— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №70493
So how can you be the director of an agribusiness with the name Dry?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №70492
The amount of subsistence minimum is determined by the person who lives on subsistence maximum.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №70491
In the year 88, in the ordinary Soviet school village near Sverdlovsk, a teacher offered third-class students to write each other a letter and send it by real mail. The children divided into pairs, received envelopes with stamps, wrote several lines, sealed them in envelopes, wrote an address and index and put them in a mailbox. My friend waited anxiously for the letter, which reached the address only on the third day. When he grew up, he learned why the letter to the neighbor’s house took so long. His village, like Sverdlovsk itself, was a closed regime city and all the letters from the village were first sent to the Sverdlovsk special mailing station, and already from there were sent to the addresses.

This spring, a friend being a teacher with junior students already in Yekaterinburg, decided to repeat the experiment. He bought for his money 20 envelopes with stamps, gave them to the children, explained how to correctly write the address and index, checked all the envelopes and personally watched for the schoolchildren to drop them into the mailbox.

The first letter came in a week and a half. Then over the course of a month came the rest of the letters, except two. The last one came a week ago, in September. The latter is not yet, although the recipient still hopes and checks his mailbox every morning. The pedagogical effect was completely destroyed. Congratulations to the Russian Post!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №70490
He came out of the bar, boldly tapping on the asphalt.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №70489
XXX is all. The puzzle came.
XHH: There is no more free space in the shed.
I will have to wash the dishes.

[ + 28 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70488
I watch a nostalgic series.
and Rex! The Dummer Hunt! I screamed Mozart. Translator calmly "Rex, go here!"... How many more we did not speak when we were children?! to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №70487
Discussion on VKontakte photo of the car, whose torpedo is completely glued with icons and crosses, the comment, which received the most likes:
Security level of 5 stars on the RPC scale.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №70486
Science and life.

Engaged in practical psychology. Now I not only guess, but I really know that I am doing everything wrong and foolish.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №70485
The decorator who created the dragon eggs for the 'Game of Thrones' series gave one to George Martin as a wedding gift in 2011.

Martin is now the Mother of Dragons

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №70484
Sometimes I get overwhelmed by simple
Probably because I can’t do it myself.
Enjoying things like them.
Type of Tortic
A butterfly

Alexander is
I like them)
She was glad for the dead.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №70483
XX: Something I have a day like that unlucky, consistent breakdowns. The route went straight from underneath the nose, and the second after two stops broke. Later, the boss promised a prize to our department, but then Lida cut off, and we were all punished. And it was sick all morning, so I already had tea with lemon, and lemon without tea - it didn't help, I bought a bowl of cucumbers, and they, fucking, some sweets turned out, barely ran to the toilet.
Xy: Is it sick and on the cucumbers pulled??? You do not joke so.
XX: Was I afraid that I would hang my problem on you? Oh you...
XY: Did you do the test?
xx was done. The clouds 😉
Xy: Who fuck you or me?
xx: My mother is my debris, my grandmother will not be. and exhale.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №70482
Shortly before the wedding, I talk to my husband about the cat I live with:
I: And now this cat will be counted as ours or mine?
Husband: when it will behave well - our, and when it is bad - yours.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №70481
Atari: By the way, if vampires do not reflect in the mirror, does that mean that they are constantly knocking on the automatic doors in supermarkets?
grodek: I think it’s the ones that are shown in numerous videos on this topic.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №70480
Dear user, we inform you that your question "Why can't you ask about Jews in email answers?" has been deleted.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №70479

Can one gyroscope determine the exact location?
What are you using?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №70478
With 4PDA:

xxx is. Another observation after a day of use: the tablet periodically wakes up, turns on the screen and turns off again, both in standby mode - and being turned off. I think this is a software glucose and in future firmware it will be corrected.

YYYYY This is a Chinese nightmare.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70477
Do you know what I saw yesterday? The Comet! Even the desire could guess.

If you could see a comet, you would, along with billions of other people, have a common desire to fly by within a month.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №70476
The Forum:
40 minutes of work and 1440 rubles
What is this price? You found such a great store!

The Audi Forum:
40 minutes of work and 10 thousand for a fork.
What is this price? B probably...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №70475
I was upset by a conflict at work. When I got home, I thought I was stressed. I go to the "bar" and get a bottle of wine. I think I’ll buy it in the store, he won’t notice. I open, I try, I think it’s delicious. A glass, a glass, and so on. I come to my brother, showing a bottle:
- Listen, this wine is delicious, I still want, where brown?
He bleeds and says:
"In the UK!and "

[ + 49 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70474
In Toronto, in the center of the capital, he lived for two years - and never saw that the roads were blocked for local cones. Well, the prime minister is probably driving with the police, maybe even cleaning the road, but I repeat, I have not seen it. Maybe he somehow steals quietly, early in the morning, while everyone is asleep. :) It is not necessary to talk about the rest - in the parliamentary parking lot, even in the senate seats, humble cars and, of course, without flashbacks. So what there, the former defense minister in the Montreal subway was murdered.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna