— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №8149
A virus on a dolphin... he’s such a shit, a HLP. It went great. It attributes itself to the beginning of the file. This is the lie, it is not in the databases... So, it is then discharged from the file, and is randomly rewritten into the active process. Drawing a hook? I lost him!

Write the base 😉

No, I’ll send the source to Dr.Web Sapport simply.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №8148
[16:03:29] alexey says: privet bratan kak dela u tebya
[16:03:52] Vladimir says: Hi, I have no brothers in Spain)
[16:04:21] alexey says: a izveni kak u tebya familia
[16:04:33] Vladimir says: Shashkov
Alexey says: a ne znaesh vovku belyaeva on zshivet v moscve
Vladimir says there are 15 million people living in Moscow.
Alexey says: a ne mozshesh uznaty gde on zshivet poshalusta bratan

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №8147
from Usenet

xx: Thank you to everyone who responded to my question about hammer care. The hamster is not the most useful animal. When I come back from work, she sleeps, I wake her, I feed her. Then she bites the cage at night and prevents me from sleeping. Today, she removed the roof of her house. Maybe she is sick? I decided to give her a sweet waffle cake. Do hamsters eat sweets?
V: Give her a drop of nicotine... they probably don’t eat nicotine, but you can test a well-known theory about its brilliant effect on small rodents.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №8146
gri6man> I’m sitting, so I’m with the solder, pairing. A fly flying around me. The fly sat on my knee. attention to the question. Where did I get a 5mm burn in my knee?

Was the fly radioactive and exploded? Or just blushed the plasma?

She was frightened by the solder and overwhelmed with acid.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №8145
On the phone with a client:
So on Monday or Tuesday we will be remembered. I will give you the price immediately. I have so much cheating!! ......

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №8144
The Space Baby:
My father burned me tonight.

The Space Baby:
In short, yesterday evening the water was given, well, I went to shower, and you know how many hours I am... Well, it was about half an hour, he knocked in the door and shouted: '' Smoke fire... Let's go out... Then you burn...'' And here I felt that the burning smells... I run out of the bathroom faster, and this fool stands and the fireworks near the door burns, then suddenly goes into the bathroom, and our toilet is also there, and there is a noise of a stream beating around the toilet. I am not so cleansed.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №8143
Pipetz, the most shameful chit - Dendi emulator with the possibility of Seivizio!

The Brother! How we missed it then! and :)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №8142
The man with a tail
Drinking *

The bet1
Most importantly not so.

The man with a tail
I do not drink (I do not drink).

The bet1
I was like a non-drinker.

The bet1
Two days later he left...

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №8141
<aRise> - The hemp plant occupies a very honorable place in American history. It was once cultivated by President Washington. The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper, and the first American flag was drawn from fiber.
On paper made of hemp fibers, the Bible has been printed for seven and a half centuries since 1156.
<aRise>toto I think what they have with the laws then with the Pindos... and the miracles from the Bible by the way are also now understandable. % of

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №8140
Am I the only one who clicks the plus or minus on the main twice to see the emoji?

Fuck, fuck, why did he say so, went to look at the smiley.

Blonde girl with a shirt!! to

How did you find out? O O O O

Who is here?? to

A-A-A-A-A-A-A Crocodile in the bathroom.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №8139
The acquaintances had a completely black cat, there is a discussion about how to call it.
From the comments:
And in the darkness of the night he will be called "Bla".

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8138
I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, and I didn’t like the ambulance either.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №8137
Sunny CAT @ 21.7.2008, 1:44
By the way, our Russian law is a typical opensor.
Everything is well documented, but support must be paid to those who know how to implement this right.

Or make the paper by yourself.

Only 56 points. This only confirms the correctness - even jokes about the law understand only lawyers :) I have my + also added...

You are right, only lawyers understand jokes about the law. Go, please, to the legal forum and joke yourself about the right as much as it enters. It is a resource for it. Is it so difficult to understand?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №8136
You have no problem being young and unmarried.
- I understand, of course, that you are about visa, but in general, the question sounds just offgenic!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №8135
xxx: I have an open type of chat window with 8 people in the quip, and clearly through one online / offline ))
#YYY goes offline

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №8134
Strangely... called, asked Margaret... I say that I was wrong with the number... in response: oh, apologize then... and Dmitry can?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №8133
Timka: I go to the bank, I go to the subway in the sockets, I see a bunch of mints dusting, I think it happened, then I realized, today is the "Sysadmin Day", soon in the park will appear slender slender guys with beer trash, someone can hang the icons of the "Honored tractorist", they will gather in a bunch, telling stories that shock ordinary people, such as: "I yesterday my mother died, I fuck with her all night, in the morning my brains removed, and the search for bars in the market sold." They will be chewing on beer in immeasurable quantities and clinging to the passers with the question: SERVAK PODNIMAL???? And I raised it!! He lifted up!! At the end of the holiday, there will be a traditional fight with accountants.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №8132
<xxx> Does anyone use doxygen?
<yyy> xxx from its use too much stress.
<xxx> yyy, yyy, yyy
<yyy> The last time my former boss tried to use it – he started running around the office, folding his fingers in the way of the Sealormon, and broadcasting to the whole floor that he is a fighter for goodness and literate specifications.
<yyy> They say healed...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №8131
Yyy: I wonna feel yor beat inside me...
I wonna have you by my side.
Fuck you, Max! If you want to fuck, say so. But don’t dare to write this to a translator anymore!! to

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №8130
zer: Interestingly, I only have when viewing the video from the basha there is a feeling that there is some domestic porn girl, like a schoolgirl, and now everyone will start friendship with ipaca?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna