— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №70773
xxx: guys and ladies of paghalust tell where to start learning programming and from which language to start
You are from Russian.
BBB: from Russian
Start with Russian
Yyy: Pascal for example
YYY: Oh sorry
C is Russian.! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №70772
The more often you tell the truth, the thicker the case against you.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №70771
Yulia decided to become an adult and use a deserved vacation for it. No smiles, no discos at the Turkish hotel. She decided to take a mortgage. And burden yourself with a small but cozy apartment, involving in this operation your own and parental savings, and, at the same time, the duty of regular payments to the bank.
To be precise, the beginning of the story happened a little before the start of the holiday. A bank was selected, certificates were collected, an apartment was found. Some nerves and voila. The documents were handed over for registration, the money was transferred by the bank to the seller of the apartment, and Yulka became the owner of the keys from the new dwelling. The former owner asked for the month required to register the transaction to take things out. And here, a month has passed, and the joyful apartment owner goes to feel what it feels like to have her own cozy corner. His own fortress. Improve their housing independence.
It enters the already familiar entrance. He climbed to a famous floor.
At first it seemed to her that she was on the wrong floor. He went up, he went down. I checked the numbers on the neighboring door. Then the last doubts disappeared. Her stronghold of housing independence, her fortress, barely becoming her fortress, immediately fell.
The former owner, a small caretaker, honestly fulfilled the promise and left, took out the things. Moreover, in the number of things, in his opinion, in addition to socks, socks and shorts included all the doors (including the entrance), all the sanitary equipment, all the windows and those wallpapers that he was able to remove from the walls. From the wall at the entrance, an electric meter was ripped, the naked wires sadly hanged in the niche.
The swollen Yulka stood in the middle of a cozy nest and grabbed the air with her mouth.
However, there is nothing to do, and the apartment owner felt that the property was not only the good of honestly purchased concrete meters, but also a burden that fell by a heavy yoke on the young neck. Having nailed the iron concrete plate with a blind window hole, Yulka called acquainted builders, who promised to lend to the entrance door by tomorrow, and went to the insurance company to write a statement on the insurance case.
The insurance company welcomed him coldly. Do you have mortgage insurance? If, for example, you missed the entrance door or the windows there, then of course, you would have paid. Probably there will be rejection. “What do you have there, flood?”
“I just missed the entrance door and windows,” Yulka said. Half of the insurance company went to see this spectacle instead of the usual one person. Insurers wandered and kicked their heads, and Yulka was already moving toward the police (it was not possible or meaningful to close the apartment after the departure of all the curious).
Police officers, as well as insurers, were quietly swollen by the story. Then they made sure that the current date and day of the week Yulka knows firmly, does not produce alcoholic scents, also made an excursion to the facility. After that, they agreed to accept a claim for theft. Given that the new residence of the seller of the apartment was known, and the applicant is sympathetic, the disclosure of the theft promised to be an easy and pleasant occupation.
After some time, after obtaining all the necessary documents, the investigator and the interested citizens who joined went to the residential address of the reservoir. Some disappointment they experienced at the entrance. The entrance was shaken by the mother’s screams and trembled by the sounds of crushing objects of the interior. The disappointment intensified when all interested parties were convinced that the sounds came from the apartment they intended to make happy with their visit.
Wisely deciding not to be hot, the investigator knocked at the neighbors and began to find out the cause of the entrepreneur carnival. Neighbors explained that the subject of vital interest of the police drinks the third day and destroys everything it can reach. “They are dogs again! Nonchristi!" - explained the word-loving retiree from the apartment in the opposite, "in the fool they have long to give up. We previously lived in Alkaška alone, so we took her away. They need them!”
Meanwhile, something had to be done, and the police boldly knocked into the destroyed apartment. In response, after a minute of shooting, a gunshot hit the iron door from the inside of the apartment. The door stood up, was shot with a crack, but the desire to enter into the discussion among law enforcement officials was noticeably reduced. As a result, they called for force support, removed the door and tied the hot guy. In the apartment were found the windows and doors removed in the apartment, as well as a toilet not connected to anything. On that toilet in the hallway was sitting naked drunk in the smoke owner of the apartment with a gun overweight and oral that alive will not give up.
The mentioned neighbor Lyudka closed from the inside in the bathroom and lay inside the iron bath, discovering a considerable experience of behavior in similar situations. Where she was found by a capture group, pale, shaking and in a coat.
The material values stolen from the Yulkina apartment during the assault were scattered into dust and dust, they are not subject to reinstallation in the native nest, the insurers paid compensation. Overall, it ended more or less well.
Not to mention the moral losses. :)

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №70770
The female logic is to wait for the prince, and then to be upset that he lies on the couch and doesn’t shrink like a worker or a peasant.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70769
Mom: Alice, until you get married, you can’t be smart, fool!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №70768
Not my, but I am pleased:

The first letter of my son:
"It is not a cigarette. I’ve gotten a kidney"))

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70767
Wendigo: Have you turned the cat in the morning?
[11:09:56] Dmitry Safarov: What is the world like not a cat that rotates endlessly?
[11:12:22] Wendigo: and what we are. compared to the wonderful moment when you see that the cat has turned over!
Dmitry Safarov: they say: if you want to live, know how to turn the cat
[11:13:20] Wendigo: Without casting a cat, you will not catch a fish from a pond
[11:14:09] Dmitry Safarov: quieter you turn - further you will be
[11:14:33] Wendigo: you love to ride - love and cat to turn

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №70766
From the discussion of the article on the Habr about Silicon:

The processor? The sand? What do you mean by the word association?

The following associations:
processor -> sand -> silicon -> silicon valley -> silicon valley -> silicon -> tits

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №70765
Today I have a cat's hustle.
He came at night, touched his forehead, woke up, lay next to his hand - bit her properly and so fell asleep.

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70764
chipip: The customer today was: "I need a SIM on #iPhone Eighth". To my questionable look, he replied: "This is everyone's fifth iPhone, and my chicken has already lost seven."

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70763
Onth: When her daughter was 3 years old, she, watching the cartoon about the Mermaid, asked a murderous in simplicity and logic question: Daddy, and why did the prince not change his voice to the tail?
A man like that.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №70762
Have you done the world around you?
That you were attached to a little girl – God made this world for 7 days.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №70761
vito3000: Another killer iPad :)
Nsktravel: This is tired, to be honest. Let’s agree that the killer of the iPhone and iPad is a palace

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №70760
29.09.2012 17:01:02, anr
Each kitten, before sending to a new place of residence
Making a fucking
One broke the curtains in the kitchen in the sludge still in the old apartment
A cat knocked a tree at night, bitten a girland and beat toys
The last one today managed to scratch the corner of the cage from the iPad

29.09.2012 17:01:29, SAPRO
You are this

29.09.2012 17:01:33, SAPRO
The tree would come out.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №70759
The solution was developed after six months of close communication. It was a solution that eliminated all our problems.
We wrote the dictionary “IT is a woman.”

Please publish it! This will be a bestseller, fucking :)

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №70758
Tonight a tired picture was observed at Pulkovka at Shushar, the stream taught the rules of decency of the fox on the fur Friday evening, even at 10 o'clock there is a dense stream, darkness, at Volhonki there is a camera and almost all the flow goes 70-80km\h, behind it is carried on the fur and tries to overtake all and all, while constantly glimpsing and the main thing is glimpsing the phares, it would be nice to glimps and turn off, so glimpses for 15-20 seconds and goes, and the far from the fox, in addition to the counterfeit, not two as usual, but a whole guirland on the roof, 4 bigger screens + 2 small, so that all 4 stripes start to shame the bricks and blindly just look in the I’ve been there for a while, the nerve is good. And here the good drivers, building up in the line on all the 4 lanes dropped the speed to 30 km / h and as at the parade in this form followed past the order of crawling gaiters.

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70757
Chuck Norris is?

In May 2009, three masked robbers broke into Dolph Lundgren's villa, which bound the actor's wife at home, but fled when they saw who owned the house.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №70756
Obuvalov: guys borrow 60k!
xxx: Obuvalov, with such a nick only grandmothers to ask in debt )
Obuvalov: Well that’s a name.

[ + 31 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70755
My greatest crime, from the point of view of my believing friends and relatives, is the fact that I told my child about the existence of other gods and religions.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №70754
C of Habr.
Article about what Yandex did "Prognosis of traffic jams on Yandex.Maps"

The commentary:
>> It will not work. With your service you will break the cause-effect relationship and affect the fabric of time. In anticipating the future, car enthusiasts will change their routes and thus change the future and in particular future traffic jams. = = )

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna