— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143794
Talk to my daughter (4 years old)
What kind of castle is this?
This is not a castle, it is a church.
I want to enter.
Let us go.
Wow, it is beautiful here.
Well yes.
Who are these people? They live here.
Some are yes.
They are probably very rich.
Why did you decide so?
Because everything is expensive here.
Yes, this is common, for everyone and for the people’s money.
Can I live here too?
No, not everyone is allowed to live here.
It is not common.
The stupid...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143793
Some people have learned to read, but not yet understand.
What do you mean, a sexist? I hope that the laws in our country will allow one day to chase such in the neck from teaching posts for such outbreaks.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143792
The 7th season of Game of Thrones.
Boyanin: When a friend came to visit, he just didn’t watch the series. I turned it on and looked under the beer.
My son is 4 years old, playing Lego next to him, watching TV with his eyes.
When the dragon came and burned them all, he threw his toys and cried out, “Run, fools!”
I had a beer in my nose.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №143791
Enter the IT department chief and directly to the leading admin approaches
I have a problem with 1C.
“We don’t have a staff specialist on 1C, but I’ll call him, it’s tomorrow.
You know, I’ve done this in my previous job, admin!! to
With a little pause:
- And I have on the past job, the headbowl of soap floor!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №143790
A fun parish is a church near a circus.
In Novosibirsk, in the center of the city, it is exactly like this.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №143789
by p.s: cuttings yellow yet, and not in the blood, but in the watermelon juice :D I cut them in a snack half the watermelon
and ==
cuddles, snacks, strawberries... Fuck, kill yourself on the wall with a rush in the bloodshed cuddles, please.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143788
Ten years ago, I went to the metro with my classmates. On the shoulder a bag with two pockets. I’m used to crawling into one of them, picking up a card, showing my aunt, wearing my jacket in my pocket and going through. I was somewhat surprised by the expression of my aunt’s face, looking at me and my card. But I think it’s not enough... Standing on the escalator, I pull a card out of my jacket pocket so that I can put it in my bag. I decide to look at her. And together with my friends I see that this is not a card. I confused the bag. There was a bunch of cards in that pocket. In my hand is a worm.

There is no scene. I, having a little deal with myself, ask my friends:

What about aunt? ! to Why did she miss me? ! to

One of them said very calmly:

Who knows them in the metro? Per the worms are cows today? ... →

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143787
I listened to the horoscope this morning. Be careful with the past, contacting it can be painful. In the afternoon, he got a final album on his head, a bride like a falling with anthrax. Believe in the horoscope!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143786
Diana Yozik: I don’t load pictures because I’m in the woods :(
XX: This is the eternal problem of the eggs.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143785
Why block a drug and child pornography site? Found - find out who registered, where it took, who publishes the content, initiate the case, post.

Here you are like a smart person, because you have a higher education, and you do not understand the simplest thing: no one will put out and distribute drugs for nothing. First of all, we need to find out who is paying.

However, when investigating cases of fraud, fraud, theft, smuggling and other forms of illegal enrichment, there is a great danger of coming out on yourself.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143784
I am a wonderful husband to my wife. She has a lot of comments to me.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №143783
>> I’ve always been interested to see how interviews with Indian colleagues go. Recently I am increasingly convinced that they take everyone who can log in to the system...
> Yes, the others also take it. They just don’t get caught up (:

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143782
Some people say that jeans are bad pants. But no one ever explained how bad they were. People are waiting for explanations!

There are no lamps. The clarity decreases.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143781
The Church has proposed to open a nudist beach in Crimea

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №143780
xxx: in the damned hammer - "Academic tax collector". It is symbolic.
It could be funny if you didn’t work in the tax office.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143779
Okay, when I was washing the windows, I immediately broke this special window washing pad. But now I washed the floors everywhere (and on the balcony) and broke the swab!! Stop me someone! 😉
My feet are not mine tonight.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143778
The Atandakil:
As part of the presentation, we will introduce the concept of a cat, considering it, by definition, a generator of a group of cats.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143777
But any student who has not slept in chemistry lessons, using potassium peroxide and a number of quietly conducted home reactions with completely available substances such as peroxide and a kilogram of apples, can get potassium cyanide at home.

In Soviet times and schoolchildren were more educated, and reagents were more affordable, but something was not massively poisoned with cyanide. Maximum harmless smoke stoves from analgin, etc.

And now for the video on YouTube about this smokevuh the man was conditioned with a large fine.

Something is clearly going wrong...

However, some schoolchildren and students in the past went a little further.
Read "Tales of the old chemist"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143776
What a prejudice

One of my favorite lectures from my teacher was:
For the first laboratory work on electronics, he collected purely "girl" groups and instead of soldering gave them nail cuts. Regardless of how quickly they determined it – at the next lecture he spent 15 minutes enthusiastically telling how “Ivanov and Petrov in turn half the laboratory tried to melt the nail. Why did you choose this specialty?”

A "child’s groups" did not try to cut nails out? or in boys from birth built-in determiner of nail cuts from the solder.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143775
From Geektimes comments:

I’m embarrassed to admit that I like the Edge browser.
Nothing terrible. “Camping out” is now popular ;-)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna