— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №86905
Here you are all mocking the usurpers, like they are wrongdoers, chasing you in nonsense!
I can’t understand why you’re screaming? I work for a medium-sized organization, 15 comps. Stories with the cleaner and the wire, the switch off and other battle happen. A foolish accountant? by Nawal! But you know, I have been in this nonsense for 3 years and I am not going to be fired, because these "criminal" on every one of my doctors baked me just so(!) A bunch of cakes and all other tastes, very friendly and if I suddenly need something, I can always count on their help and advice.
You just don’t know how to cook them!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №86904
SMS voting by the mayor
Moscow is the heart of Chechnya.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №86903
Colibri: Missing favorite cat(( A very large cat, not castrated, approximately 15-17 kg
Vixen: considering that my almost 5-year-old son weighs 20 kg
How to get out of the house tonight?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №86902
Katya – if I will eat a lot of sweets, then I will not be “fat” but “sweet”. and not at all "thick", but "equal"!!!! to
And then it was "equal" by "shahahaha asshole"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №86901
Discussing with colleagues of suitable soundtracks to the games from which the skin. The team is looking for new solutions.
XXX: and generally in this respect this refresher works well independently in the women's room. Sometimes, at the most unexpected moment, it will start to refresh, and the sound is like at midnight passing past the cemetery, and there some ugly old lady will rise and cough so callously. It cracks, in general
YYY: Because of this refresher you can sit)
ZZZ: I have to go and record. Then we put in the game, no one will notice.
ZZZ: The Babka's Death
WWW: Don’t forget to put it in the titles

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №86900
There is a competition for the best design of the Russian flag and one of the proposed options is the rainbow. The comments:
Do you promote? I mean, there are minors here.
What do they do when they see a multi-colored flag, take off the pants?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №86899
Special forces and all kinds of murderers could be recruited from employees of the Sberbank and the Russian Post, these people have undergone such training - they know what it is when the whole world hates you, and you hate the whole world. But no one will do that, because it is easier to train dolphins.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №86898
Reason is given to man to justify his nonsense.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №86897
I look at the mail.
Letter from:
Late day Olga

This is what I would call "Battle"))

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №86896
Astrologers have announced a month of rain. The number of road workers has doubled.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №86895
An excerpt from the conversation of the local chatty boy and no less chatty girl:
He said, “Well, I am him? If he had told me how. That is EPTA! So what am I then? And the fucking short.
She is: Ahuet!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №86894
Connector for iPhone 5:
(xxx): No other existing connector in the world allows you to plug a cable without thinking which side to plug it in the connector!
(yyy): The latching of the tuft, it is inserted horizontally, vertically it is not placed, i.e. Only 2 options. But Nokia had chargers with a round connector, where you can put anything.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №86893
xxx: Here is, for example, a column from a fairy tale - what will be measured? in kg, m2, m3
yyy: if you need materials for the manufacture of products - write in flour in kg
yyy: if you need the area of the susheads, on which this flour to cross - write the area of the susheads in m2
zzz: If there are many columns and they can be transported in the body of the KamAZ with a splinter, then in cubic meters can be measured.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №86892
Talk to my husband about shoes.
There’s a black bar, you can see.
Is it Montenegro? Is it from a horse?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №86891
I went for beer to talk about proteins, so we were curious whether they flew south in the winter or not. Then it became clear that they do not fly, once the reserves for winter are made. The rest came a little later, five minutes later.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №86890
The younger brother says:

B: Let’s go out tonight?
I: I thought I was going to do English tonight, I don’t want to binge.
B: Omg, ar yuu fake cruise? Foxet fuck zis fakin shiit, end go drink visa york braza
B: All done, can we go crawl?

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №86889
Take your hands out of your pockets, like a gopnik.
Can you keep your hands in your pockets? Even in the business suit pockets?
Q: What business center are you from? Is there anything on the account? What if I remove my credit card?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №86888
The order given before the arrival of guests is like a tight stomach.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №86887
Yesterday was the match Russia - Israel. I noticed a strange feature. When the anthem of Israel was played, the entire VIP tribune sang.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №86886
From the router, discussion of the detective novel J. Helinek "10th Symphony of Beethoven".

Rich imagination in some - you can't say anything! Maybe under old age I will also sit down for such a "pulp fiction" about composers. The plot has already matured - in the spirit of "Bondiana". Do you not find it strange why Prokofiev returned to the USSR and died the same day with Stalin? Coincidence is like that! He was an agent of the French intelligence services, and sent to the Soviet Union with a special mission - to kill Generalisimus! For almost 20 years, he was elected to the body of the leader of peoples. On March 5, 1953, it all happened. But from the very beginning everything went wrong, a tragedy took place... The outcome we know - both did not happen, but this is how in fact everything happened you will learn from the book
WOW: I think that such a book would have all the chances of being screened. Someone like Vin Diesel in the main role.
Oh, yeah, I already present the beginning and the first scene of the action: The first performance of the "Skyphic Suite" in Petrograd at the beginning of 1916. At the concert a scandal, Glasunov in anger leaves the hall, a bunch of stunned academics-belaevs along with him. He says, The puppy has roared, teach him. Joyful, young and slightly drunk Prokofiev-Diesel returns home. They are waiting for him in the courtyard with truffles and brushes. The forces are unequal. But Prokofiev only smiles - he worked out the skills of handball fighting on the piano.
WOW: And the inevitable fight with the main villain on the top of the Kremlin wall in the final.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna