— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132559
In the pearl of linguistics:


[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132558
My cat lives with me. Fighting, the ear is broken. No new competitor is missed - every night he goes to the morrow. And this year, the neighbors brought a young white cat, which is absolutely non-conflict, does not claim to the territory, does not fight, etc. Our people do not notice him. But I saw here that when our struggles with some tourer, the white must sit next to him and watch.
Spectator mode is...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132557
There has recently been an alien resident. A cat's murmuring can not prevent him from falling asleep, it is opposite to sleep. Attention citizens, strangers among us!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132556
Q: Maxime, will you write news about this?
and no.
CHC: But why? The topic is relevant, interesting, and so requested!
I am not Maxim, I am Igor.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №132555
We gathered with a large company on shelves and ride motorcycles at the same time. Of course, except for the two owners of the equipment, nobody tried to drive. A multi-band track is being built through the forest, so until it was opened, they decided to use the space as a platform for learning. One of the girls was fascinated by the process, allowed herself to break up, made several successful rides, gave up the motorcycle to others, and then sat down again. At some point she left, and she was not there for a long time. He returns.

Girl: Something went wrong. I fell from him...who is that? (Tracks a broken piece of brake handle)
The owner of the motto (unfortunate): And the brake pen broke.
Girl (sliding off the motorcycle, frankly): Is this a storm?! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132554
Weapons against allergies.
And Bayonne is fresh again:

Dr. Watson decided to teach Sherlock Holmes to smoke a pipe.
I went and consulted with the professor.
The Professor says:
Put your phone in your ass for a while.
Watson did so.
Holmes came, smoked a cell phone and did not blink.
The next time Watson pushed the tube deeper and for a longer period of time.
Holmes smoked once again.
Another month has passed.
Holmes never stopped smoking, but Watson could no longer do without a tube.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132553
Members behavior over time:
15 years: "Oh, something touched me! It’s time to get up!"
20 years old "Oh, the girl is cute! It’s time to get up!"
25 years old "Oh, the girl split up! It’s time to get up!"
30 years: "A really cute girl has split up in front of me. It’s time to get up."
35 years: "Why are you kidding me? What is Mine? Okay, I’ll get up now."
40 years: "Master, here a woman wants something. Do it yourself, not the little one. I’m going to sleep."

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132552
Oh, I have a counter example, literally a freshness:

A few years ago, a guy helped his friend get pregnant. She asked him, because she did not dare to go to the clinic, but wanted to give birth to herself - she is 30 and he is tall, beautiful, an athlete. The guy agreed. The woman gave birth to him. They continued to communicate normally until he got married. And immediately after that the lady filed in court for his recognition of paternity and payment of alimony.

The husband urged his wife, almost on his knees, to give him a child. Well, a good dad should get out of it, right? Figure to 2. During the first difficulties with pregnancy, when the woman was forbidden to walk on foot because of the threat of miscarriage, and she wandered so that her mother did not burn, this pepper went to the left, because you see if he needs sex (not handless like!), and with the appearance of a crying son at home, it turned out to bite how hard it is to live, I can't go straight, I leave. There is no money (officially a minimum, haha), but you stay there. So here is your example from the category of anecdotal, my - where do not spit, everyone knows at least one such father or child. A woman in prostration, one help from her mother-pensioner. A man who.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №132551
Have you gone crazy??? How is it to not lick in the winter? They are so delicious in the winter!! to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132550

Is there anything that the child needs to give time and not to be detached from it?

Work also takes time, otherwise there is no money for the wife and children.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132549
xxx: My mother called me and said: today your son (he is 5 years old) glued the cushions and condemned your mother, it doesn’t work.
XHH: And I came across that, he said, it was my husband and I who taught him to speak this way.
I did not remind my mom that since May the child lives with her in the country, and we come only on weekends. Who is to blame now?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №132548
With my present mind - and back to the past! I would have made stupid things more interesting.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132547
Why can programmers discuss someone else’s code and doctors can’t? It is also funny: Petrov is an anesthesiologist, accustomed to the undocumented capabilities of Novocain firm A, did not take into account that the bug was fixed in firm B, and then the patient's cardiogram fell and did not rise.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132546

We know these marketing tricks in the marketplace. You click on the link, and there "the goods are not for sale, you may be interested in a horse in a coat, leave your coordinates, the horse is already flying a arrow".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132545
Beahten z bitte, property grammarnaci herren und freylain. Remember the film "Rice Sonja", well there where Sonja with the breasts, and Schwartz - with the sword, there is still a macro-picture "ah you are #bany you are on #you" with him? The barbar is called Calidor. Cigarettes are not really in this movie, but still something interferes with the eye. Live with that knowledge.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132544
Advice at the bottom

How to turn off the cat.
1st Close the cat with a blanket (can be added to the stomach). The cat gets warm while sleeping. Minus: do not use if you turn in sleep, to avoid cat injuries.
2nd Grizzly the cat, he will sleep. Minus is the same.
Three A little more difficult: play with the cat shortly before going to bed. The cat completely escaped. Then feed it. The cat will fall asleep quickly. If the cat is young, you will get tired much earlier than the cat.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132543
Sex education in school... pfff!

In the Soviet sample anatomy textbook, the reproduction chapter is located at the very end. Usually, when it came to it, it was spring red, everyone was given the blades in their hands and went to dig a fun area, avoiding an uncomfortable conversation for the teachers. At least, it was so with my older brother, several acquaintances and a cousin... On the day of the lesson, the rain went through the wall, the neighbor’s house was not visible in the window, gardening was excluded. Lyudmila Alexandrovna, red and pale, told us the textbook.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132542
To talk about licking hives in the winter:

Do you know why women paint their lips? In order not to stick to the frostbite" (KVN, Ural peelmen)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №132541
M: I really want to go on vacation.
You are a freelancer! You are on Schrödinger’s vacation.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №132540
violets, < female dogs>, have the tendency to grow and produce vegetative shrubs. Flower, <woman, often changing sexual partners>, strangely beautiful hairy flowers, <direction to the male reproductive organ>. How to take care of them properly, I do not mind. They are afraid of the light, and men who prefer sexual partners of their sex do not have as much water as they need.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna