— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142894
The student of the third grade in the text is given the word "give". I ask, why did you write with a soft sign? The answer was genius:
So the test word "give"!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №142893
I remembered the story that happened to me about a month after I got my driver’s license and bought a car.

In the evening, the courtyard is full of battle, I look for a place to get up. He walked around the house and began to turn around. I looked in the mirrors inattentively, and the darkness and the light bulb were blind. He entered the King’s Bamper with an old lady. I have a flashlight, he has a bumper. The signal did not work, the wheels hit, effect 0. He left a note with his phone number and went to bed.

In the morning the call, the man proved adequate, agreed that the bumper I will fix him and everything is okay. Now I understand that they could heat up for leaving the place of the accident.

I asked a friend of mine to do it. The first thing he told me was why I left the room, nobody saw it, he would leave and all. The same opinion was expressed by the colour collector.

Half of my staff did not support my decision to take responsibility.

And I’m 100% sure, hit who their car and hide, they’d go all the fools and how it’s possible to spoil someone else’s property and take it down.

That is how we live.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142892
From the news tape:
The Central Bank may make it difficult to transfer money from the card "World"
According to the law, only the World card can be attached to the accounts on which budgeters receive salaries, but people have the right to connect the transfer of funds to the cards of other banks.
The idea of limiting car transfers is that customers will be uncomfortable every time in manual mode to transfer funds and then they will be more likely to use the "World"

Nothing to add! As in the old anecdote: a dog can be forced to eat mustard! A dog with a mustard under his tail. The dog eats mustard.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142891
"The International Human Rights Foundation based in the Netherlands

Responsible Robots has proposed to introduce criminal punishment for the rape of sex robots.

A great idea. But the case can only be aroused if there is a statement from the raped robot.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №142890
>XXXX: "G R I Z N O K R O V K A"
Are you fighting for what??? I would be roasting in this situation, suffocating the entire horse army of the

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142889
>"go to Gmail"
Hey, in Google TeamViewer you can find on request "download you" =)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142888
xxx: To today’s news about the activation of the Ku Klux Klan in the states – If you still use IDE devices – then you are encouraging slavery (master/slave)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142887
Installer of games with DISKET, AGA surprised. You probably didn’t know what a hellish combination of Spectrum+magnetophone was. When after 3-5 hours of collapsing with this ligament it is possible to put Diszy, this is happiness.
Want to play tomorrow? All over again! cannot be preserved.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142886
The wise old man:
It is funny when 30-year-olds are called aunt and aunt even younger than 20-year-olds. They think that 30 years is a lot and so far... 10 years are flashy, but the realization of this comes when you’re well over 40 years.

Do you know what is really funny? When the number of years from the date of their birth people consider an achievement and decide that this number somehow elevates them above the rest. You can be an idiot at any age.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142885
In childhood, the song of V. Leontyeva "I - the lonely wanderer of love Kazanov, eternal lover and eternal evil-hearted man" caused me to fear because the "eternal lover and eternal evil man - PTICEED!" Who is the heart-eater I did not know, but about bird-eaters I watched, of course, in the cognitive transmission. A bird-eating villain and a sloppy man jumping through the scene - this is all really terrible for the child's unstable psyche.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142884
I was surprised by installing games from discs and magnetic discs. Some to play the game, had to invent and create the game themselves.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №142883
Women in note:
You can’t steal that either. This is no less serious crime. Or can women’s claims not be ruled on yours, only on men?

If you do, you will be surprised by the result. If the statement is accepted. The girl in that quote is ordinary, not a hacker. Accordingly, the possibility to use someone else’s card was granted to her. Probably made similar purchases before that, which all arranged. It suddenly did not work out.
In this case, you have to beat yourself in the ass to eliminate the root cause of events. And next time to control financial flows and differentiate powers in advance.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142882
Growing a new limb or organ is quite easy if you are, for example, a salamander or a sea anemone.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142881
I feel like you didn’t serve in the army.

This is the phrase of the century. Suitable as a universal comment to most of the sentences left on this site. It is time to ask the admin to put such a button next to the bag.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142880
I change high suffering into low joys.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142879
The recipe for good mood in bad weather

For this New Year, I bought a light winter jacket. A successful purchase. It was there from December to June. At the end of June, I was surprised, noticing it on the hangover, finally sent to a remote warehouse. I left in July. and today. I feel great in it :(

I am tired of the cold weather. Especially “not even the elderly will remember this.” They will remember nothing forever. and sclerosis. Let me say, I will not remember either. But I remember a line from the encyclopedia of the 1930s. The last freezes in the Moscow region occur in July, and the first begin in August.

Here are the scenes from Master and Margarita. To cover up their suddenly naked satellites, the cavalers take off their summer coats. And Ivan the Homeless walks in the stallions. In the backstones, Karl! In the incredibly hot month of May! I never wore them in the winter.

There was also a great eruption of the Weinapoutine volcano, which caused the Little Ice Age on the entire planet. As you can see, in the Moscow region, 1601: "The rains that did not stop all summer almost destroyed the crop, and the early frosts achieved the work started by the rains." A few years later, in the same spirit.

Remembering this, I realize that the summer has come out, in general, not bad. If I still ride in my jacket, I begin to imagine what the unbearable heat is now in Vietnam, Thailand, India, Florida, California. Sweaty and mad faces. It is harder to escape from the heat than from the cold. I put on a light winter jacket in July and went.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142878
Today, a smiling and burning man was beaten in the tram.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142877
Mr. X: It is funny when 30-year-olds are called aunt and aunt even younger than 20-year-olds. They think that 30 years is a lot and so far... 10 years are flashy, but the realization of this comes when you’re well over 40 years.

Mr. W: Sleeping is not age, but the state of the brain. One in thirty already heads the design bureau, and in 33 - the deputy commission of aviation industry. Another 29th Minister of Communications of Russia, and not to say that implausible. Third to 32, when she became the prosecutor of Crimea, had time to transplant the banducks and get problems with the facial nerve for this. Then, indeed, it turned out that she was also a fool, but a fool, not a snub.

And others at 60 behave like children. All people are different. And if the understanding of this did not come to 25, it will not come to 40.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №142876
Shortly after the FANO began the inspection of the subordinate institutions, the inspector — an unnamed young man from the generation of effective menagers — visited Kunstkamera. Walked around the cabinets, looked at the situation with the technology, got acquainted with the directions of scientific research, and then returned to the office of the director J.K. and clean.

Apparently, what he saw was not very striking in the context of effectiveness, so in a conversation with the director he asked the question:

- I wonder, and who gave you such a building in the center of St. Petersburg?! to
“Peter the First,” replied Yuri Kirillovich.
c) Maoist

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142875
Who said a woman shouldn’t be older in sex? You still say that you can’t have friends with mothers!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna