— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103434
Law No. 15421 on Education. Yes, our youth continues to suffer and dumb. A simple example is a textbook on biology 6th grade. and eye. Paragraph - a fragmentary unstructured narrative of November, the two stages of the excretion of urine in mammals, intermittently mentioned mushrooms, fish, birds. In addition to all the many scientific terms, apparently, the author wanted to boast of his knowledge. What will a 12-year-old student get out of this mess? And it is also suggested to go to the internet for additional explanations, links to resources are given. In order for my child not to sit for hours trying to put a topic in his head, I had to sit down and make an acceptable outline on this topic, but then the question is to me and the student a textbook? And this is just one example, textbooks are worse than each other. Geography, history, abnormal questions – why was the slave uprising in ancient Egypt wrong? So, if you see how the level of education rises, it is contrary to reforms, thanks to miracle teachers and indifferent parents.
The joke: "No brains - no problems", - so the Ministry of Education solved the problem of brain leakage abroad.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103433
Just if you have three or more phalloimitators, you may accidentally learn to jongle. Clowns are evil. I know, I watched "It".

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103432
For example, a 15-year-old girl who has managed to be a feminist, vegan, LGBT and so on.

There is a friend of my mother's son, who completed school out of school after 15 years, class from 4 to 11, because all his youth he travelled in Thailand, China and India. My mom, who was in psychiatry for a while, was driving. She now paints comics and lives with her father. Full of vegan. They do not eat anything prepared. And he is 16. And his hair speaks longer than I did in my best times, and he’s blonde. I know I tried everything.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103431
The client found the bag on his corporate website:
On the map it is indicated that to walk 17 minutes, when it is actually 14. If you cannot fix it, remove it entirely.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №103430
Windows 9 is free!
Hurra comrades, finally years of long pirate work have yielded fruit.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №103429
Before getting engaged in patriotism, you need to learn to stop turning your homeland into a laundry!

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103428
I work in the hospital. This was by colleagues from the nearby traumatological department.
The girl broke her leg, lying for two months on the skeletal stretch (who doesn't know - the load hangs on her leg through the block. Neither to turn nor to stand up. There are 8 seats in the general chamber.
When she was released, it turned out that she was pregnant for a month.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №103427
Americans are hunting terrorists all over the world.
As they hunt, they marry.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №103426
1) How many inhabitants in Paris? 2 with a small lemon. And in Moscow, officially 12, actually approaching 20.
2) The closest to Moscow fields, where the s/h really functions - right behind the MKAD: see the Lenin-named SCHP settlement. Their products (greens, for example) are in most major online stores.
It is good to make loud statements "we have everything bad they have everything good", but if you start to penetrate the question, at least superficially - everything may not be so unambiguous.

In this case everything is unambiguous. 20% of the population of the largest country who have traveled to the same city is a symptom of serious problems in the country.
The fact that there is little S/H next to this hoodie is normal. An unusual ants.
A similar distribution is typical for underdeveloped African countries: the jungle with bananas throughout the territory and the city-port, where ships from Europe go, and where there are real houses with varieties. Life in the city is like civilized. And the rest of the country gathers bananas, wears bananas, sells bananas to urban merchants, hates both merchants and bananas, and dreams of moving from their shell to the city. If you are lucky, you can hide in bananas and go to Europe.
For the people who came out of the branches yesterday will come down. And for those who consider themselves a great culture, the second superpower in the world and generally a lighthouse of goodness and happiness for all of Europe and its surroundings - it is not good.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103425
The son poured out milk, went for the swab. At this time, the cat began to squeeze milk from the floor.
Son, entering the room: how did I not immediately guess to take a cat instead of a swabber!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №103424
With friends and beer I had to watch the series "Sled". delivered it all! Both DNA in a regular microscope, and a chemist writing a quick program. And here in the frame, the next superman masches "shorts", is represented as a major, and the photo in the certificate without a drive - in normal clothes. Comrade, who served 10 years in the personnel department of ROVD, was outraged. The rest reassured him:
“This is a great department! They may have certificates and positions and titles special – only for them.”
For example: Vanya Super Eye or Ophigenic Proger
“A parade form – cowards above the collies”
At this time, a FES employee appears on the screen in a shirt, from which elements of intimate haircut are visible.
Comrade: “I am afraid and suppose that she has written in the certificate...”

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103423
C Habbra
by F5623,
10% of turnover with a high probability is less than 18% VAT, which, if I am not mistaken, was cancelled for the software in 2008.

The share of foreign software sales, let’s say 67% (wherever seen). We will take twice as much of the domestic. T.o After giving 10 percent, domestic developers should get back 20 percent.

The cost of foreign software should grow by 10%, and domestic should decrease by 10%.

Logically, you are not a member?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103422
About the trains:
XX: I am generally irritated by the concept of "Moscow Belarusian"
Is Moscow Belarusian Minsk?
XXX: and electric "Minsk - Belarus" in general exploded my brain!
YYY: She probably stood on the 9 3/4 platform

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103421
When two twins are separated in childhood, the winner is always the one who first says “I’ve come to tell you I’ve been cloned.”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103420
<bad> out of our Father without wife was running, and okay)
<SergSat> bad: but our divorce, and the rating on this has raised itself
<Angelofnet> SergSat: We have a... Important step. “I am married to a young girl. A divorced man. It is
<injury))> lived with his wife-hero all his life

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №103419
Are they dogs?
– Yes
Good morning, these are rabbits.

“Zoo some, bl**t” – whoever slept next to...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №103418
Yesterday my daughter had a doctor (5 years old). The whole family gathered: grandmothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles.
In short, the little girl felt like a queen. I read and danced, and
Then, under friendly laughter and applause, he began to portray us all. very
Recognizably showed how the grandfather walks with the dog, as the grandmother looks for glasses, as the mother (wife)
Makeup in front of the mirror. And then she stood in the doorway, began to scream, with one hand honour in the back of the head, and the other to scratch, what she does not have.
I am still in shock.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №103417
Opened the news:
In the center of Moscow, a gay Dagestan beat three Chechens.
Closed the news.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103416
to this:

xxx: energy-saving technologies, economical spiral bulbs...
Not to wear socks to get off.

— — —

A small wireless mouse is a great solution! Verified!
The technology :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №103415
Q: Do you remember about the cotton cakes rotting? So here, there is the law of all where I have looked, in it search. Everything remains in search!!! to
XHH: Главбух sat behind my computer and opened the history of requests: ENVD, tax declaration, USN, cannibalism, human-eating, murder, unintentional murder, suicide, smoking, self-defense frameworks, OGRN, OKVED.
HH: They are strangely touching me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna