane. Yes, and it is already understandable, there are no tattooed rings there, the zone was certain, but not in authority, he did not rise further than the six, not even the fan has a curve, and so the basar is plated. Among those who do not stumble on me, cheap authority earns. There was one in our courtyard, we young men looked at him in the mouth, tried to imitate him, until the father of one friend drove away from the zone and kicked him out of the courtyard. Where is his whole bursting going? Wait for the fool:
Oh yeah! Why is your tube so thin? - pause, guessed the end of his phrase on the length of the blue cigarette, but I need not let him answer, exhale it and at the beginning of the breath calmly continue:
I'll go down and put this trumpet into your broken point. And you won’t even get a puppy... – and so disgusted, he immediately sneered some of the guys in the store, and one of the puppy’s puppy squeezed, laughing. All of it, Khan Doom authority of the Blue. The earth is filled with rumors. Now, when mentioning the Blue in any conversation without him, there will almost be a vicious clarification: This one with the trumpet, what? Smiles, and whoever does not understand, will tell. The blue pushed the open fifth in the face of the laughing girl, shook up and rattled into the entrance.
I poured the oil into the fire, and now the whole company was smiling and upset. Well, it is time and honor to know, stop pulling the tiger for the moustache, as the Chinese would say. Under the accompaniment of a stealthy pipe stepping into the iron door, he passed by, sitting on the couch, the family quieted in another room, swung his legs through the window, pushed away and after a short flight, gently landed almost in the center of the bench. Not a bag jumped up and gave, as on a hundred meters, to the corner of the nearest five-storey, there moved on a sharp rise in the direction of the illuminated and noisy about a kilometer of the highway. He ran away and first was very proud of himself, then I thought that I was lucky today, how I managed to cut off the white-collar bump with one blow, and then it was all like oil, and such an adventure could end much more deplorable. No, the next time like this, I would only run aside and run away, and without thinking, I made a firm promise to myself, already riding a private on the illuminated road to civilization.
I never met Irene again.
R. S. Finally, I can say a huge thank you to Comrade Captain – instructor, unfortunately, I don’t remember your name anymore. Your lessons helped me a lot.
I would like to finish this, but no, my son told me yesterday:
I will buy the injury.
Why Why?
Puppy in case of...
You did not understand Figo. Any weapon should be obtained only when you are ready to use it immediately. It is an alphabet. Talk under the gun to Hollywood. Yes, and understand, the trunk is not a knife, any understanding person will immediately break the distance and extinguish you as hard as possible. What if he has a gun? He has no time to figure out what you have in your hands: an injury, a gas or a gunfire, a professional will immediately shoot the defeat. Would you find yourself in a protected area, a VIP? Do you need it? And in the unarmed, most likely, nobody will shoot – trying to speak calmly I continue.
What am I going to do with a scratch? My son is disturbed.
- And if you weave or rub, not even specifically, but so, weeping out who. Well, you will get into some organ or artery, for example, on your arm. He will take it and die. What then? 10 in the area. How about that perspective? Or again, the enemy with a gunfire, will shoot your knee - you are the rest of your life with a stick, and he has a stem with a license, and he is right. Moscow is full of such things. Any weapon, even cold, is a murder weapon. Whom are you gathering?
But for self-defense...
The best weapon of self-defense is running. I have told you this a hundred times. Or was it bad to run?
What if I’m with a girl?
Well, first of all, do not go into every grain place and other people's courtyards. Second, don’t get into anything: Let’s go, let’s go and talk. And, thirdly, you ran away from them and the girl for 50 meters and numbered 112, controlling what is happening, what will they do to you or your girlfriend?
In front of the girl, it is uncomfortable.
“A, you ask her, does she need a disabled hero, or a healthy father of her children?
- Well, about the children you curved, it is clear that each will choose - the son struck.
That and that. Walk while you are young. And run more.
In conclusion, I will say: Fitness is good, biceps, triceps and other two-headed – it’s great and beautiful, but don’t forget about running. Running is a force, a weapon that no one can take away from you, because they won’t catch up!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №144005
The grandmother argued with Sam that he would not eat 25 of her peelings for what he would clean up in the apartment.
And here Sam eats the 24th pellet, and the 25th is not in the plate.
This Jewish grandmother.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №144004
The engineers at the factory offered the following solution: write the program and bring it by train to Chelyabinsk. Who will say anything about this progressive method? I remember being criticized here for the undeveloped tools for Arduino.
222: Hopefully, the SV car and girlfriend is attached? So I am for!
333: They say, the best settlement is on the Azure Coast, a little worse - on the goa. Give to the boss :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №144003
But the wife was willing, she stopped cooking dinner at all.

Pff... the wife is cooking-slabak)))
I cooked for myself and my wife. True, 10 years later we divorced... not for this reason, but because there was almost no sex... and now, indeed, there is no sex at all for 5 years, but I am cooking well :-DDD

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144002
All: We have a place in the courtyard to eat full-fledged, and even a pot / carousel / sandbox in the volleyball field. All this wealth in the center of the courtyard formed by five houses. They don’t play on that field. They play on the site with garbage containers (in hiding places, for example, straight into the containers). Their mothers said that children need to play, that cars have no place in the yard. As soon as the whisperers (KIVINKI) acquired cars in the family - their voice stumbled to a whisper, and then again strengthened, but already for the car in the courtyards to put, because there are no parking spaces in the district.))) Dialectics...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144001
xxx: today the mail came from AliExpress, in which he offers me to buy an iPhone, a cloth and a necklace for a garden-mazo and a horse phalo imitator. In this order. What would this be?
Maybe someone is not looking at it.
I haven’t watched the iPhones!
XXX is fucking.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №144000
> grown-up chaten with round light eyes and such a nose

They just thought you were a tang, and so you know all the paths. You will not go away with all the people.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143999
What does he need?? to
Sometimes he talks about a wedding. In the context of "Let me know what a nightmare I dreamed".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №143998
The Wife’s Husband:

But the wife is willing, she has stopped cooking dinner at all...

Our employee and his wife live with the aunt. She is a doctor who travels on useful food. She cookes, and constantly sweats young cabbage, green low-calorie salads, adding to this silos small pieces of fish or boiled meat. Her daughter, although she has an eternally sad look, has long been accustomed to homeopathic doses of food. But he himself is a buggy under 2 meters in height. This menu is very sad. And therefore, after leaving work, Bugaina goes to the cafe, where he should eat meat, and quietly goes home to chew cabbage in a nice family circle. A genius of family life and compromise, I think.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143997
If you don’t watch movies for a while, you can see how they program the behavior of society.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143996
Underwater cup: Ageing is bad, although economically beneficial. For example, you want to buy roulette. It seems that the design likes, and physical training allows, and the money is enough, and even your size is. And you are already stretching to the wallet, and here you remember that the forty-year-old has already passed, and you immediately get caught up about the fact that you will be laughed at in these rides. And you do not buy. How to have fun? Do not sleep, right?
Take the mistress.
Submarine cup: Dick, she will laugh too. and (

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143995
Hi, how are you doing?
- Hi, I got to work, I have to get up at 7 in the morning, unusual, and I don't get to sleep.
“Nothing, you get used to it, you know, as Dostoevsky said, to everything a fool-man gets used to!
Why am I a fool?
I don’t know, Dostoevsky said so.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna