— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №142874
Meanwhile, the second pot of low-salt cucumbers is over.
The Five Liters? How much vodka is needed?
Women help, and they somehow know how to eat cucumbers without vodka. The mystery...

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142873
and Taxi. I stand at the shopping center. I watch a woman putting bright bags in the car. A taxi driver walks around and entertains her.
How many shops! Oh, how you women love shopping! We work and work, we work and we work. Is it calcano?
The woman silently spreads the bags.
What to do! Such a destiny! Women run through shops, crack, have fun Shopping, updates, packs, bags! We are men!
By that time, the woman had already loaded six bags with food and three with household chemicals. She straightened and looked the taxi driver in the eyes with entomological interest. She has a new sword in her hands.
A taxi driver rides and cheats:
We are men...
The woman sits behind the driver, straight with a shovel in her hands.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142872
In Kuwait, an ice cream was named after the drug baron Escobar.

I guess I put it in ice cream instead of dried cream ;)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142871
Barnaul is the largest and most famous hall in Russia.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142870
Here is such a comment:
There is such a diet!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142869
Interestingly, if all radical Islamists give πο 72 virgins, will they end up with terrorist attacks?
Where do you find 72 virgins in the modern world?
– Ηa meeting of radical feminists.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142868
When I was a child, I thought that the rain worms in the rain are generally dirty. They come out to the surface and/or enjoy the opportunity to crawl on the fields. It turns out that they just got a pipe.

In general, you thought correctly) On dry soil worms can not move - the skin will dry, breathing hard. Therefore, in the rain, they come to the surface to slip away and spread. Occupy new, free habitats, where there is much more delicious

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №142867
They can voluntarily register with the tax authorities and do not pay the income tax until 2019, after which they will have to register as individual entrepreneurs and pay at the rate of 13% or stop working.

Xxx: "Or stop working" Do not let God catch the logo design!! to

Yyy: For writing comments for 50 copies :)

Zzz: Those who comment on 50 copies write - budgeters :)

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142866
11: I have an obsessive idea of sending all the fools. I just want to send the fuck of everyone and everything, even if there is no reason for it. What better do I do?

22: Going to the fox

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142865
aa: I wonder when the gel and helium will finally cease to be confused.
BBB: Immediately after silicon and silicone.
ccc: Immediately after “what would” and “to.”
DDD: And “the same way.”
Eeee: And “is” with “is”.
FFF: That is never.

I will add: My boss, according to him, has a car "Audio"...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №142864
In one unbuilt house, they showed me a huge cross-hole in the wall and explained that it was the owners of the house who decided to check if the foam block would withstand the bullet from Makarov. They shot half a block. I then tell everyone that during the war, you should not hide in private houses, which can be overthrown by two rows of machine guns.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142863
X: The grandmother...
A: What is it?
X: My in the BDSM hit. I am a bad girl, punish me " and all that. The entire costume show arranges and the roles teaches me. Well, what I do, I’m playing... I’ve bought clothes and clothes, all okay. And yesterday, I dropped a thousand from the map. I started to find out, my favorite cupcake bought. Well, I say, go here bad girl. I broke the belt.
Q: Was you offended?
X is offended.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142862
>>>In the university dormitories (USA, Russia and others. Four students live in a room together.

I feel like you didn’t serve in the army.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142861
If you’re a grandmother, you’ll be ticked in your mouth. In my opinion, this blocks all possible pluses.

Well, if you think that if you are a man, then the craving fox will automatically fly past your mouth... Not a fact, poor man, oh not a fact.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142860
The reaction of the grandfather to the advertisement "In toothpaste...blabla" (and the words "paste" and "paste" to the ear are practically indistinguishable).
Dedula switches the program with the words "our toothless paste is not interesting". It repairs the chest.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142859
If lizard is a frog, then Blizzard in Russian is a frog :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142858
xxx: This node changes according to the instructions in B3.
Which B3? In the Old Testament? O_O

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142857
In the new house from the developer "Grani" tried to fix the shelf on the wall, as a result, the nests under the dumbel were rolled out 5 times, all the dumbels were tested up to the chemical and the shelf still collapsed. Diagnosis: Wall material, silicate poor brick, consists of ordinary silicate dust without the addition of a binding substance. Conclusion: the technician of the manufacturer's enterprise took care of his safety in advance, when he comes to beaten on the roof with his same brick - it will be very soft and not painful. And another conclusion: I will call the developer a day ago, ask them to shoot the head of the supply department, because he clearly works for foreign intelligence and successfully conducts subversive activities.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №142856
And in general, it’s not a night dojoor, it’s a graceful panther going out for night hunting!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142855
In 1654, the place where now New York is located was called New Amsterdam.
Not a place, but the city itself was called New Amsterdam, since it was founded in 1613 by the Dutch, and in 1664 it handed over the colony to the English during the war. The city was named New York City in honor of the Duke of York. The Dutch in 1673 took the city back and named New Orange, a year later exchanged under the treaty for Suriname. The city occupied a piece of Manhattan adjacent to the sea. The island was passed by a road that later turned into the only curved street - Broadway.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna