— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №52732
Feanor: ah, and I got the agenda in the army (... the fools ruined all the plans...
Be a bold wolf! Take her back!

[ + 57 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №52731
And I have a guy in the house in front of me every night getting his 20 centimeters in the handle...I would give him...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №52730
Kadettka from Primorye overtook Kandelaki
Candelaque finished the questions, and the girl sparked.
In a well-known forum.
The first comment:
This is the pedets, two cores, two gigs - and the middle of the mouth.
Broke up

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №52729
HHH: Yes, no such member will stand up!
If not, I will get up.
He stands up and goes away.

[ + 56 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №52728
We congratulate our readers on the Day of Knowledge.
Using the occasion, we remind you that the verbs,
Answering the question "what to do",
ends up on -it, and answering questions "what does/does" - on -it."

After the word "successful" should stand a fifth.
Happy day to you, dear admin.

[ + 41 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №52727
He dropped Greek's hand into the river, the cancer gently coughed him, greeted him very much about his health, asked about his wife and child, come to our river for tea with cookies.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №52726
Captain (14:38:16 1/09/2011)
Fuck, at lunch, the boss's relatives ate my biscuits - no fucking!

Den (14:41:26 1/09/2011)
shit, shit... in the shower... wages are not paid, cakes are jerked

Captain (14:43:17 1/09/2011)
If the boss still begins to swallow the cup, I didn't care about it - there will be no pleasures at all.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №52725
In the military department, a lieutenant colonel leads a couple.
A squadron without a commander is a herd of lambs. As the commander appears, that is, the chief lamb, this herd immediately becomes a stall with which you can already fight!!! to

[ + 55 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №52724
The fourth comment to the news about the new OS, created by the 11th classroom and a group of enthusiasts -

The little boy wrote the program.
Give a million he said to the bear
Remember, we need a retreat!
For the rest, buy a car.


[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №52723
Klubnik: Here my precious stalkerosadrot in a sleeping state decided to do me a massage
Клубнико: First the standard: “The chickens came out – they flogged, the goats came out – they flogged”
Cumming: Stops (forgot the verse, apparently) and, not thinking for a long time, connects the fantasy
Klubnik: “I came out, grit, HIMERA – poyeyeela!” And catch me for the shoulder with all the doors!
The dog does not remember anything in the morning

[ + 51 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №52722
XXXX: Contextual advertising is what. Here we have context graphics. Some guys wrote on a lark that accepts a glasscarrier "die for the homeland and not from drunkenness".

[ + 73 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №52721
I look at the news and look at it, 35 years ago there were tutors for training at the university, 20 years ago there were tutors for preparing for school exams (now EGE), now there are tutors for preparing for the first class, what next.... a tutor before the basements, a personal prenatal trainer, a candlestick holder-advisor during conception?

[ + 56 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №52720
TPAKTOP: Oh what a wonderful verb you found. During the talks, Khmelnitsky "printed the state literature and read it himself standing"
TPAKTOP: Reading Old Style
snezok: lord
Snezok: Googled very hard
TPAKTOP: Vichotamše under the shop

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №52719
Good to the wife of admin: where her husband with a note left from there and took it.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №52718
Belief in the best ends with a vacation.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №52717
The Pandora's Box
Rasul, a healthy, morbid Dagestan, although he was six months younger than us, but his authority in the barracks was undeniable, and he was years older than many leythe. Twenty-six years is a solid age for a soldier.
To the joy of the grandparents and the salabons on the mountain, Rasul was the chief of our company.
For a month, the senior went after me reminding me not to forget to take a fresh password from my friend, the secretary. Three words, but what are these important words?
In the barracks at the entrance there was a box with Pandora's box - an old black phone without a disk. In ordinary life, he did not have to expect anything good, except training alarms, extraordinary controls and other similar anti-gas entertainment, but if you know three magic words...
You pick up the phone, there is an unknown soldier sitting in it, you tell him the first word: “guitar”, in a couple of seconds you hear the voice: “guitar is listening.”
Guitar, give me a torch.
The torch is listening.
Torch, give me a rock.
The rock is listening.
- Rock, give me a way out of the city on the number 4-6-7-4-9-5
And further from the terrible, black phone, promising nothing good, you hear the voice of a native man thousands of kilometers away.
One bad thing is that the passwords of the districts of regions and cities changed every month, well, and of course if you are caught on the phone on the hot - immediately "black".
Russell was a very married man (“very” – because he loved his wife wildly) When he showed her photo, everyone’s first reaction was, “Not a hero to himself! Is that your wife? Something she is too beautiful...
Rasul smiled and hid his wife Lena back in the military ticket.
So the senior began to remind me of three magical words a month before her birth.
Finally that day came. I came back from the secretary with the freshest.
With the "rocks and torches" that masked the city of Pyatigorsk from spies, he received a leather belt as a gift and went to watch a telephone attraction.
Russell’s hands were trembling from excitement, he couldn’t disassemble my bracelets. It was fun for us all. Finally, three magical words brought him to Petygorsk and...
The trouble is that military communication is military communication and there is no notion of “employed” for it, you just cling to another person’s civil conversation and say “loudly clearly and without distortions...” – what you need.
Here is Russell and he climbed.
Without saying a word, he pointed to us with his index finger T-C-C-C and hanged for a long time.
We were silent, with horror watching the face of our senior change. It reflected such a pantomime that without words everything became clear - his wife had a long and painfully pleasant conversation with someone.
The poor husband then opened his mouth, then bite his hand, then grabbed his throat, and large transparent tears ran on his shaved cheeks with joyful streaks. Rasul did not want to interrupt their conversation to find out more accurately in what depth of hell he himself is.
As the commander of the brigade walked past the barracks, he saw from a distance the daytime standing on the doorstep to raise the shuher, and since the colonel was fourteen degrees smarter than the daytime, he easily picked up from behind through the bushes, not allowing the soldier to sneeze.
The appearance of the combridge in the barracks was a complete surprise, but the senior, surprisingly, did not even rush, but continued to stand silently with the tube, breathing hard and crying.
The Colonel turned out to be a very noble man, he did not say a word, approached the cellar and with a pencil on the scratch of the paper wrote "Three days of arrest!"
Rasul took the pencil with his free hand and wrote: “There is. thank you.”
Combridge quietly kicked the senior on his shoulder, shrugged his hand and tried not to melt out of the barracks.
I felt terribly ugly. I was damned with this password.
But suddenly, the headmaster’s face flooded in a smile and he, smashing tears, stumbled into the tube with a crumbling voice: “Hello Angela Sergeevna! How similar are your voices with Lenka! Don’t be afraid, it’s me. Sorry, no, congratulate her from me when she comes back and say I love her so much. I’m fine, I’m sitting on my lips.”

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №52716
Husband and wife, spouses with a long experience, flegmatically watch porn. On the screen, the grandmother pulls a coward from the man. The Wife:
Did you throw your cowards in the laundry?

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №52715
You won’t believe yesterday I ate 5kg of peanut.
WOW: Well and how?
How, how... the night passed standing... :(

[ + 57 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №52714
My friends, my sweet ones! Maybe it's all, but I decided to try it, because I don't know what else to do.

I like my new colleague. Pull it up, so that we can do it with him...
I am really a good and smart girl, and one very, very bad.
Sorry, but many will understand me. May you be well too! Love and smile!

thank you =)

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №52713
Discussion of the future wedding:
The room will be red and white, but I want the blue shoes!! I do not get red.
Polynka: red is for adult aunt... interesting, and white-red-blue is beautiful? If there is something blue in the room...
It is patriotic. And in general. The blue guests.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna