— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №102754
Dear owners of the iPhone 5S! We remind you that today your phone has turned into a pumpkin, and you have become miserable.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №102753
I am here, the Gentile, I believe in the nuts.
The tree,
He was previously a Pastepharian, but began to get fat, disbelieved.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №102752
Now I re-read the old correspondence stories... B-je, what a...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №102751
But the joke about the "Ladu Channel" with a 1000-inch engine is still more funny than all that you post here.
P.S The quote is short.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102750
-"There is no such shattered topic that could not be hit again."
C. Melanie

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102749
I work in production. The buttons in the elevators are numbered by mark (height from the zero mark - respectively, 0.3
8, 9, 14, 21 and 36). When I get into a regular civilian elevator, sometimes I get stuck for a couple of seconds, not finding the usual zero. Prof deformation, mother still at her feet.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №102748
Comments on the film:
Drakkar: The plot is not bad, but the set of battles is very good
Alexanderse: “I will drink, but I will not quit smoking.”

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102747
Knowledge is power! All the power is in the muscles. All knowledge is in the muscles. Someone just in their buttocks...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №102746
The corporate mail.

The Secretary:
Good morning: I will make an order today, write what you need.
So far on the list:
1st Guillotine for Veronica.
2nd Yellow self-adhesive leaves for the Head.Bush;
Three Packages of documents with holes for her.

Veronica: I think after point one, no one will want anything anymore!! to
Could Veronica replace her guillotine with an electric chair? Everything is more human...
Guillotine and a bag on the head (for her).

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №102745
xxx: let’s "hook up and sell")
YYY: So they took me to work.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №102744
From the discussion of the displacement of the iron bath:
If you live on the 10th floor and decided to get rid of the old Soviet bath - don't rush to call loaders - everything is much easier.
The most important thing is to pull the bathroom out of the bathroom to the kitchen, open the window and throw it down, only be careful, try not to get into the pedestrians and on the roof of the entrance.Grain is a very fragile metal and after contact with asphalt, concrete (if you still get on the roof) or just with the ground, the bath will dissolve into hundreds of small pieces.
The next step is the most responsible - you need to quickly, while the neighbors are stupid from what happened, to fit the car and quickly drop the fragments of the bath in the trunk, the person in this procedure needs to do a mistake.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №102743
In adolescence there was still sexual arousal when solving square equations..."
I want. I want such a woman.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №102742
I was delighted by Jehovah’s Witnesses". They come and ask:
“Bla-Bla-Bla, and you know why man is not immortal?
Because God was angry with Adam and Eve for their sin, he sent them to Earth and removed the immortality gene from their DNA.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №102741
Commentary on one of the Peter's Parks:
XHX: Untreated, forgotten by God park, which plays pop music from the hell of the 90s, and the view wheel opens a gorgeous view of the industrial zone.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №102740
One time, one not the worst aircraft engineer said, “The ugly planes don’t fly.”
The shrinkage of IKEA serves exactly as it flows out.
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Why so many prejudices about Ikea? It works well and does not look bad. And in general, "beautiful" is subjective.

[ + 38 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102739
Dear God,

I once asked one question. People lived in Germany in the early 20th century. As a child, they were taught to be kind, honest, and fair. They had fathers and mothers.

And then these people took the weapons in their hands, went to capture foreign lands and kill the people living there. Worst of all, they believed they had the right.

So here. When I said I wanted to figure out how this is possible, I didn’t mean "on the visible example".

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №102738
The phrases of "Arabic" (15242):

They borrowed girls without makeup.
Well, sit, please, at home, personally enjoying your “foreign beauty”, and don’t force people around you to look at your face every day.


When the cat has nothing to do, it lays the eggs. So the author of this opus of grief decided to pour anger on others. You cannot escape from your inferiority, dear. If you don’t like something, don’t watch it. And you should not urge others to adjust to your vision of the world. Think, maybe it is not the truth.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №102737
Latvia and Lithuania are the same country.
Slovakia and Slovenia – see and above.
Austria and Australia – see. and above.
Ireland and Iceland. and above.
Sweden and Switzerland. and above.
Iraq and Iran have forgotten.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №102736
The bath stood up, but my hearing and the psyche of the neighbor below was not very, it felt to her that the walls I had fallen. Not right, in short, was my worker."

My neighbor did a repair at the top. Nanyal Jamsutov – the first thing they did was replace the entrance door – removed the old Soviet one and put two new ones with a small tamper between them on the thickness of the wall. And then started to do repairs in the bathroom, which, of course, decided to replace the old Soviet iron bath. It was only after replacing the entrance door that the jamshuts couldn’t pull this bathroom into the entrance... In general, a quiet family evening, we sat watching some movie... Suddenly such a thunderstorm, as if something had exploded and the house over us collapsed, like skyscrapers in New York after a plane crash. It seems that it is not a seismic zone and the house is not gasified, but, seeing all kinds of horrors in the news, we jump and run to the exit. There is another "explosion" over the head. and more. and more. As there are in some shorts with open eyes I run into the entrance, down the stairs and to the neighbor - the door is open to the opening (the shorts after trying to pull the bath did not close) and I observe the picture - these geniuses crowd up the bath to the ceiling and throw right on the concrete interlayer (the floors in the process of preparation for repair were already dismantled). And to stop these terrorists was another quest - no one but their "captain" they do not listen.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102735
Ol, don’t quit until you find a job, you have a mortgage.
Yyy: Yes, if you are sober to weigh everything, then it is - mortgage, repair to do, change the car, give birth, maternity...
Where would you like to work if you left?
Lord of the Sea.
Zzzz: There are no ads.
XXX: She would open the IP.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna