— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №103714
Not a question. A kilogram of potatoes will cost a kilogram of gold. Your actions?

I start growing potatoes.

by INB4
“You’re in your mind, 2050, a nuclear winter on the street, and he’s going to plant a potato without a hat!
In that case, I stop eating it.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103713
I’ll add a bit of the classic :)
It is ===
I’d rather read about real heroes. Rescue Real People from Real Problems
I am dealing with delivering products to the shops. Work is well paid, but boring to shame. So, if I hadn’t imagined saving the city from starving death every day, I would have been asleep for a long time.
It is ===
From 8 to 10 is a feat.
How to understand?
This means that from 8 to 10 in the morning he has a planned feat. Well, what would you say, Mr. Mayor, about a man who goes to the feat every day, exactly to the service?
I am serving myself, Sugar. Every day at nine in the morning I have to go to my magistrates. I will not say that this is a feat, but there is something heroic in it.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103712
Peter's friends in the toilet had a broken door pen. In fact, there was simply no pen, and instead there was just a square hole in the castle. They kept a spoon in the toilet to insert it into the hole from the inside with the reverse flat end and turn it instead of the pen. Someone gathered in the apartment, someone went to the toilet, and suddenly shouted in silence from the sortir: "Where is the spoon?Those who were there for the first time roasted for a long time.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103711
Posts in VK:

Congratulations on the loss of a cousin! This morning. He lived all summer in the country, apparently forgotten the area and confused, did not come from a walk, under the rain will not find traces of his (
Lost on the lighthouse, in the area of the streets of Glass-Crystalline, where nine-story store, fairy tale store, cafe Cosmos. But he could have escaped far away (with a black collar against fleas. If anyone has seen, please let me know. If you find it, we look forward to it at home!

I hope this is about the dog.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103710
"New Google technology will notify the careless user of a likely collision with a train"
Google plans to insert sticks into natural selection wheels.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103709
This is:

Zadolbayka No. 15479, writing about the "impunity of the weak", your "Crimean hair" with the head gives out your citizenship. And why am I not surprised by your further calls to beat women and drive out pensioners from the bus?

That is, you think that the age (retirement status, gender, etc.) Is that an excuse for shame? You are wrong. If a man in his youth was a foolish fool, then at retirement he becomes simply an old fool, and not a sacred cow, which must be prayed for and protected in every way.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №103708
You are at home.
exp(-((x-4)^2+(y-4)^2)^2/1000) + exp(-((x +4)^2+(y+4)^2)^2/1000) + 0.1exp(-((x +4)^2+(y+4)^2)^2)+0.1exp(-((x -4)^2+(y-4)^2)^2)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103707
What did you say you survived? No is. Trying to find a normal employee.
— — —
Normal, who’s going to binge with someone like you? Are you worthy of it?
normal - is who will listen to how you and your wife, unable to settle even on the "free cash", live on 25 credits and barely bring the ends to the ends?
You look at yourself. To communicate with someone like you is not to respect yourself.
Respect to Sergei! I immediately understood where and to whom I got.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103706
I have a review of the iPhone 6. Not only is it in all parameters twice as low as Samsung, so they can’t even dig, because he, scuco, runs.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103705
From the article:
"The Thieves said (in translation to literary)..."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №103704
... the main number of the whole event was announced the performance of a woman who performed the dance of the dervish - a male ritual Muslim dance, consisting of a long rotation in one place. Personally, this spectacle did not capture me, I turned my head from it. Then came the Gypsies. They sang a sad song and as if emphasized that the New Year in this cafe is not a reason for fun.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103703
xxx (11:01:27 6/10/2014)
How to say culturally "If this server throw off the naah*y, the benefits will be more"?
yyy (11:02:25 6/10/2014)
The discontinuation of this server will increase the overall performance of the system.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103702
The Veterinary. I sit with cats for vaccinations and a man for advice. The vaccination was recorded, so the doctor recognized us, but, to see, after us there should have been no man at all for consultation... because the doctor came out and asked:
Do you need to pull out the stone?
and O_O! I am eeee...
You have no cat 😉

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103701
Description of multicolor
Name of Books. Adventure in the Valley of ants
Year of Release: 2013
Genre: Family, Adventure, Family
Directed by: Helen Giroud, Thomas Zabo
In the roles: lice, fleas, mandalas, spiders, four-legged

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №103700
I’d rather read about real heroes. Rescue Real People from Real Problems
I am dealing with delivering products to the shops. Work is well paid, but boring to shame. So, if I hadn’t imagined saving the city from starving death every day, I would have been asleep for a long time.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103699
We put the children to sleep, we sit with our husband in the kitchen, we talk. I hear the thunder. We break down, we run into the room. The elderly (6.8 years old) fell in a dream, his legs on the couch, from his head to his thugs on the floor and continues to sleep. Looking at this charm, we start to press from laughter and then the son-in-law, without opening his eyes, clearly asks:
Do you want to raise me up?
They raised, of course, but could not rust anymore.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №103698
I watched a review of Lada Grant from one guy. He sits on the rear seat, looks up and says, "Yes, the height of the cabin is good, you can have sex with the girl, the girl will not be beating her head at the ceiling.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103697
Victims of Ukrainian education:

Open 3 maps and compare Russia, Ukraine, Russia and the Mongolian Empire.
Who is the successor?
In the III-VI centuries the territory of Ukraine was inhabited by representatives of the tribal union of the Ants.
In the VI-VIII centuries to the territory of Ukraine come tribes of Eastern Slavs - Polanians, Northerners, Drivals, Tivers, streets, dolebs, white Croats. They created their state – Kiev Rus, which existed until the 12th century.
In the XIII-XVI Ukrainian lands are under the rule of the Mongolian Tatars, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.
The Ukrainians...? Ukraine is wow? Where are you...? There is no answer...
In the 16th century, the Zaporozhye Sech emerged, a small point on the map. In 1654, Hetmanskiy was squeezed to Moscow with a leech, and began to grow fat at the expense of it. From 1654 to 1917, Ukraine was filled with the lands that the Russian Tsars mourned. The coastal regions of the Black and Azov seas and the Donbass were withdrawn in 1922 under Lenin. In 1939-40, under Stalin, Ukraine grew Galicine and Bukovina, under Khrushchev in 1954 – Crimea.

And what do you always remember Kyiv Rus, you are there at all?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №103696
periodically on some sites jump messages in the spirit: please disable the ad blocking, we are living thanks to it! Take care of the most hungry of the internet sites!

now ad block: you tried to come a special message for users ad block. Blocking the message?

I heard this strict voice: Lord, will you order to drive the poor out of the gate?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103695
What do you do?
See also House 2.
by 0_0
I have training. I develop the willpower.
Have you ever thought about moving to Chelyabinsk?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna