— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142834
You’re talking about feminism, but do you know how Italians compassionate women? They are preparing for them!
This is an incredible recipe for Manna Mia.

various types of pasta, baked vegetables, baked fish, with all kinds of spices, spicy herbs, balsamico, etc.
Immigrant colleagues (women) They get jealous when they see.

Why are women so passionate - they also all work, but after work they do not pull the whole house work on themselves!

Here’s how to boost the female libido! I give!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142833
treatment in those. Service is
by 8605
The big IBS finally said goodbye to the internal battery and went into eternal rebut, which is wildly annoyed by the second uninterruptor on it. Together, these two wonders of engineering thought produce the most disgusting sounds, provoking a persistent and uncontrollable desire to kill all human beings.
Pressing the button "to shut up you are already God for the sake of the iron" brings only a temporary result.
I fear that by the time the phenomenon of the Lord of the Untouchables will occur, the unplanned concerts will cease by breaking the wall (yes, it is just behind the thin wall of gips-carton that this vaccanalia is happening) and an uncontrolled act of deurination on the culprits of the celebration due to a nervous breakdown in the state of affection, which, of course, will have an extremely negative effect on my further stay in the holding, but the pleasure of getting rid of this hellish sound will undoubtedly be of an orgasmic nature and, I see, will open the door to Shambhala. Achieving such a state of nirvana completely prevents the negative consequences of the planned act of vandalism.
In general, if the server crashes and a couple of human victims form, I will tick your finger, hysterically laughing at it!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142832
NASA will hit an asteroid in October 2022 to test planetary defense.
The target for the DART strike will be an asteroid, which will pass at a distance of 10.9 million km from Earth in October 2022. It is a double asteroid Didymos, which consists of two bodies: Didymos A with a size of about 780 m and Didymos B with a size of about 160 m.
Comment from Khabr: Here is the crew of the alien asteroid explorer ship "Didymos B" (Earth name) offer a gift...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142831
xxx: And then it turns out that all that bitcoins were needed to solve the P=NP problem.
xxx: And all these battles will be immediately at the price of temporary MS Office files.
XXX: It would be a murderous joke.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142830
In life, you can’t always be happy, but you can always be happy.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142829
The epigram. China builds 100 airports every year. A hundred airports. A hundred. A hundred pieces. Count from one to a hundred and imagine an airport every time. The Bats! is built. Or, for example, a 28 km long tunnel. The train from Guangzhou to Guangzhou passes 510 bridges and 236 tunnels at a speed of 250 km per hour. In 30 years, the Chinese have increased the residential area of the country by 8 times.

My friend told me a few years ago. I don’t remember any details, but the meaning remains. From the first person.

I went to China to negotiate the supply of meat for a factory in one of the former republics. The negotiations went well, the future partner driving his car unfolds from the restaurant, the rain is freezing.
I sit and laugh. My partner asked me what made me laugh. I tell him, you will hardly understand me. Here are two Chinese men in costumes, without umbrellas, under the rain, waving our hands, saying goodbye. They were also at negotiations, came to them by public transport One - the mayor of this multi-million city, the other - the governor. During the negotiations, the mayor, in order to encourage the Chinese partner, says that if you will supply such a quantity of meat, we will reduce your taxes as much as possible (almost to zero). The governor says: If you produce and supply that amount of meat, we will lease you the land for ten years at a rate of... (nearly zero). Mayor and Governor. By rain, the average of such a fifteen-million city.
My partner never understood.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142828
Oh, girls, how smart a man went. He whispered to me in the bus today:
Girl, you have a swing...
I was stupidly red, let the cowards, the lick check... Only from Google I learned that it was a strap on the earpiece.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №142827
Where did this shit come from that Muromets was dead?
You will also say that all the other heroes were also dead, raised by the evil will of Vladimir Krasno-Solnysko, and the Serpent Gorinich, Koshia and Ize with them fought against the force of non-living, but merged.
I want this epic in the form of a trilogy and six films based on them.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142826
When the affars with Zadolbali (who wrote for food students) will remove from the lexicon this: "I am a thirty-year-old aunt," "a married aunt of 30 years," "aunt of 28 years" - is incredibly angry. Where was the last time you saw a woman at 30 being a aunt? Such a feeling that a second-class student wrote, to whom a teacher-practitioner of 20 years - a aunt, and a ninth-grade Masha.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142825
It is time to sleep, the bull has fallen asleep.
Lay in a conserve on a barrel.
Sleeping in a tomato.
Only the spruce doesn’t want to sleep.
The head shakes,
He goes to the sandwich.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142824
The best sex in my life was with a woman, 6 years older than me, the magical was time.

The first fifth gives the suggestion meaning that you had sex not only with women.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142823
Z is. Hosts to note. Soda has no less useful and beautiful properties. For example, if you need to boil the skull of the enemy so that all the meat gently dropped, then you can add a few tablespoons of soda to the boiling dish (very carefully, or unintentionally arrange a foam party). After cooking in a soda solution, the flesh from the bones will decay almost independently.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142822
To the news of a new combat suit with exoskeleton of Russian production.
The comments:
And now those who served imagine their flag in such a costume.
Exoskeleton will allow flags to drag through a hole in the fence three times their weight

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142821
The employer asked me how much money I wanted for the project. I sent you a picture of Minotaur. He understood it 😉

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142820
Here they declare

11 hours - work + lunch + road, 8 hours - sleep (minimum), remains 5. Of these 5 more about an hour and a half for breakfast, dinner and personal hygiene. There are three and a half. Let’s say, 2 hours for a family and one and a half for a hobby (well, if you’re lazy and you don’t have a job). And you know, the most precious hour and a half is better spent on sex than watching stupid cartoons for 5-year-olds.

That is, you’re going to spend two hours on a family without watching children’s cartoons, and then a Hour and a Half fuck? I see a man who has no family.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142819
With one friend in nature, I remember, I loved to drink. In autumn, when the cold nights came, it happened that the fire was warm. Wood, of course, was gathered everywhere around, from them a fireplace was grown, but this is the question of the further supply of wood... I understand, it was lazy to walk behind them, and whoever should watch the fireplace, yes. The issue was resolved in an extremely simple way. The other man was told, said, Tolyan, are you admin? by admin! Go into the forest, jump wood. And voila, no more questions about the distribution of responsibilities.)

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142818
from ZH:
We were overwhelmed with all the shit.
It’s not that easy, you know.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142817
From the correspondence: Yesterday I feel - direct discharge is needed. Well, the shower before going to bed saves) I lie down and feel - I want to, but I can't, because the head hurts. I’m a superwoman)) refused to have sex because my head hurts))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142816
The wires, which do not hide the fact of viewing cartoons, act against adults, looking at them with confusion. Adult people stop looking and return to the interrupted hot discussion, which of the groups of obaldouis is the best in the world to pin on the grass inflated bubble, and how many more billions of rubles need to go into this matter, so that our obaldouis are the best to pin.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142815
Listened at work:
A friend from Germany called me. When children go to the Netherlands.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna