— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132859
I am a psychologist. My husband goes through four psychological states in any situation. Absolutely in any situation. Recently, we received a penalty for excess.
You have exceeded the speed! (Trying to transfer responsibility to another person)
To make sure that he is driving:
I didn’t drive there at that time. (The stage of denial)
I remembered that I was going to work there and at this time:
I was there before, but there were no cameras. (the stage of accepting the situation, but at the same time trying to justify myself, I said, I was there, but not to blame)
And finally the culmination:
Go to Sberbank and pay. Until 20 days have passed, you can only pay half. (Full acceptance of the situation and search for solutions)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132858
> played in the devil 1 from Fargus, there was a small flying mouse, somehow called the "friend". And only years later I realized it was Shadow – Fiend!

Boy, I have bad news for you. The second translators of Nae6@ you even more.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132857
It’s annoying to buy food for two days and eat for one.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132856
Lerych: Well what can I say about the speed of the Internet...
Lerych: The site for its measurement has not been able to load :(((

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132855
(Photo of a very ugly Afghan woman)
This is how many socks you can tie for the winter!
and seven.
ZZZ: Had she been a cat, she would have ripped ready.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132854
From a review of the film Uwe Boll "Attack on Wall Street":

In the movie there is Edward Ferlong. Yes yes yes. John Connor from the second.

“The Terminator.” This is how people change.

yyy: You forgot to put the fifth after the word "change".

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132853
In the United States, there are competitions "who will eat more hamburgers", but this does not mean that it is normal to eat them in kilograms - any doctor will confirm.
Vauu: Dick there and "Rugby in the scavengers" are called football, and no, doctors do not protest. and :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132852
Rostov is not rubber! — warned the state figures of Ukraine Viktor Fyodorovich Yanukovych.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132851
It seems...

I started posting "Capital", why were my quotes removed?? to

The author claimed a violation of the rights.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №132850
Can I call myself a lesbian if my boyfriend behaves like a grandmother?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132849
My girlfriend is steadily gaining weight. What to do?

YYY: Make her walk more. If she will walk 5 kilometers a day, then in a week this fat creature will be 35 kilometers away from you.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132848
In general, I was 90 some year, I was about 6-7 years old. We lived at Chukotka in the town of Anatira. At that time, the city was not developed, it was quite calm in terms of crime, we walked by ourselves as children from five years of age. From school in 1st grade, I also went home to the other end of the city.

My favorite activities after school were either walking with friends on the Verblüja sopka, or on an abandoned building behind the pioneer palace, or sitting at home and watching the telecast. Oh the TV. These were the remarkable times of orchestral rubber ads with its "place for kisses" and uncles in a white coat and synthetic cushions, which in the twisted magazine TV Park considered the poses of Brazilian women. And also advertisements of some wax strips that will "make your legs gentle like silk".

I was crazy about the advertising of these wax strips. It was some sort of magic when the aunt glued a piece of paper on an absolutely bald leg, easily and with a smile ripped it off and pleasantly smoothed her leg afterwards. Sometimes we sat down with classmates after classes at my house and waited for this advertisement. But the hell knows why, but obviously not after what you thought, dumb reader!

In short, one day our little counsel decided that the legs after such a procedure really become just a super-popper, and you should also try it somehow. Naturally, we didn’t have money, where did such luxury come from the first class in the 90s! They decided to use false means. The wax ribbon was defined by us as “a rectangular paper with a brown sticky substance,” it remained to be obtained. They got a pack of paper from Dad’s table and put one of their friends to cut the papers into rectangles. Also in Daddy's table was found a tube of Clay Moment (brown and sticky). I think you already guessed what happened next.

In short, when my mother returned from work, she saw a remarkable picture of five roaring first-class girls, deadly wrapped in paper from fixtures to belts. I remember how long she first mocked us, then laughed, then cried and laughed at the same time. Then she had to call other mothers to come and take their cursed children home.

The process of removing our "wax strips" was long, painful and even painful, including the hardest washing machine and a whole list of different solvents. His legs were still glowing with their redness and burning.

I have not trusted advertising since then.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132847
How would a wedding be played if that money was enough for a single woman?! to

Go with her at the wedding! Which city can you buy a wedding wedding? The question is serious.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132846
The Tibetan

None of the world’s religions, be it Christianity, Muslimity, or Buddhism, has a prerequisite for adultery. It was all invented by people. Christians, Muslims and Buddhists.

The Atheist.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132845
The Mystery:
Four vacationers sat on the beach and ate a huge watermelon, swimming in the sea from time to time. For 6 hours of rest, no one has ever used the beach toilet installed nearby.
Does not everyone want to go to the toilet?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132844
He who has seen the light does not vote for the dark.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №132843
I am sitting in my favourite runner-up.
In front of it sits a classic 1st bike.
He sits, turns a plate of soup and a plate of sandwiches.
Next to him is his helmet. It lies on the table, slightly on the side of the bike and closer to the sandwich plate.
And here I see a cat’s foot coming out of the helmet, pulling out the sausage from the sandwich and pulling back.
“And at home we can’t eat, and at home we refuse,” a motorcyclist whispers and turns a plate of sandwiches with a whole sandwich to the helmet.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132842
A very fat worker of a pig farm wears a badge with the inscription "employee".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132841
A former contractor came to us at the factory. They listened to him talking to the office and slowly slipped under the tables:
How do you live here?
- Yes, restructuring in connection with optimization has passed.
And what? Has the company improved rapidly? Have you gone to the mountains? :)
We have no more companies.
How is it?
Now we have an organization...
Organization with workshops and machines?
We don’t have any shops, we have production.
What? what? Do you work in the department?
Now we are managing...
What is the management?! to
- the management of the chief technician, UGT, if shorter...
The main technician is still there! :)
There is no major technician...
What is it???! to
The head of the chief technician...
Without the technician?! to
– Yes...
At the end of the day, cancel!! to
I am about what...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132840
he is:
I sit down, thinking about how right from a moral point of view, planning a relationship with a girl, to sleep with another. I think long. And then the thought: Somebody will give me. It was so easy now ;)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna