— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143374
I advocate for separation. It is very convenient when both earn well - well, so that you don't refuse anything, and still remains for savings. My husband and I had different times - then he provided me, then I provided him, then everything was fine with both, but we always had personal bank accounts and cards, and one common account for an emergency. You can live and not bite for money. I know from experience that if he stops, he will put everything up to a penny to help me, and I will do the same for him. And while it doesn’t hold, I personally like to have my own money and manage it purely at my discretion. For example, buy a costly surprise gift to your husband (which he wanted very much, but the frog was suffocating on him), and do not encrypt with any tricks.

This is not "a separate budget". It is just a joint budget with pocket money. You are lucky if your pocket money is enough to buy a property. Most of them only for travel, pads/cigarettes.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143373
My grandfather saw. And here the grandfather in the language of Savchenko recounted the love story of the "hero of the sick" and the "pi-dy of the cockerel" (the names of the main characters the grandfather did not know). I recounted. My grandmother and neighbor understood.

This is Luis Alberto and Marianna from the "The Rich Also Cry".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143372
Category "Genius of Marketing"

I bought eggs now. The brand is called "Molodetskiy".
What will you have for breakfast?
And fire me eggs!

Especially the eggs are spicy.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143371
The devastating hurricane "Hillary" has formed off the coast of Mexico and is moving toward the United States.

She promised to take revenge on Trump.

[ + 26 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143370
I will shoot myself...
BlackQ: What is it?
Vienna: I threatened a file with an article that I worked on for a week. Deadline tomorrow.
BlackQ is lol. Backups must be done.
I had four copies. On desktop, notepad, flash and cloud! I thought I had foreseen everything!
BlackQ : Hm. Then I can’t even imagine how I can trick to kill them all at once. Have an experience.
Vienna: Elementary...
Wendy: I finished the job. I selected the entire text to count the numbers of signs. Obviously, accidentally pressed del and did not notice. have survived. He replaced all backup copies with a fresh (absolutely empty) version. by Facepalm

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №143369
I can't work with a person who on the question "What size you are interested in" answers: -Beige!

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143368
The difference between the USSR and modern Russia: there, law enforcement agencies treated thieves as enemies, and now - as competitors.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №143367
In the morning, as usual, I lead my daughter to the kindergarten, and she, with her intrinsic curiosity, asks:
Mom, where are you working?
In the bank.
The girl who nodded her forehead:
A hammer, right?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №143366
British scientists have successfully developed and tested a remedy for old age on mice: no mouse has lived to old age.
The pension fund of the Russian Federation was very interested.

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143365
In Western Europe, a series of mysterious murders of senior bankers continues. They are deliberately brutally murdered along with their wives and children.

Since January this year, 14 top managers of leading banks have been killed, and none of the crimes have been uncovered.

Xxx: an interesting flashmob

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143364
I recently bought an apartment on the fifth floor of a five-storey house.
It rained, and I had a roof. I call the management company.
The roof is running, come and fix it.
The brigade went well.
Two hours later I call again with the same problem, and I get a brilliant answer.
Why did you buy an apartment on the fifth floor?

A very vivid example of the law:-"Pay and do not rebel".

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №143363
The beast had a teacher, we only had 5. 1985 year

Our chemistry teacher obliged the whole class to participate in the district Olympiad, and who won't - the pair. Nearly half-classes received pairs, the rest went to the city Olympiad. The same thing, but the tasks are more complicated. Then the Republican Olympiad, all-Union... As a result, three (3) students from our class went to the international chemistry Olympiad that year. One won, and the other two got their pairs.

A doctor of chemical sciences, by the way, from the whole class only one person became, which was then separated at the city level.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143362
It comes to the fact that broken clothes and inappropriate food I take immediately into the street tank, and I cut the maculature to inappropriate.

I was as hard as possible and terribly evil, I have no strength. How to get to the old brain?

The answer. No problem boy. Physical changes in the brain have already occurred. Get used to throwing the garbage right into the container, and hope that grandmother won’t start dragging things home from that container.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №143361
Therefore, adequate drivers must understand that pedestrians are free to walk where they want and how they want.

Per that is why children from kindergartens are taught to cross the road, and the highways are fencing and for walking on them, the GAYs have a legal basis to penalize? For the transition where it came, too. Only for some strangers the law is not written, and the rules to the light, but the trouble, the laws of physics are not violated and one and a half tons of metal in place can not stand regardless of your hoodies. Knowledge of the rules has not saved anyone from liability. and ;)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143360
According to the website of the British newspaper Daily Mail (the second after the Sun the largest daily newspaper in the UK) in the ranks of the armed formations of the Kurdish coalition “The Democratic Syrian Force” (SDF) formed the first LGBT squad, fighting on an equal footing with the rest of the coalition units against the terrorists of the “Islamic State”.

If a fighter of this unit dies in battle, he will have 72 ISIS fighters in paradise.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143359
The program "sex in exchange for accommodation."
Really, get rid of this student. This is the same case when dreams are better to remain dreams. Because it’s actually hell, in most cases.
In the morning, they will wear around the apartment, trying at the same time to learn, hair, color, eat breakfast, dress and go out on time. Even if you can get involved in this, they will perform their duties without breaking away from everything else. Then they study, the morning history is repeated in the evening, but already with hobbies, training, dates and more. Remember about “debt” they will be most often in those moments when you are sick, tired, you have a deadline or just don’t want to. And they throw with double dust, because of a sense of guilt. Plus to all this, girls’ hysterics and fears, plus family, friends, boys, and even these days.
You can give almost 100% guarantee that after a few such rentals you will only allow boys, or family couples, paying on time. No personal relationships.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143358
"Savchenko for half a minute described the political situation in Ukraine with a matte"

In the summer of the 1990s, I visited my grandmother in the village. At this time, the first channel showed a floating Brazilian melodrama series, the viewing of which was a ray of light in the lives of local women. Once a certain aural happened to my grandmother, and she and her neighbor could not watch the next series. My grandfather saw. And here the grandfather in the language of Savchenko recounted the love story of the "hero of the sick" and the "pi-dy of the cockerel" (the names of the main characters the grandfather did not know). I recounted. My grandmother and neighbor understood.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143357
Johnny Depp bought a couch from the Kardashian show as a gift to his daughter.

For an artifact from a popular reality show, the actor paid about $7,000.

Here, my daughter, is a gift for you. In this sofa curtains ta-a-akie ass...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143356
Two friends
You’re so funny when I’m drunk.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143355
We opened a bar "Gandalf" in the city. I say to my wife:
Everything is branded. The "Gandalf" condoms will soon appear.
The Wife:
And the slogan – "You will not pass!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna