— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №12886
About the psychiatrist.

in the honey. At the school, there was a student who was in the second group.

The course was aimed at psychiatrists and to his goal went decisively. and specifically:

attended various conferences and seminars, as well as SNO at the department, and,

Especially not to blame, he hit on everything that does not relate to psychiatry.

Consequently, and the character of him gradually changed toward the deep

of professional deformity. There was some observation.

Quietness combined with deep knowledge of human essence.

So, we sit in a group, trembling about everything. by Tom

There was a talk about especially bullish drunkenness with the involvement of the police for

of humiliation. The young men, desperate, boasted of their feats,

clearly hinting at how miserable they can make stinking guards

Defend your civil right not to take off your socks in a shake.

The future psychiatrist, laughing softly, looked at us.

semi-professional interest The only one among us is married.

A girl (that fucking - in every sense of the word - a chicken in

broke out, nervously noticed that the police are arranging a mess,

There are plenty of people on the street, and her husband too.

They were arrested and despised, and what a trouble it was! All is easy

The shock looked around, because the husband of this lady most reminded.

Hemp-per-growth and apart from a small intelligence only differed

The fact that from his couch in a hungry year, you can't get rid of the strawberries with the strawberries.

The group, not well revived, began to question what he did.

Was he taken to the department? Red, red, sweaty and

He refused to admit, screaming hysterically.

something unrelated about the wild problems known in the highest levels of power,

Or what horror. Everything was slowly silenced, because

There was a clear feeling that the man was caught with a package of drugs or

I am a minor prostitute, and it’s really serious. Somebody

He began to timidly reassure the nervous spouse of the prisoner in the sense that

sum, and from prison, and like an amnesty promised... The future psychiatrist

Melancholy reassured us from his corner: "Why this fool?

to take? Ssal, podi, in the entrance..." "Well, not in the entrance..." -

The girl was upset and quickly stuck in a common hustle.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №12885
The most mobile part in the car is a woman. It is the most noisy.

Disruptive and constantly demanding attention.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №12884
Under the windows are two Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, Volkswagen Tuareg, Boomer X5, Lincoln Navigator...

[xxx] And the mood is that fig...

[xxx] went wrote on the cardboard "Exhibition "I have a small penis, but a big car" and put in front of them...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №12883
Pony in the pump: How many bears do you think will rule?
Razr: no shit knows, kind of one

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №12882
I love the idea in American horror films "let’s share"

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №12881
When I started using the internet at home, my nephew was just 14.

A few days later, I dug into the explorer’s logs and was very surprised.

No "porno", "chh" and other "moist chicks" with "hot mines". A well-educated boy searched for two days in all the search engines for a single phrase – “naked people.”
Written by kalbasik, 30.08.2008 at 01.18

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №12880
<arkan> You know, you should have a underwear with the inscription 403: forbidden.
<Labyrinth> And then you should have a 404: Not Found family.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №12879
I wonder, do all the people of Sochi know the bribes?

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №12878
It was a matter - we sat in the movie, watched the "Fateful Woman", in the room almost anshlag. On the screen there is a tumultuous sex scene: Banderas has his passion hard on the billiard table and ends after 20-30 seconds. Pause and...
In the tense silence of the hall, a lonely, full of universal sadness and disappointment, girl’s voice speaks:
"Eyeyeehh, Banderas, Banderas..."

Someone's hopes and dreams were broken, but it was not possible to watch the movie normally.)

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №12877
Not so long ago, in order to improve everything, the entire staff moved to thin clients, there is no screw in the car, neither flash drive nor drive to move anywhere.
The data in the process of work is stored on a remote server behind the bug, the local server only for the software.

And here with someone the boss scandalized, and came the Goblins and Goblins, presented the papers and took all the system blocks. After a while they call - we can't load the car - come, say, say the password. The headquarters went out and raised a scandal - they said, screws were stolen from all the cars!
The case, the statements to the prosecutor’s office, the menta shattered.
Summary - knowledge of the match part needs even the Goblins.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №12876
Please add the button "show only funny"

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №12875
In the second grade of the universe, you understand that mathematics becomes really difficult when numbers disappear from it.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №12874
I love you and you are a fool.
YYY is Nihua. I love you and you are stupid.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №12873
The case in the bus.
The Controller:
We show passes, we buy tickets. Young man, what do you have?

per person (wrapping up in the pockets, taking out the little things of 50-10 copies):
I will pay you with gold.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №12872
Breathing (12:16:21 26/11/2008)
One of the billions of unnoticed planktonists like me.
BrainStorm (12:17:03 26/11/2008)
Hi, boring and monotonous component of office meat
BrainStorm (12:23:20 26/11/2008)
How is the mood in the run-up to the head of the office fallos?
Breathing (12:24:21 26/11/2008)
icq is launched, the printer streams. Hello another day, a banal and Gothic office day. How do you measure the lower and upper limbs?
BrainStorm (12:25:20 27/11/2008)
The lower limbs more resemble the mushroom, the tail is flat from the chair, and the fingers are melted and grown to the keyboard.
Breathing (21:37:21 26/11/2008)
Another day is wasted. Farewell to the unspoiled office.
BrainStorm (21:27:20 27/11/2008)
We will meet Zanta, the unit of unsaturated and unsaturated jet underdevelopment.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №12871
Tushkan aka dipus: yeah, oh I can’t))
RaTT-34: What is it?
Tushkan aka dipus: the news talked about Somali pirates and said that the type of piracy has a centuries-old history
Tushkan aka dipus: and for visibility showed portraits of then pirates, such as Drake, against the background of some ancient map
RaTT-34: Oh... this is yes
Tushkan aka dipus: and I felt that somewhere there was a nail.
Tushkan aka dipus: I looked at it - it was a Tammyella Map!))

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №12870
I’ve seen the anti-spambot question today: "How to patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?"
Everything would be nothing, but the answer is not even "I am?", a:

" cd /usr/ports && make index; pkgdb -F
cd /usr/ports/x11/xorg && make all install && make clean
cd /usr/ports/x11/kde3/
make && make install && make clean;
Portsnap Fetch
Portsnap Extract
Portsnap fetch update
cp ~/ /usr/X11R6/etc/X11/xorg.conf
touch ~/.xinitrc && echo -ne “exec startkde” > ~/.xinitrc
Tagged with "
I wonder if someone has broken...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №12869
Dialogue in bed:

She: Well if you kiss me so passionately,
Kiss in the neck.
He is: Why?
Though there is still electricity there,
Not the injury.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №12868
[xxx] Fuck, I struck my mouth with the phone!
Gender of O_O
[xxx] not))) briefly bitten the battery cover and squeezed
[YYYY] XD You would say even the drill ass scratched)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №12867
Seed Weather: The third day I rub into the foil. Yesterday I went to the office, looked around the office, automatically marked what to search, closed doors, desks, boxes. But everything is cute, comfortable, cleaned. Thinking about it, I say, and you had your clove here before the war.
The secretary was noticeably tense.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna