— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142454
I need to search, but my internet is slow. Only 512 KB.
YYY: All in all, and before, if you had ever stumbled on such a speed, you would first be faced for lying, and when you learned that you are telling the truth, you would have already been stumbled away from the feeling of hatred for the burgeois who have eaten up!
Zzzz: And then would burn on the fire

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142453
Words are more effective when they are written on bricks.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №142452
Explore in the area
As Ethore Sottsass did.
Where was the fall of the Third Reich to the Austrian artist, an ass of military-industrial design, whose favorite work was the application of stars on the fuselages? Only Italy is the country that dealt with its fascists in the most humane way. So did the military designer Sottsass: after the Second World War he secretly moved to the Appennines and got a job at the firm Olivetti. Etore’s first order was to update the design of the mechanical alarm, which sold extremely poorly. After examining the goods from all sides and not finding any defects in it, the artist went to the nearest watch store and settled in a seat. There he was surprised to find that all (without exception!) Buyers should check the alarm for weight before purchasing it. Light models, which included Olivetti, simply did not inspire people confidence. So Sottsass poured a lead barrel into the alarm clock and brought it to Adriano Olivetti personally. “Where is your praised design?” he asked. “All, nothing else is needed, so it will be sold!” said Sottsass. And he was right, for which he received a lifetime retirement from Olivetti and the fame of the founder of the new direction in design.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №142451
Could something happen in my life for happiness, not for experience?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №142450
Excellent antidepressants, help without taking inside. I read an outlooking list of side effects, including nightmares, aggression, and thoughts of suicide and rust. Immediate effect, I recommend it.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142449
From comments from Hicks:
Aaa: Interesting when the gel and helium will finally cease to be confused.
BBB: Immediately after silicon and silicone.
ccc: Immediately after “what would” and “to.”
DDD: And “the same.”
Eeee: And “is” with “is”.
FFF: That means never.
GG: But we have to start with the hips.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142448
XXX: The matter is in the selected reading optics. If you make yourself read Dostoevsky as fascinating historians about frics from the past century, and not as artistic images of the Russian soul, then a writer is quite readable.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №142447
The xxx:
So it’s unclear what to choose in the end – to get stuck in unwavering alcoholism or sexual abuse?
And who prevents you from swallowing beer and chewing at the same time?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142446
We came to a building material store, buy nails for assembling floors. According to estimates, we needed about 1,000 pieces. Nails are sold by weight - hence the question, how to buy a thousand? Weigh 10 pieces and multiply by 100. We get about 1000.
We approach the seller and say:
You need a thousand nails like that.
Seller: What am I going to count for you?
Take 10 pieces and multiply by 100.
She takes the calculator and counts: 10 multiply by 100 (five seconds of silence).
I am a thousand.
She: Well what does that mean? How to weigh?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142445
The fucking. Did I tell you about the fence?
by Nea.
There is a garden nearby, there was always a gathering there before, all that. There was a fence now.
have done! Drawing is complete. Not one door. Today a man walked with paper orals on the phone:
Do we have a debt? How not? With what mandelstam do I open the door here?! to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №142444
Recommendations for the light series:

- The series two thousand second year, I thought I would put for the background on the sleep.

And it is like Ogog, and then Egege and N-na!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142443
In general, if b / u without guarantees sold with a discount of less than 50-70% I just won't buy - the new will cost in the end "cheaper".
And with the trends on the recycling fee - soon for b / o will start paying =)
So far I recently took b/u in the state of "almost new" (the film is, a couple of scratches in unclosed places), a month's warranty, 3 days of manicure for 25 and 35% of the price of the new one. And taking something out of hand for 70-80% of the price of the new consider it a complete nonsense and consumed sellers.
Do not take. I’d rather give it for nothing than sell it to someone like you.
The Example. I sell children’s shoes. Dear ones. With a 20% discount on the purchase.Even times the boots are expensive. But it turned out that the child (just not walking this year) wore them three times.
I’ll give it for 500 r. Do not take it. If I don’t do it by September. It is better to give a gift to such a good man than to sell it for a penny.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142442
Prepod in the Universe gave a lecture on history:
If the state needs to have any weapons, it will not ask the citizen, but will have them.

I think he’s closer to the truth than he suspects :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142441
Clever: Here is me! Greetings to all)
HAWK: Hi to you! Are you clever or clever?
CLEVER: Hm Did you understand what he said?
HAWK: Here is the answer to my question. You are just a clover.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142440
If the stars are almost a point for us, why can’t we close the star with a light bulb on our outstretched arm? Don’t believe – try it!

YYY: Because the diameter of the light bulb and even the head of the light bulb is smaller than the diameter of the pupil with which you look at the star.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142439
WOW: Who are you?
I may be your destiny.
So let’s record...
Q: Where are you going to write me up?
In the turn.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142438
<yyy> what, in this Orthodox search engine Satellite seriously porn can not be found?
<xxx> sounds like a challenge
<xxx> thus, the result: on obvious requests no links or images
<xxx> but with the default filter on request "girl" in the pictures in the first row naked lady on a motorcycle, just below - in a semi-transparent dress
<yyy> heh, and the innocent Google gives harmless selfishness
<xxx> what do you think... typical...

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №142437
We, men, cannot do so, again with rare exceptions. If I enjoy spending time with a girl, if I am interested in her, if she is also sympathetic to me externally (and it follows from the story given that the girl previously had a relationship with guys she now just wants to be friends with), then I will not be able to just communicate without trying to translate the relationship into a closer plane than friendship.

A man should not attribute his sperm to the whole half of mankind. There are a lot of very selective men who do not rush to drag into bed any girl with whom "interesting and cute". Oh yes, so there would not be so much irresponsible love in pleasant, interesting and cute girls, who have to limit themselves to friendship.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №142436
News burns: "Russia has become worse about Ukraine". The third year of the war.
Really like a joke: a whisper of bullets around his head made Stirlic alert. Something was wrong.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142435
Mmm: I understood why the answer to the question of life in the universe and all that is 42
by www :?
mmm: At 42 degrees Celsius, human proteins collapse
www: o_o

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna