— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102214
Let it not be better to legalize spontaneous fire, stole the phone, the owner remotely pressed the button, the thief's smartphone in his pocket and burned and exploded, others will immediately have a lesson and will immediately steal the smart!)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102213
Comments on the movie on the track:

This film is not for especially talented people.
I liked the film.

by Ernesto852
Excellent self-esteem at Kicyablik

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №102212
Did you love your mom right away?
I didn’t have a mortgage, I first took a mortgage.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №102211
I have a price list from the store "Pentachok" LLC "Pentachok - Amphibia"SPb with this text (author's style is preserved):
Mayonnaise of Provence with Cranberry Colibri"

What is the check date? Find a joke and punish.
involved in the case.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №102210
X: Why did you not go?
yyy: Yes psychhanula, tickets have been delivered (
yyy: fucking, a woman as it is even fucking to be :/ this is a psychopath - and all, plans are broken
The man too – the woman is psychotic and all the plans are broken

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102209
Nothing is so demotivating at work as the boss, who runs into the WOT and the crowd of colleagues who suffer for him.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №102208
This is the whole essence of the Russian law enforcement system in the following statement of the senator.

The Federation Council advises a citizen of Ukraine who took responsibility for painting a star on a Stalinist highlight in Moscow in the colors of the Ukrainian flag to voluntarily appear in the police.
Otherwise, the innocent people who were detained by the police will suffer,” Konstantin Dobrinin, deputy head of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, told Interfax.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №102207
The initiators of the prosecutor's inspection against the line department of the police are bombers from the Kursk station

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102206
Once we went to a shop with a friend, we went out. The door is double. Two guys come in to the left, we, accordingly, are waiting for a bla bla bla on our own, and then we go out through the right. Looking back, a young man with a demonic gaze accompanies us. O_O
As it turned out, he kept the door for us all the time.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №102205
Trolling 80 lvl - give a horse to the dentist.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102204
by Tom)
to this:

One removed an elderly surgeon, crushed all the gums, squeezed with a hammer and a toothbrush, mudded the toothbrush, healed for six months. The second is a young girl surgeon, not immediately after honey, but nevertheless... Well, in general, how she pulled out the crumbling upper eight with one clever move, I didn’t even notice. Here is your experience.
The upper and lower eight are completely different songs. I know by myself - about the upper forgot about half an hour after leaving the clinic, the lower removed in the hospital on the operating table in 4 hands, cutting everything possible. Experience has nothing to do with it. Like your young girl surgeon's lower teeth - it would be her here, how much she has mocked you.
When a fun and brutal surgeon removed my lower 8 in a second, I asked, Doctor, can I drink cognac at home? He was surprised and upset why the cognac, because the tooth flew out without pain and stress. I had to admit that my husband brought me to him (and getting to this doctor was not very easy), and today we have 15 years of marriage! I’ve never heard of such rust in the dentist’s office. He will take note of when he will make gifts to his ladies for different anniversaries.)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102203
– Grandma, how do I cut the sausage – you, me and dad?
The little ones are quieter. Do not scream. for two. The grandmother said.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №102202
Life taught me that if the toilet cover is closed in the office toilet, it is better not to lift it.
That’s how I could forget that truth, right?
For the whole day, I heard, I was impressed!
YYY: *ROFL* did you open this Pandora’s box?? to
XXXX: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes And released the evil, trapped there.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №102201
I love the rifles. The tongue hurts.
Are we talking about chips?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №102200
In 2009, an Austrian insurance company issued the following content announcement: “We are looking for people over the age of 20 for a part-time sales manager position belonging to such zodiac signs as Capricorn, calf, lamb, waterlake and lion.”

This announcement initiated an investigation by the authorities. It is noteworthy that they concluded that such demands made by the company were not illegal, not because they have any special sympathy for astrology or because the practice is not discriminatory, but because the Austrian law governing recruitment prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender, age and race. In other words, this was legal, since the law did not provide for discrimination on astrological grounds.

[ + 21 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102199
"...on the planet 800,000 thousand people..."

A to A! Aliens are among us!! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №102198
So, if you feel anxious when you see someone else’s grammar mistakes, you have a reason to think about it.

The author is redis!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №102197
XXX: Do the frogs meet?
Yyy: the frogs meet, the frogs fall in love, marry

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №102196
XHH: Why in the new version of the messenger such emoticons are terrible steel? and :(
This is because of sanctions. The Americans banned, we use the Belarusians.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №102195
A friend came from France. I know Russian, but not perfect. Going along the Red Prospect, he sees the inscription "Dry here" with a arrow (a sushi bar advertisement), and the underwear on the dryer is dried in a row. I had to explain that this is not a suggestion to dry your clothes after washing. and Novosibirsk

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna