— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №70473
At the wedding, the witness congratulates the young people: "I wish you, Bride, that your husband would call you by different beautiful names."

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №70472
X: I have optimized the BD so much that I have swallowed myself!
x: Previously, the request was 30 seconds, then 28 seconds.
X: And now 0.00005...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №70471
Comments on Robot:
Really genuine thing. Purchased for interest, but after one cycle of cleaning, the interest went into a practical plane. It really works well - performs the functions of a vacuum cleaner. The worker of the first guild is very funny when confused with something. Something is picked up and selected. One wheel up, the other up. :)

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70470
In an article dedicated to Breivik on Wikipedia it says:
21 years of imprisonment with the possibility of extending the sentence for another 5 years unlimited number of times.

> How is it? The Swiss approached and said, “Sir, will you extend?”
> Yes, for 5 years please.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №70469
The train Tyumen-Kazan I get out of it and in a hurry look into the city. A man approaches and asks how long. I am 5 hours. Fuck your mother! And only the heels shone... Only then I realized that we had 2 hours difference)

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №70468
contact with the manager via Skype.
Where did you put the report? I cannot find
I: I pumped it yesterday and put it on your table.
I am: Nakata
I apologize for the printing.)
Chefs checking the table

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70467
Today, on Saturday, September 22, my girlfriend got married.
I sit at home, I will drink. I am an idiot.

Yes my brother.

We have a lot of such idiots, right?

You are not reproducing.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №70466
Q: What do you think of the scammers and scammers?
I am not an enemy of myself, so I am positive.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70465
Fuck, I won’t buy anything at all. As long as you bring the shit from the store - it's all outdated!

Buy HTC, cheer them on the Korean race with an apple

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №70464
from the forum.
Victor Tsoy: People, alone try, it is easy, I, for example, survived 110 kg
MrCourage300: Don’t fuck, you’re dead long ago

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №70463
xxx: Mikhail, Mikhail, why did you brooosil меняаааа?

YYY: The shooting did not raise the hand.

[ + 35 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70462
Residence of evil: Revenge, limitation - 18 years, children's ticket - 700 tenge.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №70461
The morning. I wake up from being stabbed on my cheek.
Stand up, open your eyes.
I see, I’m already dressed.
I don’t understand, what have you already gathered?
She - And gathered, and prepared breakfast, and your coffee is shrinking. I woke up before, I just didn’t want to wake you up. Now is the time for you too.
Why didn’t I wake up when you passed through me?
How do I know why you didn’t wake up? (Here you stop screaming and blaming) - Why are you not awake, eh?! You should have felt that I wasn’t there! Suddenly something happened to me? Suddenly, aliens kidnapped me.
I - No, I stopped hoping for such happiness a year and a half ago.)

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №70460
Coming from work. Family meet in the hallway. He beat his wife and kissed a cat.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №70459
On the street I heard a conversation of my daughter (5-6 years old) with her mother:

Mom: What about the English "I want a white cat?".
I don’t want a white cat.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №70458
I now live in the United States (exchange student), there is this dialogue with a girl from school:
Listen, and you are from where?
I: From Ukraine
Girl: Where is this?
I: Eastern Europe
Girl: Well... sorry, I’m just not very strong in geometry. You fucking, what geometry, I wanted to say in geology, I’m not very strong.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №70457
How to call a boy a cat?
YYY: Call it Boson.
XXX: And then look for a few years?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №70456
You are good, you know English.
WOW: What is cool?
You can normally sing in English and not carry any unintelligible humour to any person!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №70455
The little girl (9 years old) decayed because the doll's head fell off. And even today in the afternoon, she was playing GTA and said “I love shooting people.”

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №70454
Just don’t forget that now in Russia there are 25 million more women than men, and for one born boy there are 3 girls.

Don’t get rid of it, young man. Not 25 million, but 10 million, mostly due to the elderly women: women live longer. And the birth rate of 1:3 is also a fairy tale: always and everywhere 105-106 boys are born per 100 girls, solely because boys are more sharp and are more likely to die.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna