— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133159
It happened at work today.
I stand, as I usually don’t do, waiting for the same client, who has no brains, but a bunch of money. And then a guy approaches me and says:"I am a real audiofile, I need 20 meters of wires for the columns..."
I have a sharp enthusiasm, there is a glow in the eyes, I already want to take the guy to our special stand for the "supermajor".
The guy notices this and says, “I’m a real audiofil, I need a ‘normal’ wire, and I get a piece of sandwich out of my pocket.
Something is changing in the world :(

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133158
In the guild chat

XXX: Yes, I am in the tax, IP register. Questions to Captains.
YYY: Oh, take me to work!
XXX: In principle it is possible. But you will have to work on yourself.
YYY :????? to
You know, we need a disabled person. The Labour Exchange will pay him for the creation of a job and ZP for the year ahead.
YYY: No, I have some doubts that I will succeed (((
AAA to help?
BBB: I can help you!! to
CCC: Do you need help?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №133157
Congratulations on the start of the autumn depression.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133156
I worked in an internet provider, this morning saw this application for repair "see. history of repairs - the darkness and hell of Israel"

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №133155
xxx - We take the screwdriver, we wrap a wire on it, we get a solenoid, we connect to the battery - a voila.
– – to
He is universalist.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133154
I read the label in the store:
Punch with fuck.
Don’t mind yourself, I think you invented it! To the sausage, probably, or there with a beer will go. Then I looked:
Punch with cream
It is time to buy glasses.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №133153
Uncle, aunt... I have a nephew 6 years younger, he lives in another city, and when I was in school, he visited us half the summer holidays. Then it was quite clear who was who, the age difference was obvious. So it turned out that I did not see his 12 years old, and recently my relatives gathered together... And here is such a two-meter man with a scarf, 22 years of the family. And next to me - in my 28 I look at 18 (unpleasant, but with "children's" facial features - puffy cheeks, large round eyes, puffy lips, curly nose, skin without wrinkles yet and without cosmetics due to allergies, the impression adds a thin voice) on his shoulder. And the tribe is so indecisive, bass: "aunt <name>". Here is really, another question, who is the "uncle"... But here is my husband, although a few years older than me, but looked like a nephew's peer.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №133152
xxx: In the castle someone digged, so nobody saw, and as in the households went down to take out the garbage, so all the neighbors met :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №133151
I work in an office that issues lip certificates... Competitors know everyone and it is better not to go with their certificate. So the manager here one of our same certificate brought us. When the staff officer tried to send him, he heard our own words about the fact that the certificate is valid and official, and can withstand any checks.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №133150
Geepard is made up of 70% water.
A wet chicken.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №133149
I found out here to be barely dropped to publish... 150th week of pregnancy
yyy: for the thugs)))
xxx: so I imagine the daily of a pregnant "the beginning of the fourth year of pregnancy goes normally..."
xxx: "taste addictions moved to silicate brick and liquid nitrogen"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133148
Today I went to work and on the door of the bar saw an announcement: "1001 night in a float"
The fact that Plov is written from the main letter (the name of the institution) is not read immediately because of the scary font.
And here I was once immediately introduced to the cruelest torture of the Uzbek partisans. Three years in a cage! That is fucking. Vietnamese people are resting

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №133147
The brother told, so not sure about the fairy tale or the real story, but gave the word that his.

According to him, the duty in the pharmacy, (the provider), suits the grandmother, the very "God's puppy." Pulling a finger, like come to the ear I say. Well, quite a standard topic, maybe from the gemorous what he is looking for, maybe anything else from the "uncomfortable" drugs, embarrassed. I come out of the shelf, I approach, I lean to her with my ear. Grandma, slightly coughing: “Son, is there anything from tuberculosis?”


[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №133146
It was two years ago, what the system is today, I don’t know. I was an apartment owner then. Apartment in the newly built sleeping area, mainly young families with small children. Inherited from the past tenant I passed the connected router, and the papers-contracts on it. I threw money regularly, but worked in a wild schedule, at home only spent the night. Just then I stumbled somewhere and stumbled on information that my Wi-Fi is used by several other neighboring apartments, and there is no password. I am not sorry, and the speed is not very influenced (because I could only sit on the internet late in the evening, and these neighbors at this time are apparently already bathing), but to pay alone for everyone is offensive.

Then I renamed my connection to the apartment number. Waited a while. Neighbors continued to use my turnet, but confused views appeared during the meetings. Days after 5-7 I hung an ad at the entrance about such content "Dear neighbors, my Wi-Fi is not on, enjoy your health. I understand that providers offer quality rates not for the smallest money, and being an apartment renter it strikes my pocket noticeably. I ask all responsible and honest: whoever is not sorry - throw money into the mailbox of my apartment. You don’t have to pay for it, and I’ll help you. Payment for the Internet I make on the 1st of each month. Please take off the day before! Thank you in advance, I hope for understanding.” The announcement was posted on the 20th of the month. Literally two days later, the senior house broke my ad, accusing me of extortion. However, all the year that I lived there, the neighbors properly dropped their part! Who is 100r, who is 50r, who is tens and fifths, but in general, 2/3 of the cost of the tariff paid by the neighbors.

This is how we partnered and the Internet shared, and I am not happy and they are pleased - they help. Or maybe just the neighbors picked up adequate and friendly.

Now I already live at a different address, the new tenant passed the story as it is.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №133145
Woland [15:12 05.09.2016]:
We will use the method of proof of the contrary. Let us suppose that the equation has no solutions over the field of actual numbers. You are disgusted?
It is disgustingly simple!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №133144
Madpan135: What’s wrong with her griya and griya on the pope?
DraftHoof: The grip on the pop is called the tail.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №133143
How to reduce the number of wandering dogs in a humane way?
"Start with yourself!" - under this motto in Kazan, there is an action to sterilize dogs in the city's state nurseries

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №133142
You seem to have discovered America.

Well, it seems like another myth has been unraveled, programmers are balding not because of ELT monitors.

Everyone has long known that programmers are balding from having to break down, maintain, and supplement the bike legacy code, which is why they tear their hair on the head (and other parts of the body). The more legacy code, the faster the programmer baldes. A direct dependence.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №133141
XXX: Here you laugh, and in case of failure, I am waiting for a viciously laughing ass!
YYY: I don’t even want to imagine what it will look like.
XXX: I have presented...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №133140
Evidence has been obtained that the Aztecs used selfies for their bloody ceremonies.

We won’t show you those pictures. With love. of your reptiles.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna