— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 97 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №88
In the dark, I put the system block on the bed, which has never been refuelled by me.. came a caring grandmother while I was in the bathroom and also in the dark fixed the blanket..I come including the light and see the computer on the bed, covered with a blanket...

[ + 98 - ] Comment quote №87
Yoda: Why are you so killed??? Have you not had sex for a long time???? to
Zlobniy: Yes... for a week... =( All the hands will not come.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №86
Happiness to all! by Gary! Let no one be offended!

Copywriters forgot

Copywriters for everyone!

[ + 97 - ] Comment quote №85
Driver: My typical state in a session.
In the evening: O_O -> o_O -> O_o -> o_o -> -_O -> -_o -> -_-
Day: I’ve all slept!! to

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №84
XXX: Listen to the light! However, all the facts suggest that blondes are not smart!
by Igor Valentinovich! I am not stupid :(
HH: Well then answer it! How is it written, Iraq or Iran? O_O

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №83
XXX: The Abyss to read is contraindicated. Then on the main you read one bayana.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №82
Majeru: Sanook, where are you celebrating?
Sundevil: Do you answer by padonkaffsk or normally?
Tagged: normally
Sundevil: The fuck knows...
Majerua: by Padonkaffsk
Sundevil: Fall of the Yogi!

[ + 138 - ] Comment quote №81
When the net disappeared... I call the provider, the girl answers:
Girl:" Hello, you called..."
I am "they are. Supported by..."
Girls: "And they can’t get ready for the NH and get near"
I am: " Meaning?"
Girl: They catch the symbol of the coming year so that it doesn’t bite the cable anymore! Fuck it! She is here!and "
The tube is placed...

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №80
The funniest thing - when I brought before the counting a reference with the title sheet on the name of Batalova Marina 8d class of the city of Permi...

[ + 120 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №79
Fuck, I go to the kitchen to take a glass, and there a whole herd of some small mosquitoes slips on the table... I don’t think for a long time to take off the caps and let’s shout with a terrible grumbling "AAA BLA!" to scatter them all over the table. The melancholic dad comes in and so lovingly gently: “Son, have you fucked up again? This is the moonjoot broken up here I am going to collect"
I so, shoe shoes "there’s a fucking thing and I thought why they were so quickly all dead... pretending probably..."

[ + 123 - ] Comment quote №78
When you are on vacation, you have breakfast in bed.
And you will go out in the morning.
She: Ah, I feel it and it will be my breakfast.

[ + 120 - ] Comment quote №77
The smoke!! It is for you!! I need help!
from 14.00 to 15.00 we have a direct line, we have a cardiologist, a cardiological department of the hospital. You need to call the doctor to ask a question. To create such an agitation, can you help?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Just call, ask, listen, say thank you. Do you write it or invent it yourself?
Fashion really has any problems - the opportunity to consult with a calcium specialist without a turn and for free
I drink 2-3 liters of beer every night, how it affects the heart - will it go?
The balls!! There is no canvas!! to
"Dyspnoe During Sex, Is It Dangerous?"
I do not eat!! The human thread.
Hm... "I want to buy a human heart, will we agree?"
by Dima!! to

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №76
I know why I need trolley buses.
They cut the snow from the wires.

[ + 159 - ] Comment quote №75
Have you seen the Elf with the face of Xenia Sobchag?
The Elf with the face of Xenia Sopchag is called the Orc!!! to

[ + 118 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №74
Not as scary as the one who read it all.

[ + 194 - ] Comment quote №73
1 What do you do?
I write scripts.
1 is fucking?
My dear window is wrong.
1.By the window you successfully mistaken...pppc you at home, you need to fuck the brain for half a year.then discharge her files, then the mouse hanged.
Tomorrow you’ll go to work with me and do networking.
The house was burned (((

[ + 103 - ] Comment quote №72
†~AveNger~" (11:40:09 12/12/2007)
Sandy is writing text...
Sandy is writing text...
Sandy is writing text...
Sandy is writing text...
Sandy is writing text...
Sandy is out of the network.

Zhestyanka (11:40:46 12/12/2007)
I passed!! to

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №71
>pl, well what should be a dumbob to the article under
>name "Motherboard photography based on chipset
>nForce 780i" leave a comment "Thank you for you"?

Oh! The motherboard is based on the nForce 780i chipset.
I am in the toilet...

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №70
xxx is bicycle
XXX is fucking!! to
XXX: The Fucks of Fucks.
xxx: thats thats thats thats)
XXX: This is the letter!

[ + 93 - ] Comment quote №69
The xxx:
I inserted the headphones, here Bukh - everything was half-cooled and turned on again, I almost broke, it turned out to be - a glow with light.

Horrible!... but not broken, yet... How brave you are!)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna