— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №102474
The sweets are finished at work.
Tea is sick.
I want a steak.
Meat is harmful to an empty stomach
Better than soup
I want a soup.
Stepan: or just a borst
Tags: steak soup
You need a grandmother.
The soup is unpleasant.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №102473
10.09.13 08:50
Exactly a year ago.
20 years ago in a kindergarten,
What will be after lunch in the afternoon
Sleep and then a half day."
It should not die.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102472
He jumped the old civilization, saw how the unit shot down a helicopter from the arbalet, and another from the musket tank destroyed...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102471
I have an intimate question for you, can you answer?
WOW : What? and :)
I went to my mom yesterday.
I suddenly got fucked up.
I go to the toilet. There are underlying weights.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh You decided to weigh "before" and "after"?))
Q: You answered my question.
WOW: In which one?
Could anyone else have come to mind with such an idea?
It was :)))
I have an intimate question for you too.
XH: 0.4 kg
WOW: It is clear. XDDD

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №102470
to this:
While physicists around the world are arguing about the dimension of space, the m-string theory, there are already 5D, 10D and even 17D cinemas in Gelendzhik.
– – – – –
And in Anapa, such types of cinemas as 91D, 92D and 999D have long been mastered. I didn't get enough spirit to go in and check what's going on there and what drugs give))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102469
Golikov A:
There is also for this case my story from the section of the Hussar ballads. At the firm, the programmer loved to make code and did not exhaust himself with protections. If it didn’t run on the object, it was always ready for updates and didn’t see why those on the object were so upset.

As a result, the people at the facility were tired and called him to renew for a business trip. He came with a laptop, a programmer, and said, well, where is the device, we'll fix it. He was given a spade, indicated a place and said: the device at a depth of 4 meters of frozen clay under the ground, dig it, get it and renew it, and then connect it there in the hole, as there is all the support and the working hermocapsule.

He resigned...

Sometimes pressing a button is like getting a brick. On the other hand, if everything goes wrong, once a year, the guys can dig up the device, they don’t get rid of it, and if it will be enough to press a button for his resuscitation, and not take it to Moscow - everyone will say a great thank you! On the objects different things happen, took a newbie to the brigade, he did something wrong, poured a fig, the device died...

I need a button, but for the most part.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102468
8 hours without electricity
XXX: Okay and quiet
Writing from the cat?
ZZZ: with candles

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №102467
I went to Sberbank today. I approach the ATM near which a bank employee rotates.
Employee : Hi!
I (methodically crawling in the bag in search of the card): - Hello!
Q: Do you want a credit card?
I’m in my bag too: No, thank you!
Who needs them at all, I don’t know!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102466
It was:
I worked for a long time in a telecommunications company, almost all the time on the phone. At the same time, he gave to the rights and honestly passed honey. The Commission. I still have the final certificate that I am healthy and normal. I knock at W. Poliklinics, I open the door and on the machine: Hello, VolgaTelecom, hello! The print was eventually placed.

This is what! I have a friend who works at UVD, Olya Kazarina (the surname has been changed). I went with her to a pub. Going to the bathroom after a beer. She did all her work. On the washing, the tank presses and pronounces: "The Headquarters of UVD. It’s good! 😉 😉 😉 😉

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №102465
The Smart:

Remember that your grandson, Ribentrop-Molotov, came to us in Israel... Nikonov with his Russian world... began to joke about the fact that there are few Russian schools in Ukraine. Destroyed the propaganda. But we asked him an elementary question about the presence of Ukrainian schools in the Russian Federation... you would see his face... because the comrade used to speaking in front of zombies.
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

I probably wanted to send the high guest of these Downs to Yuh, but... the public figure, not the fuck you dog... held back, just silenced.
The Russians in Ukraine are 17.28%, the Ukrainians in Russia are 2.03%, and the main mass of them are lucky gastarbayers who managed to break through citizenship.
You will offer Ukrainian families living in Russia to teach their children in a Ukrainian school in Ukrainian, with a copac and Ukrainian textbooks that everyone laughs at, instead of a Russian school with teaching in Russian and normal foreign languages, I think you will hear a lot of new about yourself.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №102464
XXX: How does Skype connect?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102463
Habr, post about the chamber in a plush bear, comments:
1) The most important thing you didn’t do – you needed to install the second camera of the smartphone in the second eye. Thus, the eyes would be identical, and the view is more, it would be enough to switch between the cameras.
2) Next, buy Oculus Rift and organize the broadcast simultaneously from two cameras, and get the effect of presence! Well, go on, turn your head and let your legs move!
3) Dynamic more to clothes, shoes and motorcycle require.
I need your honey, and I can do without bread.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №102462
How will you swallow the guilt?
She: Where...
he: * to shake ))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102461
It's not when you don't read books on psychology, fucking like people are enchanted you start)))

The Roman
I have a low opinion about them, all the norms.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №102460
“Block me, block me all,” she whispered. but the consumer surveillance block was hanging lifelessly, swinging from side to side. The watch was desperately red. “I can’t,” he said, “I need cocaine. You are a narcissist. Per you have a block on the naked boys? And what, is there? Surveillance has revived. The blocker threateningly moved and hit up.
She looked at the growing vertical.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №102459
xxx: Now is not the 15th century: you can not ride around the world, put your flag and say "we have occupied this territory"

yyy: Exceptions are places with oil.

Zzz: And with the monuments of Lenin.
And you lay the flags "the Lenin gave us", "the Stalin gave us", "the Khrushchev gave us".
Now the 21st century. So can...

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №102458
Dear friend, let’s give up:
The bus is seen far away.
No - official
by %bl

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102457
Swimming in the morning snow
Dear friend, let’s give up:
The bus is seen far away.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №102456
Client with the name "Papige". The employee runs around the office and roars. The boss is tired of it, he says -"normal surname, what is funny, calm down already". The answer is "Yes, there are also... better".

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102455
In a normal organization, the working day begins noticeably earlier than any of the employees may need. For example, if the store opens at 8 a.m., the staff will arrive at 7:30 a.m. Therefore, delays within 15 minutes have no effect at all. Regular delays are fined so that it does not enter the system, the rest does not care anyone.
In a normal organization there is an excess of personnel, taking into account holidays, holidays and hospitals (an average of 10 weeks out of 52 people are not working, i.e. The staff should be increased by 25%, now we have a department of 4 replacement workers and their chief, so the chief of the department leaves with the subordinate for a month or two a year, the rest of the time someone replaces in the post).
The excess of personnel also determines interchangeability. If someone goes out to eat, smoke or go to the toilet, it does not affect production. But if someone is constantly out - in the collective they will not love him.
Of course there are strange personalities everywhere that don’t work at all. But here they just go to work 30 minutes before the start, so that no one notices an extra time. Send them to the general personally if necessary. And they do not smoke.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna